sports supervillain

267. Yoon'er'S Little Fan Girl

Although the girls that Ye Fei has accepted are all relatively clean women.

But he can't control so much if he wants to brush his charm points.

Ye Fei's goal is not to surpass Chamberlain, after all, he pays attention to quantity, not quality. Ye Fei pays attention to the coexistence of quantity and quality, but sometimes, Ye Fei can't let go of some unsolicited offers.

God knows what kind of person the other party is, and he doesn't know if he is sick.

Ye Fei does not want to be the second "magician" John Xun.

Therefore, Ye Fei recovered from the sequelae of ZONE, and the first thing he did was to open the mall and spend 1.28 million charm points to exchange for that anti-drug.

[Anti-Virus Potion] (S-level item): Only for certain aspects, after taking it, it will be immune to all viruses, and when doing certain things, it can eliminate the hidden viruses of both parties;

Ye Fei swallowed the anti-poison immediately without saying a word.

In the future, he can play however he wants, and he will not be afraid at all. Barkley has 12 girls in the night, and he does not know whether it is true or not, but I believe that in the near future, the holder of this record will also be Ye Fei.

Many beautiful stars are waiting to submit to Ye Fei, and he will conquer them one by one.

After all, today's Ye Fei is no longer a rookie who just entered the league.

After Ye Fei single-handedly overthrew the Warriors, Ye Fei's reputation has greatly improved both in China and in the US Empire.

And his influence is now not limited to these two places, Ye Fei has begun to have considerable influence internationally.

After all, he is the most evil rookie.

After all, he just broke the NBA rookie record for most points in a single game.

After all, he overturned the defending champion alone.

after all………

The key is Ye Fei, who is still so handsome and charming, he has become the most popular basketball player in the world among female fans.

After this game, not only many ladies and beauties from the American empire showed their love to Ye Fei crazily.

Even Lin Waner, a popular female star in South Korea, from Girls' Generation, also liked Ye Fei on Twitter and left a comment below.

"I like Ye Fei Oppa very much. You made me fall in love with basketball. You look so handsome when you play. I look forward to having the opportunity to watch you play."

With a variety of cute expressions, and also replaced the background picture of his Twitter with a photo of Ye Fei, just like Ye Fei's little fan girl.

Seeing this news, Lin Wan'er's male fans were instantly heartbroken, and her twitter completely fell.

"Why? My goddess of sucking children, why even you like Ye Fei, I don't agree!"

"My goddess feels like she is falling, Ye Fei, please let her go."

"Another goddess fell for Ye Fei, worthy of being a goddess harvester. At this rate, Ye Fei has not finished a season, and it is estimated that dozens of goddesses will fall for him.

"No! My goddess of fun, you can't like him."

"I am a fan of Ye Fei, and also a fan of the Goddess of Play, I hope you can be together.

"No, I'm against this marriage. Ye Fei belongs to everyone, and the fun is mine."

"Against +10086, my goddess, you must not fall for Ye Fei, you are ours.

"Who made Ye Fei look so handsome and play the ball so well, I hope you don't tease our goddess.

The prayers of Lin Jie'er fans are of no use.

After seeing Lin Waner's message, Ye Fei responded to her immediately.

"I also like your songs very much. I solemnly invite you to watch the game at Staples. I have prepared the tickets for you."

Lin Jie'er has a sweet voice and a great figure, such a beauty, how could Ye Fei let her go?

After adding Twitter, the two chatted privately.

It's a pity that Lin Wan'er has been busy with new dramas recently and has no time to come to the United States, so Ye Fei has no chance to start.

But the first step has already been taken, and Lin Wan can't escape Ye Fei's palm.

There's a lot to gain from winning the Warriors.

Not to mention the increase in popularity brought by it, but also gaining such a beautiful little fan girl, Ye Fei couldn't help but feel a little flustered. And the charm points brought, in exchange for that anti-drug, will speed up Ye Fei's plan to have at least one woman in every city that has an NBA team.

But tonight, he didn't have time to worry about anything else.

Just after the sequelae of ZONE came completely, Swift and Gomez found themselves.

After the body is strengthened again, Ye Fei's demand for that aspect is also not small, and it becomes even stronger. Of course, he will not miss such a wonderful opportunity.

Another happy night.

But Ye Fei found out that even the two women are not his opponents together. It seems that he wants to fool Zhang Manyuan over and play a game of one dragon and three phoenixes.

However, this difficulty is not small. For an oriental girl, she is still not so open in that respect.

But as long as there is one time, there will be more opportunities in the future.

Swift fully understands Ye Fei's thoughts, and she also knows that being with Gomez will not satisfy Ye Fei, and she is also looking for new targets for Ye Fei.

She understands how important she is to Ye Fei's heart.

And she also understands that introducing her friends to Ye Fei will definitely not harm them.

Of course, Ye Fei didn't know about all this.

Spend a happy day in Los Angeles with my 093 women.

And on this day, Ye Fei's name appeared on the headlines of the major sports media, and he swiped the screen again, further expanding his worldwide influence.

From this day on, Ye Fei has already become similar to an ordinary superstar in terms of fame.

And in the future, his fame will become bigger and bigger, and he may soon become the number one celebrity in the NBA.

The happy time is always so short, Ye Fei felt that he hadn't played yet, and had to rush to the next stop.

On the second day, Ye Fei took Zhang Manyuan to Sacramento, where they will challenge the Kings away.

Winning the defending champion boosted the Lakers' morale. Against the Kings with a poor record, the Lakers will definitely win this game.

They already believe that they have a chance to win the championship.

Not only did the Lakers players start to float, but even Ye Fei floated a little bit.

He thought that this game was a sure thing, and he didn't pay attention to the king at all.

The king's core "cousin" Cousins ​​is not Ye Fei's opponent at all, and Ye Fei also got his villain value.

Ye Fei couldn't help but underestimate the opponent, but he didn't expect that he would be hit head-on at the beginning of the match. .

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