sports supervillain

278. Beat Up Teammates

The two looked like this, and those who didn't know thought that Ye Fei was whispering to Russell.

But the actual situation, only two people know.

Ye Fei was just about to make a move.

"The host activates the task [beat up teammates].

You can tell what the mission is by hearing the name, but Ye Fei still quickly glanced at the mission details.

[Task Content]: Beat Russell until he plays well (task time: end of the game)

[Task Reward]: Lucky Wheel once

[Task penalty]: Severe high fever for one day (above 40°C, almost burned to death)

Really want to beat Russell.

Then Ye Fei is polite with a hammer.

Sensing Ye Fei's murderous aura, Russell panicked instantly, wanting to break free from Ye Fei's shackles, and was about to call for help.

But Ye Fei didn't give him a chance at all.

Targeting his lower abdomen, he punched down ferociously, Ye Fei's strength was just right, Russell took a punch, grinning his teeth in pain, unable to yell out even if he wanted to.

"You're messing around with me, I'll kill you, believe it or not?"

Russell struggled.

Ye Fei punched him in the lower abdomen again.

"If you don't play well, I want you to beat me blindly, I'll beat you to death!"

Russell hadn't slowed down yet, Ye Fei punched him again, beating him to the ground.

"When you play again later, you play well for me, do you understand?"

It is impossible for Ye Fei to threaten coach Mike Brown and not play Russell as before.

The coach doesn't care about it?

And Russell also needs to brush up the data on the court, otherwise how can he sell it at a good price.

But it's obvious.

Russell didn't seem to give in, and he was still tenacious after being punched three times by Ye Fei, which made Ye Fei go berserk again.

Another punch came over.

Ye Fei gained some strength this time, Russell felt a lot of pain, and finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Ye Fei roared angrily: "Do you f*ck understand? When you get to the meeting, you'll have a good fight with me, and if you understand, give me a nod."

The two were almost stuck together, and others couldn't see what was going on at all.

The Lakers players all thought that Ye Fei was talking to Russell, but they heard Ye Fei's roar, and the players nearby saw Ye Fei's shot and were about to come over to block it.

At this time, Russell finally gave in and nodded repeatedly.

As soon as Ye Fei let go, he quickly broke free with the help of others, his eyes widened, like a wounded lion cub, eager to pounce on Ye Fei and bite Ye Fei.

Looking at the little eyes, it is obviously dissatisfied.

Without saying a word, Ye Fei raised his leg and kicked Russell to the ground again with a shadowless kick.

"Do you still dare to refuse to accept it? I worked so hard to open the gap, and you sent me away in an instant. You still dare to be arrogant with me? Do you think I dare not beat you here? You can give it a try." Try and I will satisfy you.

The first fall may be an accident, but the second fall, everyone knows that things are not easy.

The fans quickly guessed that Ye Fei was not giving Russell a face-to-face instruction just now, but beating him violently.

No one would have imagined that Ye Fei would dare to beat up his teammates violently when he was on the sidelines.

It really is the team's cancer and team bully. Once it goes berserk, even the teammates will praise it.

But the fans didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Ye Fei's behavior. After all, Russell was really annoying. Therefore, the fans who were closer stood up to support Ye Fei after they figured everything out.

"Well done, beating that damned kid to death is simply an enemy undercover agent."

"Damn it, if you don't play the ball well, you know how to make trouble, and you're still the second best in the list. Look at how trash you are."

"Junior Bass's vision is really bad. Look at the undrafted pick signed by Jenny, which is even worse than the No. 1 pick, and this second pick is simply rubbish."

"Aside from brushing data during garbage time, what else can he do? The lead that (cdaf) was so easy to get was lost to him all at once. Can Ye Fei be angry? What's wrong with beating him? It's my words , must kill him."

"No. 2 pick in the trash list, hurry up and trade away, it's annoying to watch. Ye Fei beat him hard, this damn team cancer, kill him!"

"Hit him, hit him hard for me, I can't stand it for a long time, what the hell are you playing on the field?"

Seeing so many people supporting Ye Fei.

And Russell also knew that Ye Fei was not joking with him, and really angered him, maybe he would beat him up on the sidelines.

Although very dissatisfied in the heart.

But Russell didn't dare to challenge Ye Fei anymore, he was really afraid that Ye Fei would kill him.

Pause ends.

Russell returned to the court for the first time, and the game restarted. Russell finally started to get serious and organize the offense well.

Ye Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't expect him to open the score, as long as he is stable on the field, if possible, it is best to make good statistics.

Ye Fei's violent beating had a pretty good effect.

Although Russell is called the second place in the list of parallel imports, he can be selected in this pick, so he has two brushes. Russell, who started to play seriously, gradually showed his strength.

Lead the team to stabilize the situation on the field.

But this state hadn't been maintained for two minutes, Russell floated up again, turned on the singles mode, shot two rounds in a row, and let the opponent lead the score again.

Coach Mike Brown had no choice but to replace Ye Fei again.

Without saying a word, Ye Fei walked towards Russell. Ye Fei, who had a murderous look on his face, scared Russell back quickly, but he was not as fast as Ye Fei.

Ye Fei rushed over, pulled him over, and kicked him hard with another shadowless kick.

"Fuck you, are you still fucking with me? Ask me if you understand?"

Russell was really overwhelmed, and quickly responded: "Understood, I understand!

Ye Fei let him go.

This attack was the Lakers' possession of the ball. Russell was holding the ball from the outside, and Ye Fei fell under the basket.

He finally started playing seriously.

Ye Fei didn't let him down, he turned around and forced a kill to the basket, and with a ferocious dunk, he smashed the ball into the basket.

Scored the goal.

Ye Fei signaled to Russell that he passed the ball well, and after complimenting him, he immediately yelled at him: "You just play the ball well for me like this, do you understand? If you dare to mess around, I will beat you to death!" ".

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