sports supervillain

286. Party With Them

"Personally, I still support the Warriors, I think the Warriors have a better chance of winning.

What he said made the two of them slightly astonished, but they couldn't admit that Ma Jian's words were reasonable, and they knew the reason, but Wang Meng still asked a question.

"Can Director Ma tell us why?"

Ma Jian touched his bald head and started a wave of strength analysis.

"Kobe came back from injury, plus this Lakers, there is not much time to run in, and there are too many uncertain factors in the lineup. Rondo and Casspi may not be able to run in well with Kobe. But the Warriors' recent The state is really excellent. The Lakers' perimeter defense has not been completely resolved after Rondo's arrival. At least they do not have a strong defensive player who can target the Warriors' arrows, especially the Splash Brothers. Once the two find State, the Lakers probably can't stand it."

This is the view of most fans, especially some experts, on this game.

They will analyze the problem rationally and will not support any side without thinking.

But I have to say that Director Ma's analysis is very reasonable. From all aspects, the Warriors are better.

But although the basketball game is not as dramatic as the football game, it does not mean that the weak team has no chance to win the strong team, and upsets also happen from time to time.

There are also many people who support the Lakers. After all, after Ye Fei appeared, there are more and more Lakers fans.

Even Director Zhang has become the number one fan of the Lakers. Even if Director Ma Jian's analysis is well-founded, Zhang Lili knew it and said: "I still think the Lakers will win. I believe Ye Fei joined Rondo and Kobe came back. After that, he will play more reasonably, and everyone will win."

Wang Meng smiled slightly.

"Let us focus on the game together. No matter who wins or loses, I believe that the two teams will definitely bring us an extremely exciting game."

After the three commentators chatted for a while, the match was about to begin.

Kobe Bryant returned from injury, he was the guest team's finale debut, even in the Golden State Warriors, he still received a lot of applause and screams.

Ye Fei, who was the penultimate player of the Lakers to play, did not cause a small sensation, but more boos.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other.

Not even interested in talking trash, the two sides opened up and started fighting.

Ye Fei gave the ball to Rondo, and the Lakers launched the first attack of the game.

With the ball in Rondo's hands, Ye Fei asked for the ball in the low post to see what the opponent's defensive tactics are like.

With the ball in hand, Ye Fei leaned back, ready for a post-up single.

Looking back, the Warriors put up a 23-zone defense and focused their defensive attention on Ye Fei.

Although the Lakers have three three-point shooters on the outside, Clarkson, Kobe and Casspi, everyone knows that Clarkson's three-point shooting rate is average, only 35%, and the number of shots is not many. Kobe's three-pointers this season are really not good, and his shooting percentage can barely exceed 30%.

Just one Casspi is still accurate for three-pointers, but he is not so stable.

Therefore, the Warriors focused on the inside of the Lakers and pinched Ye Fei first. As long as they couldn't shoot outside, they kept shrinking their defense.

So as soon as Ye Fei got the ball, Thompson looked for a chance to double-team Ye Fei as soon as Thompson blocked it.

Ye Fei didn't make the ball by himself, but handed it to his teammate on the outside. Casspi made an open three-pointer and missed.

But it's not a big problem.

Also at the rim is Ye Fei, a man known as a monster on the rebound. He jams the rebound and grabs it hard from the heads of Matt and Green.

After Ye Fei handed over the ball, he quickly found a better position.

The card position wants the ball.

Rondo handed the ball in, and Ye Fei broke through with the ball, smashed the ball and drove to the basket.

Green and Thompson double-teamed at the first time. Ye Fei could hit the ball hard and was sure to score the ball, but he didn't, and passed the ball to Kobe on the outside.

"Relax and bold shots, the rebounds are all mine, and the opponent is such a scum inside, I can snatch three of them!"

The Warriors' rotation defense was extremely fast, and Brandon Rush rushed over immediately.

But Kobe would not be soft at all, and the fake move shook his defense, and it was a three-pointer.


The ball hits the net hollow.

The Lakers' offense is still so smooth, and their shots are very firm. Kobe's ball blew the horn of the Lakers' offense.

But the Warriors were not to be outdone, and it was their turn to attack.

Curry took the ball from the outside to look for opportunities, and with the help of the special cover, he found the opportunity and made a Curry-style three-pointer.


With a clean goal, Curry responded with a hollow three-pointer, and the two sides tied for 3.

...asking for flowers......

The Lakers' offense is still based on the inside.

Ye Fei pulled out to cover for Rondo, who used the cover to throw off Curry's defense and pretended to kill towards the basket.

Rondo shook his hand, hit the ground and passed the ball to Ye Fei who followed up in the middle.

The Warriors' defense quickly shrunk, and two players immediately double-teamed. Ye Fei jumped up and threw both hands, giving the ball to Casspi who was open.

After catching the ball, Casspi fired from outside the three-point line, and the ball fell into the net firmly. The Lakers made another three-pointer, 6-3.

The Lakers played completely like the Warriors today.

After the game started, they all shot from the outside, and the shooting percentage was not bad.

Showing a three-pointer in front of the Warriors is simply playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

After Curry dribbled the ball to the half court, he looked for opportunities from the outside. Thompson came out from the inside with the cover of his teammates, received the pass from Curry, and shot directly from outside the three-point line.

The ball also hit.

The two sides battled to a tie of 6.

No one thought that this game would be such a rich man after it started.

Ye Fei didn't use his strength in the interior, ruthlessly ravaging the opponent's interior players.

Instead, he helps his teammates and soars three-pointers with each other.

The Lakers' offense still handed the ball to Ye Fei, allowing him to attract double-teams. The Warriors' defense was as solid as ever. Ye Fei made a strong attack with the ball, and the opponent immediately double-teamed him.

Ye Fei didn't force it, and passed the ball out immediately, and Kobe caught the ball and made a three-pointer before making a shot.


The ball did not hit.

With a little force, the ball bounced out behind the basket, and Ye Fei once again appeared on the point where the rebound was dropped, resisting Lute and grabbing the rebound.

Ye Fei slammed the ball to the open Clarkson.

Clarkson pulled the ball up and threw it.

Three points hit!

In order to be more suitable for this Lakers team, Clarkson has practiced three-pointers during this period, and it seems to be doing well.

9 to 6, the Lakers temporarily lead their opponents by 3 points with three three-pointers.

After Clarkson hit a three-pointer, Ye Fei yelled at the Warriors players: "Brothers, let's blast them together!"

(I wish all readers a happy new year, Gong Xi Fa Cai, and then give me a lot of rewards, thank you for rewarding a few readers in the past few days, fists up! Fan).

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