sports supervillain

290. I Will Also Shoot Three-Pointers

In the game against the Jazz, after Ye Fei completed the task, he got a chance to turn the lucky wheel.

But Ye Fei has never been used up.

Waiting for an opportunity like today.

He had long thought that the game against the Warriors would be a fierce battle. In fact, relying on Ye Fei's current strength, if he has to play harder and harder, he still has a chance to win the game.

But three points are one point more than two points.

If the Splash Brothers were not defended, the final result would be that even if Ye Fei scored 50 or 60 points, he might still lose.

And this game, Ye Fei can let it lose, but he must give Curry a lesson that will never be forgotten.

He wants to educate Curry hard.

Let him understand that the NBA no longer belongs to him, and the number one player in the NBA can only be Ye Fei.

To do this beautifully, just look at this wave of lottery.

Ye Fei turned on the lucky wheel.

bring it on.

Gods of all parties, please give me a three-pointer skill!

From the moment he got the system, three-point shooting skills have always been Ye Fei's pursuit. Before that, he was adapting to the small ball era.

But this time, Ye Fei asked for such a skill, just for pure pretense.

Don't you think it's cool to beat Curry with his best three-pointer?

Just like the Lakers started, use the Warriors' best offensive weapon to teach the Warriors a lesson.

That feeling is really TM enjoyable.

Therefore, Ye Fei prayed silently in his heart, hoping to get a three-point shooting skill.

But in the end, Ye Fei didn't seem to be able to get what he wanted, but the result doesn't seem to be very bad.

"Congratulations to the host for winning the skill [Full Range Projection]."

Another skill from the Kuroko basketball world.

And it's an extremely powerful skill.

Ye Fei quickly clicked on the skill details—

[Full-court range shooting] (S+ level skill): In Kuroko's basketball world, Midorima Shintaro's unique skill, in any range of the whole court, throws a super high parabolic ball with 100% hits. After the sixth shot, Every time you make a shot, your energy consumption will increase by 20%;

It's an extremely sharp skill.

Although it is not the three-point skill that Ye Fei wanted, it is a super long-range three-point skill.

With this skill alone, Ye Fei can easily score 15 points on the court.

Super high arc, it is too difficult for defensive players to cover it. Coupled with Yang Yan's projection skills, the opponent wants to block Ye Fei, but there is no chance at all.

The most important thing is that this skill is a pretentious artifact.

It is the skill that Ye Fei needs most at present.

Isn't your curry very hanging?

Is it accurate to shoot a three-pointer?

The same is sharp, but can you make 100% of the shots?

Curry, you can't.

But Ye Fei can do it.

Not long after the skill was drawn, Ye Fei returned to the field.

At this time, the Warriors are 98 to 90, leading the Lakers by 8 points. The most important thing is that the Splash Brothers are completely open, and Curry is unstoppable.

Clarkson has tried his best to defend, and some of them are stuck to his face, but Curry can still hit the ball.

The first round that Ye Fei came up was the Warriors' offense.

It's Curry again.

Find an opportunity on the outside that is not an opportunity, facing Clarkson's defense, and hit a super difficult three-pointer.

This is Curry's sixth three-pointer in this game, and he has completely shot it.

Celebrate with dancing and dancing.

The Warriors fans at the scene were as excited as him and cheered for him.

"Stephen, you are amazing! Beautiful three-pointer, Warriors fans love you~.!"

"You are amazing! Curry, your three-pointer is really accurate! Let this group of scumbags in Los Angeles shoot directly to collapse!"

"One more please, I'll give you my knee, Steph Curry!"

"You are the greatest three-point shooter in the world, an unparalleled existence, and you are the king of this city."

"Get rid of the Lakers, shoot that arrogant rookie, this is our territory, Stephen Curry, please continue your performance."

"Come on, put another one in, just shoot 'em up like this."

Curry's performance made the Warriors fans extremely crazy, even though in this game, there were no three quarters to clock out and blow up the Lakers.

But seeing such a powerful Curry, they hope that the Lakers can be more powerful, and don't let the game lose suspense so early.

After Curry scored this three-pointer, the Warriors' players were a little flustered. They seemed to have seen that victory was beckoning to them.

But before they were happy for half a second, Ye Fei gave them a head-on blow.

When it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei didn't play singles in the interior, but pulled out to cover Rondo.

After the pick-and-roll, Ye Fei didn't go inside, but pulled outside the three-point line.

This goal stunned the Warriors players.

**Te didn't go to Ye Fei, turned around to block Rondo, and wanted to work with Curry to break the ball.

Rondo played the ball in time and dumped the ball to Ye Fei.

He didn't understand what Ye Fei was going to do, but seeing that he wanted the ball, he had no choice but to give the ball to Ye Fei.

Rondo was about to come out to catch the ball again, but when he saw Ye Fei who was holding the ball, he jumped up lightly, pulled it up, adjusted the ball in his hand, and moved the ball above his head.

Ye Fei is going to shoot a three-pointer?

Even though Ye Fei has shot three-pointers before, and the shooting rate is not low, but this is not his conventional weapon.

Is Ye Fei on top?

But only Ye Fei knows what he wants to do.

This ball feels pretty good.

He didn't even use his full-court shooting skills, and just threw the ball directly.


The ball went into the net hollow, and Ye Fei hit a three-pointer to pay back.

After making this (good) goal, Ye Fei looked at Curry with extremely provocative eyes and said: I can also shoot three-pointers, and I am not worse than you. I can be more accurate than you, long-distance three-pointers, I can kill you in seconds. "

How dare you challenge me just by making a three-pointer?

You don't know that I, Curry, are the number one three-point shooter in the NBA today. Even the "Gentlemen's Sword" Ray Allen's three-point record is surpassed by me.

You little scum still want to compare with me?

He also told me to shoot three-pointers from a distance.

It's just trying to die.

The three-pointers near the middle circle are part of my daily training.

Now that he is in a state again, how can Curry lie to Ye Fei?

With the ball quickly advancing to the half court, Curry glanced at Ye Fei and pointed to the position one step in front of him.

Bring the ball to that spot.

Curry was more than one meter away from the three-point line. He stopped the ball directly, glanced at the basket, and grabbed the ball to launch.

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