sports supervillain

309. Beating The Fans Together

The sound of piercing roared.

Several water bottles were thrown at Ye Fei, mixed with classic American abuse.

"Fuck! I-will-kill-you!"

If Ye Fei hadn't been paying attention to the surrounding situation, these water bottles would definitely be impossible to hide.


Although Ye Fei reminded him in time, Clarkson still couldn't dodge it, and a water bottle hit him firmly.

Ye Fei became furious in an instant. He has long been out of the Jazz's home fans, and now he dares to provoke himself in such a crazy way. Even the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles couldn't help it. Ye Fei shouted at the fans next to the aisle: "Fuck, who The bottle thrown by the bastard has the ability to come down. If you don't accept it, come down and beat me, a bunch of scum, you know how to shout from above?"

In response to Ye Fei, there were even more frenzied abuse and more things thrown at him.

Ye Fei pushed Clarkson in, one facing the Jazz fan's attack.

Hiding is not Ye Fei's style, if you should hit yourself, then don't blame Ye Fei for being rude.

I saw Ye Fei aimed at several water bottles and kicked them all back to the Jazz fans. Ye Fei's sudden counterattack caused the stands to explode.

Most of the Jazz fans are crowded near the player tunnel, there is no place to hide.

Ye Fei hit back at the water bottle, hitting the Jazz fans firmly.

"Hiding behind and playing dirty tricks, what is it? If you have the ability, come down and fight!"

This time Ye Fei's provocation finally worked.

I saw a few strong men jumping down from the stands, evading the security guards, and Ye Fei came to kill them.

"Don't run away if you have the ability, we still can't kill you!"

They waved their fists and slammed at Ye Fei frantically.

It came just in time.

Just now Ye Fei hadn't had fun playing, and Ye Fei wanted to beat up this group of hateful fans a long time ago, and a game was turned into a mess by them.

Even if you are cheering for your home team and putting pressure on the away team, don't go too far.

The referee's several penalties were all under their interference, which made Ye Fei unhappy.

What about the fans?

Ye Fei became angry and beat the fans together.

"That's right, as a super villain in the sports world, all those who disagree with you must beat them up and conquer them with your skills. If you see that they are unhappy, then don't be shy, use your skills to conquer them. beat them hard with his fist."

The system's notification tone suddenly sounded, and then a task was issued to Ye Fei.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the task [Beat Fans Violently]."

Before the opponent's attack came, Ye Fei quickly took a look at the mission details

[Task Content]: Knock down all the fans who come to trouble you;

[Task Reward]: Lucky Wheel once (designated reward);

【Mission punishment】: Diarrhea for three days;

Without this task, Ye Fei has no intention of letting go of these arrogant fans, and now he will not be merciful.

Facing the first big and strong man rushing over, Ye Fei ran over viciously.

He knocked him to the ground directly, followed by a shadowless kick, and then a shadow iron elbow, and two fell down.

Ye Fei wants to make a quick decision, who knows what crazy moves the Jazz fans will make.

Will anyone jump off?

He knocked down three people in an instant, making the last two a little dazed, Ye Fei didn't give them a chance. Quickly rushing over, one punch after another, knocking them all down to the ground.

Let you come down and really come down, since you have delivered them to your door, how can Ye Fei let them go?

So what about a ban.

Beat me up first. What's more, they were the first to attack, so we can't blame Ye Fei for being too ruthless.

Seeing fans rushing over, they chatted on the spot and formed a group of ten.

The security personnel in the arena hurried over to prevent the further development of the situation.

But seeing the fans rushing down, they were all thrown to the ground by Ye Fei, which angered the Jazz fans in the stands even more.

Several crazy fans jumped down from the stands and rushed towards Ye Fei.

"Come on, come here if you are not afraid of death!"

Ye Fei blocked the entrance of the player's tunnel, one man guarding the gate and one man guarding the gate, and all the fans who rushed over were knocked down to the ground.

At this time, the security personnel of the arena finally rushed here and blocked the entrance of the players' passage.

Separate the fans from Ye Fei and keep others from coming in.

In the end, the Jazz fans left cursing, and Ye Fei led Clarkson back to the locker room.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

They didn't expect Ye Fei to be so crazy, nor did they think that Jazz fans would be so crazy.

But things have happened.

The Internet exploded in an instant.

"Ye Fei is really crazy. Isn't he afraid of being beaten to death when he faces so many fans?"

"As expected of me, God Ye, I beat up a few without any panic, and did a great job."

"Is this the reappearance of the Palace of Auburn Hills? Ye Fei got into trouble this time."

"Why is Ye Fei so restless? He was making trouble for himself, and he was fighting with the opponent's players. After the conflict, he even beat up the Jazz fans. It is estimated that the league will not let him go.

"Can Ye Fei be blamed for this? Look at the referee's punishment, how fucked it is. There are 853 fans at the scene, watching the game, watching the game, disturbing the referee all the time, and finally trying to attack Ye Fei with a water bottle. Men can't help it, Ye Fei did nothing wrong this time, I support him!"

"Anyone can shoot. Jazz players are on the court, how many black hands have they given to Ye Fei? And there is a big problem with Ye Fei's collision. It is all within the scope of the rules. It is completely Jazz players who are courting death. Jazz's The fans are even more courteous, Ye Fei played beautifully, former Rockets fans, send you the most sincere thanks."

"The real man Ye Fei, what about the villains on the court, as long as you dare to provoke me, I will kill you all. The Celestial Kungfu once again shocked the world."

Only a small part of American Empire fans support Ye Fei, because some of them are scolding Ye Fei.

But in China and around the world, most of the fans support Ye Fei.

The game is all about fairness and justice, Ye Fei endured the unfair treatment, but after he counterattacked in his own way, the opponent actually came to find trouble.

But fighting is fun for a while, but there are a lot of troubles.

Although the game is not over yet, the management of the Lakers, as well as the entire NBA league, have taken action because of this incident. .

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