sports supervillain

315. The Airplane Encounters The Goddess

But Ye Fei is no longer in the US Empire.

As soon as the result of the league penalty came out, Ye Fei asked for leave from the team and bought a plane ticket to return home.

When the Lakers played away against the Rockets, he was already on the plane.

From Los Angeles International Airport to Shanghai Pudong Airport.

It's not like Ye Fei didn't have a lot to do when he returned to China. After signing the contract with Anta, he didn't even shoot a serious advertisement for the other party.

Just taking advantage of the suspension period, Ye Fei went back to China to shoot some advertisements for his sneaker sponsors and do some outdoor promotion.

Then I have to apply for my own visa and go to see my parents.

There are quite a lot of odds and ends. Originally, Ye Fei planned to come back at the end of the season, but he happened to be suspended, so he just came back.

Suspended 25 games, almost two months, no games played.

It's not interesting for him to stay in the American Empire, so he might as well go back to China and appreciate the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

Ye Fei came back alone. As an assistant, Lin Ziqiong did not come back with her, but after arranging his itinerary, he also invited two bodyguards to protect Ye Fei's safety.

Frequent away games have long made Ye Fei a habit, as long as he gets on the plane, nothing happens.

There is only one thing he can do at 560, and that is to fall asleep.

If you are with your teammates, you can also play and fight on the plane to pass the boring time.

But when Ye Fei came back, he was alone, with two bodyguards, and they were not by Ye Fei's side.

What's more, he didn't have much communication with the two of them, Ye Fei could only recharge his batteries on the plane and adjust his jet lag.

There are many ways for people to wake up, but the most common one is also experienced by many people.

That is to be awakened by urine.

Ye Fei woke up in a daze, and hurried to the bathroom.

There is already a very fairy girl sitting next to him, even though she is wearing sunglasses, covering most of her face, even though it is only a glimpse, she can still feel her beauty and moving

But Ye Fei has no intention of admiring it, he just wants to go out quickly now.

"Hello, can I let you go?"

She looked down at the magazine with her head down, raised her head slightly, and said in a gentle and pleasant voice: "Okay."

Ye Fei quickly passed through the space she gave up, and rushed towards the bathroom.

After releasing it for a while, I feel relaxed and comfortable.

With the leisurely Ye Fei, he took another look, and the girl sitting next to him seemed familiar, and the aura on her body was so impressive, but for a while, Ye Fei couldn't figure it out, what is this person? Meaning is accurate.

The beautiful girl sitting next to her just nodded slightly, and the two looked at each other.

Ye Fei returned to his seat, and his drowsiness did not subside. He felt that the girl next to him didn't think too much about him, so Ye Fei didn't bother to care so much, and continued to fall asleep.

I don't know how long I slept this sleep. When I woke up, I found that the girl next to me was sleeping again.

Although she covered herself with a hat, after taking off her sunglasses, Ye Fei could clearly see her face.

It doesn't matter if you don't watch it, but you will be shocked if you watch it on a daily basis.

Ye Fei never imagined that it would be her by his side.

It is the "fairy sister" Liu Yifei that many people of the same age in China miss.

It turned out that she was sitting beside him.

Ye Fei couldn't believe that a goddess-level figure would be so close to her.

Young people in the 80s and 90s will never forget the goddess full of fairy spirit on the TV screen.

Fate is really a strange thing, and Ye Fei never expected to meet her here.

As expected of a goddess.

Even sleeping can be so beautiful.

Ye Fei couldn't help but be a little bit hesitant.

Perhaps sensing Ye Fei's gaze, Liu Yifei gradually woke up, her eyes met, and Ye Fei shyly (cdea) withdrew her gaze.

Ye Fei took the initiative to say hello, and said a little excitedly: "Are you Liu Yifei? I think you look alike. I was attracted by your beautiful appearance, so I couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded. I'm sorry.

Liu Yifei looked at the handsome and warm Ye Fei next to her for a while, and finally said slowly, "Yes."

As a figure of the national goddess level, she encountered many such situations.

"It's really you. I'm very happy. I've always been your fan. I like watching all the TV series you made."

Ye Fei revealed that the excitement of his little fans instantly brought the two closer.

The two started to chat a little bit, and Ye Fei, who is wise and humorous, made Liu Yifei even more fond of her.

In the process of chatting, she gradually began to feel that the big boy beside her seemed familiar.

The more she looked, the more familiar she became, Liu Yifei finally remembered who the person sitting next to her was.

"Are you that Ye Fei who played in the NBA?"

Ye Fei didn't expect that even Liu Yifei would recognize him. After all, he just mentioned his name before, and didn't tell her what he drove.

Is he also famous in the country?

Ye Fei couldn't help but look forward to his trip back home.

"Yes, I didn't expect Elder Sister Shenxian to know me too."

Liu Yifei smiled slightly, that smile was so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

"You are not much less popular than me now. There are quite a few of your fans in China. Even I, a pseudo-basketball fan, have watched your games. You play very passionately. I really like watching you play.

Ye Fei replied with a smile: "Thank you, goddess, for your compliment. If there is a chance in the future, I invite you to watch me play.

"Okay, I will come here after a while and see if I have time."

At this time, Ye Fei would definitely not miss the opportunity, took the opportunity to exchange contact information, and asked for the goddess' contact information.

A wonderful journey always feels so short, and Ye Fei regrets that he fell asleep on the plane.

Miss the time with Goddess.

The two of them just chatted happily for a while, when they heard the flight attendant's notification beeping.

"There are still 15 minutes for this flight to arrive at its destination, Shanghai Pudong Airport, please get ready, passengers.

Ye Fei and Liu Yifei were having a great time chatting, but they had to cool down this passion.

The two chatted happily, even when they got off the plane, they were still reluctant to say goodbye.

But when he walked to the exit of the airport, Ye Fei had to wave goodbye to the goddess. .

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