sports supervillain

317. Fan Meeting

"Long time no see, Brother Ye.

Mr. Wang shook hands with Ye Fei enthusiastically when he came up, and then gave him a big hug to show his sincerity. He was able to pick him up at the airport, which was enough to show how much he valued Ye Fei.

After all, today's Ye Fei is the hottest presence in the NBA and their cash cow for Anta.

He felt that signing Ye Fei was the right choice for him.

Even now that Ye Fei is suspended due to a fight, it has no impact on Anta, but it makes the sales of shoes higher.

"Long time no see, Mr. Wang, you don't have to pick me up in person, just send an assistant to pick me up."

Mr. Wang shook his head again and again: "Where is this going? I have to do it by myself. Alright, I'll take you to the hotel first, so that you can adjust your status. I will clean up the "8-0" for you tonight."

Ye Fei responded with a smile: "Then I would like to thank Mr. Wang first. I didn't expect the domestic fans to be so enthusiastic."

"You haven't seen a more enthusiastic person. When I take you to participate in outdoor activities tomorrow, you will feel that maybe even you, brother Ye, don't know how popular you are in China, and you are getting more and more popular." Wang."

The two chatted casually, and soon arrived at the hotel they had prepared for Ye Fei.

Before Ye Fei came here, he didn't have any requirements for the hotel he stayed in. Now Ye Fei is used to staying in luxury hotels. After all, in the NBA circle, you will gradually develop such a habit.

You go out with your teammates, or you go out with your girlfriends.

I will definitely not go to that kind of rubbish hotel, I usually choose the best hotel to stay in.

Anything can be dropped, but you can't drop it.

Although Ye Fei didn't mention it, Ye Fei was very satisfied with Mr. Wang's arrangement this time.

Ye Fei stayed at the most luxurious Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Shanghai, and the room was of course the best.

It’s better to arrive at the hotel at breakfast time. Mr. Wang arranged a very special breakfast for Ye Fei, commonly known as the “Four Great Breakfast Kings”——— flatbread, deep-fried dough sticks, steamed rice and soy milk.

Although it is a very simple breakfast that can be eaten on the street, the ones prepared for Ye Fei are all prepared by famous chefs, and the taste is very good.

And for Ye Fei, who has always disliked American fast food, this breakfast is a delicacy.

Mr. Wang still has his own things to do, so he left after making arrangements for Ye Fei.

After breakfast, Ye Fei stayed in the hotel, although he caught up on the sleep on the plane, he was still a little groggy.

After sleeping until noon, I woke up feeling refreshed.

The hotel prepared a sumptuous lunch for Ye Fei, all of which were classic Chinese dishes, and Ye Fei ate very well.

After eating lunch, Ye Fei immediately called up the game between the Lakers and the Rockets.

The result of the game, Ye Fei already knew, the Lakers, without Ye Fei and Clarkson, lost 95 to 112 to the Rockets in the away game.

It was reasonable to lose the game, but Ye Fei wanted to see where he lost.

After all, the joining of Rondo and Casspi has greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the Lakers.

After watching the video, Ye Fei couldn't help but touch his forehead.

He had guessed the reason for the defeat, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

For the Lakers in this game, it was not Kobe Bryant but Lu Wei who played the best. He scored a team-high 20 points.

Bryant scored only 10 points, and the hit rate is not high.

Hibbert, who finally returned to the starting opportunity, once again proved how bad he is.

Playing 26 minutes, he only scored 8 points and 1 rebound. The opponent has a strong center like Howard, and it is acceptable for him to be abused.

But what Ye Fei didn't expect was that even the little prince Jones and Capela could make trouble on him.

After losing Ye Fei, the Lakers' defensive ability is really too bad.

Defense is a big problem. The Lakers, who have no strikers to defend, let James Harden hammer it.

With only 27 points in the game, Harden scored a game-high 31 points and 5 assists.

What troubled Ye Fei was the Lakers' offense.

Although Rondo's arrival has solved most of the Lakers' offensive organization problems, this lineup relies too much on Ye Fei.

Except for Ye Fei, all the players of the Lakers can't make this Lakers form a good offensive system...

Randall, Larry Nance, and Hibbert have insufficient inside suppression. If the inside line cannot be opened, there is no way to combine it with the outside line.

Their pass organization ability is not good, even if the offense is organized by Rondo, it will eventually become a solo game.

Without Ye Fei to restrain him, Casspi would not be able to play his due role at all.

In this game, he only scored a poor 6 points, and the ball was not in his hands many times.

Neither Rondo nor Casspi could be perfectly compatible with the Lakers who lacked Ye Fei, and Ye Fei could tell that without Ye Fei, Kobe wanted to lead the team to win very much, and was often alone Go it alone.

His state has not fully recovered [The low offensive efficiency is an inevitable result.

Now it's time for the playoffs, the most critical period, Ye Fei missed 25 games, can the Lakers hold on to their current position?

If they want to win the championship, this Lakers still lacks a lot. It seems that they have to improve more, and hope that the team can add more players to come in.

For players like Hibbert who take up positions and are useless, it is best to trade them out as soon as possible.

I hope he can play some outstanding performances during his absence.

Ye Fei has his own worries, but he has the final say on many things. He can only make suggestions to the team.

Now that he is back in China, he should do his job well. Mr. Wang entertained him so politely, and even gave him such a high-paying contract. He must cooperate with them to promote it.

That night, Mr. Wang invited Ye Fei to have a sumptuous dinner.

But knowing that there will be outdoor activities tomorrow, I didn't drink much, but this meal is suitable for all guests.

Early the next morning, Anta's staff came to greet Ye Fei.

They are going to the Hongkou Stadium to meet Ye Fei's fans there.

Today is Wednesday, and the meeting this time was arranged temporarily.

Ye Fei thought that there would be no fans, but when he arrived at the gate of the stadium, he couldn't believe his eyes. .

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