sports supervillain

323. The Champion Is Mine

With Dayao's words, Ye Fei was quite relieved.

And Ye Fei didn't expressly refuse today, he is willing to play for the country, but not in every competition, as long as someone enlightens the director after returning home, he will understand. But that's not what Ye Fei cares about, he just has to wait for the call of the national team.

Dayao came forward to help, and all the procedures that Ye Fei needed to go through were quickly completed.

Ye Fei is actually in China and has nothing to do.

Knowing that the number of games suspended by Ye Fei has decreased and he needs to go back to deal with matters, Anta Group also shortened his itinerary.

There were originally several fan meetings, but now only one is arranged.

It still couldn't be arranged on the weekend, after all, Ye Fei had to fly back to the US Empire on Saturday.

Finally, on Wednesday, January 27th, there are still three days left.

Ye Fei plans to spend a few days in China to have fun.

But before he could finish his itinerary, a piece of good news came.

On January 25th, the NBA announced the roster for the 23rd All-Star Slam Dunk Contest, and Ye Fei's name was on the list.

The four participants are Will Barton from the Denver Nuggets, Aaron Gordon from the Magic, Ye Fei from the Los Angeles Lakers and last year's slam dunk contest champion, Zach LaVine from the Timberwolves.

The four people participating in the dunk contest are all elites in the dunk world.

The strength of every contestant is astonishing, even Barton, who has a thin body, has excellent physical fitness, and his jumping ability is quite explosive.

Aaron Gordon is a jumping man, probably the most explosive white player after Griffin.

As the champion of the last slam dunk contest, Zach Lavin is definitely determined to win this time.

But these contestants, before they could say anything, Ye Fei came out and forwarded this message, adding a sentence at the end.

"The champion is mine, who will be the runner-up?"

Ye Fei will also put all the contestants on @, which can be described as very arrogant.

Before the game even started, you said that the champion is his. Where do you let the participating players save face?

But his attitude is what the fans and the league want to see the most. No one stands up to make troubles, so how can there be something to watch, how can there be attention?

Even if Ye Fei didn't participate in the game, just a tweet can bring a lot of attention to the NBA, making this slam dunk contest highly anticipated.

The top management of the NBA league is very fortunate that they did not suspend Ye Fei for too long.

As long as he shows up, there is money to be made.

Ye Fei's words instantly aroused the enthusiasm of the other contestants, and Aaron Gordon was the first to stand up and respond: "I must be the one in the final, but you may not even be qualified to be the runner-up. There is only one champion, and that is me, this time I will not lose again!"

Will Barton responded without showing any weakness: "The champion says it's yours and it's yours, so why should I compete? As long as I appear there, you have no chance of winning the championship. I will beat you and make you the first." Round and out."

Obviously, the two were dissatisfied, but Zach Laven, who was the champion of the last dunk contest, showed disdain.

"Champion? I already have one, do you have one?"

The four players who participated in the dunk contest stood up and fought against each other. Their fans must be unwilling to be left alone. All of a sudden, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet about the ownership of the champion of this year's slam dunk contest.

"As expected of the No. 1 fanatic in the NBA. Before the game started, he said that the championship is his own. Ye Fei, where do you put the others? But I still want to support you in this wave. The championship is not yours, but what else can it be?" who?"

"Except for Howard who won the slam dunk contest with his unique appearance, is there any other center who can win the championship? A player who is too tall doesn't look elegant when dunking. There is nothing to watch. I still think LaVine is the champion."

"LaVine must win. He took off from the free throw line last year. This year must be even better. The championship belongs to LaVine."

"Don't underestimate Aaron Gordon. Before he was injured, his dunk was very exciting. I have seen his video before. Now that he has recovered, he may become a dark horse.

"Barton of my Denver Athletics team, isn't he a dick? I think he is the one with the most elegant dunk, and he must be the champion."

"Although Ye Fei dunks very well, I am not optimistic that he can win the championship. LaVine will continue to win the NBA Slam Dunk Championship. He is stronger than last season.

"Ye Fei said that the championship is his, so it must be his. Maybe he has held back some big moves and will use them to scare you to death.

"LaVine's dunks are the most exciting. Ye Fei's dunks can only be regarded as reckless dunks. The champion belongs to LaVine."

There are still many fans who support LaVine's championship on the Internet, but the final championship will have to be compared on the day of the game.

But Ye Fei's arrogance reminds people of "Big Bird" Bird.

Without even taking off the training clothes, he went up and said to people: "Are you here to compete for the second place?"

Anyone can pretend to be coercive, but there are not many who succeed in pretending to be coercive.

Therefore, people are looking forward to what kind of performance Ye Fei will show in this dunk contest.

But that will be half a month later, 613 fans in China will have the opportunity to enjoy it in advance.

I know that the fan meeting in Guangzhou is Ye Fei's last domestic meeting before the end of the season.

In addition to Ye Fei's explosive performance in the previous meet and greet, even if the meet and greet was not held on weekends, it was still very popular.

Tickets have long been sold out, and it is hard to find a ticket. Many people have sought many contacts, but none of them got a door.

But it did not affect the enthusiasm of the fans. When Ye Fei appeared in Tianhe Stadium, there were already dense crowds of fans gathered outside.

Although it cannot be described as an empty alley, but it is not a problem at all to describe it as a sea of ​​people.

The moment Ye Fei appeared, the fans instantly went crazy.

And this time, most of the female fans came, and when they saw Ye Fei approaching, they shouted wildly.

"Ye Fei, you are the most handsome, you are my favorite, I want to marry you!"

"I want to give birth to a monkey for you, Ye Fei, I love you!"

"Male god, you are more handsome than on TV, I already love you so much that I can't extricate myself."

"Wow, he's really handsome, he's much more handsome than those great stars, and he's been a fan ever since.

"Husband Ye Fei, love you forever, come on!".

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