sports supervillain

325. A Surprise For Yoon'er

When Ye Fei arrived in Seoul, it was already noon on January 29, and the Lakers' home game against the Bulls had ended.

The Lakers still failed to win in the end.

Kobe Bryant still failed to have the last laugh in the duel with his former friend Pau Gasol.

The inside combination of Randall and Hibbert cannot block the impact of Gasol and Gibson. The two scored 35 points and 23 rebounds together, hammering the Lakers inside.

Without a strong defensive vanguard on the front line, Jimmy Butler easily scored 26 points and 10 assists.

Although Kobe regained his heroic form and scored 25 points, 6 assists and 5 rebounds, the Lakers still lost to their opponents 94 to 114 and suffered a six-game losing streak.

The playoffs are in jeopardy, and the Lakers fans finally went crazy, angrily denouncing the Lakers players and management.

"Why haven't you traded yet? I don't know what's the use of Hibbert who signed him? He has been blown away by opponents every game, so hurry up and trade him out."

"Kobe is really old. Without Ye Fei, the Lakers would be a bad team."

"The days when Ye Fei is no longer, I miss his 11th day."

"I thought that trading Rondo and Casspi would be helpful, but I didn't expect it would not work. The big problem of perimeter defense must be solved."

"The transaction is imperative. If the management wants to win the championship, they must do something. They can't rely on Kobe too much 390. He is no longer the omnipotent Kobe.

"With Ye Fei here, it can cover up many problems. Now that Ye Fei is suspended, I finally see how bad this team is. The core of the Lakers is Ye Fei, not Kobe."

"Trash Lakers, I thought I had a chance to win the championship, but now it seems that the playoffs are almost unsteady.

Among the many comments, many pointed to Kobe, saying that he was too old and not the core of the team, which made the rebellious and arrogant Kobe very upset.

He has always refused to admit defeat, and he does not want to be old.

Kobe will prove his strength to people.

However, the team lost a streak, various contradictions followed, and rumors of transactions continued, making people panic.

Things are getting worse for the Lakers, but there is nothing Ye Fei can do, and he still needs to be suspended for four games before returning.

Ye Fei is now taking advantage of her last spare time to wander the streets of Seoul.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Ye Fei appeared on time at a certain concert site, fully armed and sitting in the VIP seats.

His gaze has been on a graceful figure in the arena. (cddi) I don't know what kind of expression she will have when she sees herself on stage?

The atmosphere of the concert was very hot, and all the beauties on the field, singing and dancing, constantly ignited the passion of the fans on the scene.

When the concert was halfway through and the stars took a break, Ye Fei picked up a large bouquet of flowers from the side and walked towards the center of the stage, where the singer was interacting with fans with a microphone.

She has a pure appearance, but has a sexy figure, and those long legs add a bit of enchantment.

No wonder she is the most popular among the actresses.

Ye Fei suddenly appeared with a large bouquet of roses, instantly attracting the attention of the audience, and many fans screamed.

Lin Wan'er obviously saw that Ye Fei's goal was him, and he was walking towards him step by step.

Ye Fei covered his face with his hat and eyes, but Lin Wan looked familiar with Ye Fei's figure, but he couldn't remember who it was.

Lin Jie'er paused to speak, and looked at Ye Fei until he walked in front of her and gave her the bouquet of flowers.

"Beautiful goddess of play, this bouquet of flowers is for you."

Hearing Ye Fei's voice, Lin Wan'er was so excited that she almost covered her mouth, she recognized Ye Fei's voice.

Ye Fei slightly pulled away the sunglasses, revealing that handsome face, Lin Wan'er almost yelled.

Seeing Ye Fei stretch out his hand to signal her to silence, she took back the words that came to her lips.

"Did my arrival surprise you?"

Lin Wan'er nodded again and again, and said excitedly, "Thank you."

Stepping forward to give Ye Fei a hug, Lin Wan'er whispered in Ye Fei's ear: "Ye Fei Ouba, thank you so much, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"Tell you in advance, how can I surprise you, well, you continue to sing, and I will cheer you on on stage. 27

The hug was instant, but it still drove the fans crazy, cursing Ye Fei one after another.

Ye Fei returned to his seat, quietly enjoyed Lin Waner's performance of several songs, and quietly left the scene early.

When Lin Waner and the members of his group returned to the backstage immediately after today's concert, he wanted to get in touch with Ye Fei, but saw Ye Fei's message to him.

"Your performance is really great, but it's a pity that I can't enjoy it to the end. I have to rush to the airport, and I'm going back there tonight. I'm looking forward to the next time I can be at your concert and continue to send you flowers , and finally watched your performance."

Seeing Ye Fei's words, Lin Wan'er was moved to tears.

He came all the way here just to give himself flowers on stage, which made Lin Wan'er flattered, but he could feel the deep friendship Ye Fei brought.

"Ouba, I will go to the NBA to watch you play soon, wait for me."

Lin Jie'er sent several text messages to Ye Fei, but Ye Fei didn't respond.

He was already on the flight back to Los Angeles, and his phone was turned off.

Ye Fei enjoyed the ten-day domestic trip very much.

The NBA schedule is too dense, which makes players easily fatigued. Ye Fei took a rare period of rest to adjust his body to the best condition. He can't wait to return to the court and kill all sides.

Ye Fei also misses her women very much, she hasn't seen them for almost half a month, how can she not miss them?

This time on the plane, Ye Fei did not meet by chance.

There was no one next to him, so Ye Fei chose to close his eyes and meditate.

When I woke up, I was already back in Los Angeles.

Upon hearing the news that Ye Fei had returned to Los Angeles, his women rushed back one after another.

When Ye Fei returned home, Scarlett Johansson, Gomez, Swift and others were all waiting for him here.

Only after eating a meal, they all left separately.

In the end, only Gomez and Swift stayed with Ye Fei, and Ye Fei still had no chance to realize his wish to be slept with.

Therefore, Ye Fei released all his passion on the two of them.

It's night, of course it's endless lingering...

It wasn't until the sun was three poles that people slowly woke up.

Originally, Ye Fei was planning to go to the community for free services today, but just after he woke up, Lin Ziqiong told him good news. .

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