sports supervillain

330. What Qualifications Do You Have To Question My Starting Position?

In this game, the Pelicans, who sit at home, are still full of injuries. The team's core point guard, core shooting guard Evans and Eric Gordon are all on truce. But the absolute core of the team, the pillar of the interior, Anthony Davis can finally play.

Anthony Davis, as a top power forward player of the younger generation, has become the league's number one power forward even if Duncan has not retired, but Anthony Davis is undoubtedly the player closest to him in this position, or the player who surpasses him.

Although absent from many games, Anthony Davis can contribute 24.3 points, 10.3 rebounds, 1.9 assists, 1.28 steals and 2.05 blocks in an average of 35.5 minutes of playing time per game. The data can be described as very good, almost equal to Duncan at his peak, not even inferior The place.

The Pelicans have a lineup of Holiday, Norris Cole, Alonzo Kei, Anthony Davis and Omer Asik, and the inside has absolute height.

Asik is 213cm tall and Anthony Davis is 211cm tall, both taller than Ye Fei and Casspi.

With the return of Ye Fei, the Lakers finally ushered in the most complete lineup.

Point guard Rondo is doing his part, and Clarkson has not returned yet. In the position of starting shooting guard, coach Brown brought up Lu Wei, and the small forward is Kobe. There is no doubt about this arrangement. Casspi will start at power forward, and Ye Fei will definitely be at center.

This lineup is the most powerful lineup for the Lakers.

In the beginning, Ye Fei didn't plan to defend against his opponent, because although Anthony Towns returned, it was Asik who defended Ye Fei. After all, Anthony moves faster, he can be pulled out at any time, and he can be retracted at any time, so it is not so easy to be restrained by Casspi.

But Ye Fei, who has not played more than ten games, how can he bear it?

And now Ye Fei's popularity makes Kobe a little envious.

Most of the fans on the sidelines are Chinese fans, so even in the home field of "Big Eyebrow" Anthony Towns, fans can be seen everywhere, holding a sign with Ye Fei's name on it

After Ye Fei came on stage, he could hear the cheers from the fans at any time.

Even if you don't take a sigh of relief for yourself, let your fans see a wonderful game.

After the game started, Ye Fei didn't give the Pelicans any face.

Easily helped the Lakers win the jump ball. After getting the ball, Rondo was ready to organize an offense outside the three-point line, but Ye Fei kicked Asik behind him and "got the ball inside."

Rondo handed the ball in, and Ye Fei didn't even look at Asik behind him.

What is the height advantage?

Ye Fei knocked him away, turned around and went straight to the basket, pushed Asik so hard that he couldn't stand up, and went straight up, a brutal dunk, and smashed the ball into the basket.

This is Ye Fei's signature offense.

Fans waited a long time.

Finally, seeing Ye Fei return to the arena in a familiar way, the fans were all excited.

This is the beginning of Ye Fei's wonderful performance.

When it was the Pelicans' turn to attack, Ye Fei didn't go to Asik. For a player with almost zero offensive ability, using Ye Fei to defend him is like hitting a sparrow with a cannon.

Anthony Davis failed to find Ye Fei, Ye Fei took the initiative to find him and followed him by his side.

But Ye Fei didn't turn on the stadium BB machine mode.

Anthony Davis, like Duncan, is an extremely calm player. He usually doesn't speak on the court. If he is really provoked, he will only use his own performance to fight back against his opponent.

Before humiliating him enough, Ye Fei didn't criticize him.

But in this match, Ye Fei didn't intend to let him go.

Anthony Davis has the ball in the high post, and in this position, his offense is extremely threatening.

With a height of 211CM and a weight of 115KG, Anthony's height and weight (cddf) are not disadvantageous, and he moves extremely fast and has quite comprehensive skills.

This is the first time the two have played against each other.

No one wants to lose.

Anthony Davis holds the ball to his chest, standing in a three-threat stance. At the moment Ye Fei reached out for the ball, he moved the ball sideways and lowered it, and started to break through Ye Fei with the ball.

He is fast.

But Ye Fei was faster than him.

After being deceived by his tentative step, he immediately grabbed back the defensive position and blocked Anthony Davis' offensive route.

The first attack failed, and Anthony Davis quickly changed his strategy.

A beautiful step back, quick start and stop, straight to the basket, Ye Fei followed up and defended very well.

But Anthony Davis suddenly braked and turned over to make a jump shot. Ye Fei was a little slow to block the shot. With his height advantage, Anthony Davis avoided the block and sent the ball into the basket.

After scoring the goal, Anthony Davis gave Ye Fei a slightly provocative look.

Ye Fei just shook his head slightly.

After all, it was the first time they fought against each other, and Ye Fei was not yet familiar with his attacking routine. If he used this move in the next round, Ye Fei would definitely give him a big hat.

I can't guard against you.

You can't stop me?

When it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei went inside and asked for the ball, and Rondo handed it in.

Ye Fei turned on the singles mode, turned around and accelerated unreasonably, throwing Asik away, and went straight to the basket.

Anthony Davis came to the defense at the first time. Although he stood still and made defensive moves, facing his defense, Ye Fei pulled up, and it was a deadly dunk, pressing him on the body and throwing the ball. Hard dunk into the basket.

Anthony Davis had nothing to do with this ball, he wanted to pull Ye Fei down, but he didn't even have time to make a move.

It can only be Ye Fei's background board.

The ball was dunked.

Let Ye Fei's fans boil instantly, stand up and cheer for Ye Fei.

In his own territory, Ye Fei was still humiliated, how could Anthony Davis swallow this breath?

In the Pelicans' offense, Anthony Davis kept silent and went down low to ask for the ball.

After receiving a pass from Holiday, Anthony Davis wanted to return one in Ye Fei's way.

Ye Fei was no Asik, and under Ye Fei's defense, Anthony Davis couldn't move an inch, and both attempts were unsuccessful.

Although Ye Fei didn't give his dunks a chance, Anthony Davis' offensive skills are really well-rounded.

With nimble steps, after a feint shot, he turned around and hooked his hand.

"Do you still want to dodge this ball?"

The brutal death grabbed his hat and directly grabbed his shot.

Grabbing the ball with one hand, Ye Fei looked at Anthony Davis with an extremely arrogant look and said to him word by word: "What qualifications do you have to question my starting position as an All-Star? What are you going to do with me?"

(There are some things in the past two days, sorry, there will be a few more chapters later.).

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