sports supervillain

337. Kobe's Selfishness

Ye Fei, who played 36 minutes, made 27 of 32 shots and made 9 free throws. He scored 63 points, 16 rebounds, 9 blocks and 5 assists. Another quasi triple-double of 60+.

Ye Fei shocked the world again.

63 points is not only Ye Fei's new scoring record, but also allows Ye Fei to surpass Kobe, Anthony and McGrady's 62 points in a single game, becoming the 6th highest single-game scoring record after the 85 season

It also allowed Ye Fei to surpass his predecessors Karl Malone and Shaq O'Neal to become the first player to score the highest score without relying on three-pointers.

No one expected that Ye Fei would have such a strong performance in the first game of his comeback.

Directly brighten the eyes of the fans.

Ye Fei's performance is really good.

Now even the top executives of the NBA league have to admit that the suspension of Ye Fei is undoubtedly the most stupid "three-nine-three" behavior.

During the suspension period, Ye Fei was enough to attract the attention of fans, and this game has attracted much attention.

Ye Fei played such an eye-catching performance, which once again made the fans crazy, and more and more fans were conquered by Ye Fei's performance.

"I always thought that the three-pointer is better than the two-pointer, but Ye Fei told us that no matter how good you are at the three-pointer, you can't score as high as me. Ye Fei is so fucking helpless!"

"It's simply a super big brush in the NBA. The ability to score points is too terrifying. Anthony Davis is not so terrible."

"If Duncan is the number one power forward in history, then Ye Fei is very likely to become the number one center in history, a super invincible center."

"Today's Ye Fei's skills are not comprehensive, but his talent is definitely the best among all centers. The three-pointer has not yet become his regular weapon. When he fully develops the three-pointer, I would like to know Will he be the next man to score 100 points in a single game?"

"Ye Fei is really terrifying, his ability to collect data is almost incomprehensible, and it feels like no one in the league can stop his progress. This is his first season and he has only played less than 50 games. Who can tell? Where is the upper limit of my Ye Fei?"

"Another 60+ triple-double, I feel that Ye Fei will not only become the first player to score a 60+ triple-double, but also become the player with the most 60+ triple-doubles. With Rondo feeding him, Ye Fei will will become even more invincible.”

"Ye Fei is the cutest player I've ever seen, don't say anything, just be a fan before talking."

"I have been completely convinced by Ye Fei. His performance is so strong that I have to be convinced. It is easy to win another 60+ game. With such teammates, I can win."

As soon as Ye Fei returns, it will be a gorgeous 60+ data.

Whether it is the focus of attention of the fans or the media, it is all on Ye Fei.

As soon as Ye Fei came back, he stole everyone's limelight.

As Ye Fei's teammate, Kobe, who played extremely well in the previous games, failed to continue his previous heroic performance in this game.

Played 33 minutes, made 7 of 15 shots, scored 15 points, 5 rebounds and 6 assists.

Seeing Ye Fei being frantically surrounded by reporters and media after the game, Kobe felt a little unhappy.

Since he became the absolute core of the Lakers, he has never enjoyed anything like this happening.

All along, he will be the focus of the reporters and the media, no matter how bad he is, there will be many people around him after the game.

But now the situation has completely changed.

He is no longer the only absolute core of the Lakers who is sought after by thousands of people.

Even his position as the leader of the team has been greatly challenged.

Ye Fei's strong performances made his position as the leader of the team extremely unstable.

Now Ye Fei has scored 60+ again, which makes his position as the leader of the team controversial.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

Even last season, people asked him to give up the penalty kick, but now the fans are asking him to give up the boss position.

This is unacceptable to him.

Therefore, seeing that Ye Fei is getting a lot of attention now, Kobe, as the boss of the team, doesn't even say anything.

But still somewhat selfish.

This game is Ye Fei's comeback game, Kobe will definitely not cause trouble for Ye Fei, but in the next game, Kobe will prove himself as the absolute boss of this Lakers team.

Of course Ye Fei didn't know what Kobe was thinking.

Anyway, in this match, Ye Fei was completely hilarious, and also cooperated with the reporter's interview after the match......

I believe that after this game, Ye Fei's popularity will soar again.

During the suspension period, Ye Fei went back to China to let domestic fans know that there is such a powerful player playing in the NBA.

And in the first game after the return, which was deliberately arranged by the NBA, in a game with a lot of Chinese elements, Ye Fei showed such a sharp performance, which attracted more domestic fans to pay attention to Ye Fei.

This is good news for Ye Fei.

But in the next three days, there will be no Lakers game, which makes domestic fans feel a little helpless, and can only wait for the Lakers' next game before paying attention to Ye Fei's performance.

During the three-day offseason, Ye Fei didn't stop.

After finishing the team's daily joint training, he did not continue to practice but went to serve the community.

This time Ye Fei did not bring out a group of beautiful female stars, but it still attracted a lot of attention.

Because Ye Fei was serving the community, Kendall Jenner also appeared there, serving the community with Ye Fei.

It wasn't Ye Fei who invited her here.

She came here by herself.

This made Ye Fei quite helpless.

Although today's Kendall Jenner has not yet shown the same magic spell as her sisters, the Kardashian family.

But everyone knows that as a 5.9 athlete, you must not have anything to do with their family.

As long as they touch them, the lighter one is a decline in the state, and the heavier one is life-threatening.

And all of this was seen by Kobe.

He is becoming more and more dissatisfied with Ye Fei.

Ye Fei, who just came to the Lakers, trained harder than anyone else, but now he is absent from training at every turn, let alone extra training.

Now that he is with Kendall Jenner, his state is even more worrying.

As the big brother of the team, I must give him a good spur.

And in the next game, Kobe will tell Ye Fei who is the real boss of the Lakers, and let him understand how to be a qualified boss.

The most important thing is to make those who question him shut up. .

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