sports supervillain

391. Sentimental, Righteous, And True Villain

It's still a blockbuster deal.

The object of the transaction is also the Grizzlies who are fighting the Lakers today. This is a three-party transaction.

In the three-way deal between the Lakers, Grizzlies and Clippers, the Lakers sent away the top scorer on the bench, once the best sixth man Lu Wei, as well as Black, and Anthony Brown.

Get Jeff Green from the Grizzlies, and the ~stab player Stephenson sent by the Clippers.

The Clippers got Louis Williams, and the Grizzlies got Blake and Anthony Brown.

This deal can be described as each take - need.

Lu Wei's performance this season is quite good, averaging 15.3 points, 2.5 rebounds and 2.5 assists per game. During Kobe's absence, it was he who held up the offensive banner of the Lakers' backcourt and shared a lot of offensive pressure for Ye Fei. He can definitely become a reliable sixth man for any team.

His arrival has greatly improved the depth of the Clippers' bench and made their backcourt firepower more fierce.

Although Stephenson, who was traded by the Lakers, only averaged 4.7 points, 2.5 rebounds and 1.4 assists per game, all statistics are career lows. Under Rivers, he has not been reused either. As a man who dared to whisper in James' ears, he has been worse year after year since he left the Pacers.

But his defense is still there, and his physical fitness is quite good. He can defend James alone at the beginning, and he can improve the strength of the Lakers' forward defense.

Although Jeff Green's data has declined this season, as a shooting striker, he averaged 11.7 points and 4.2 rebounds per game. To a certain extent, it can make up for the lack of offense of the substitute lineup after Lu Wei left.

Moreover, both of them have three-point ability. They play next to Ye Fei and can exert their strength to a greater extent.

As for the Grizzlies, the arrival of Black will temporarily relieve their urgent needs.

Before Gasol came back, Black, a blue-collar insider, could provide them with a lot of help. As for Anthony Brown, he was a top player, and there was nothing to expect from him.

That's a pretty good deal.

From the perspective of the team, Ye Fei felt that he recognized it, but from the personal perspective, he still felt a little bit reluctant.

Although Lu Wei is taciturn, he has a good relationship with Ye Fei, and he often teaches Ye Fei how to pick up girls. Playing with him, Ye Fei is very happy.

But this is the NBA league, a profit-based league, players are just a bargaining chip, and when the arena management wants to obtain some kind of benefits, the players must sacrifice.

Upon seeing this news, Ye Fei immediately sent a message to Lu Wei to give him some comfort.

Then, immediately posted a short article on Twitter.

"Hearing that you were traded, my heart is really sad, but this is the NBA. Wish you better and better in the future, thank you for helping me, my good brother @LouisWilliams, I will do my best for you You win a championship ring, come on.

In people's impression, Ye Fei is the image of a villain, whether you are an opponent or a teammate. It doesn't matter whether the team management or the fans, as long as he is unhappy, he will beat everyone up when he sees him.

But I didn't expect that he would have such a heart-warming and tender side, which moved the fans.

"I have always thought that Ye Fei is the kind of super villain who is rebellious and doesn't show any feelings at all, but I didn't expect him to be so affectionate and righteous. Since then, passers-by have become fans."

"A true man is one who has love and righteousness. Ye Fei is great. I also wish Lu Wei a better future."

"This kind of Ye Fei is the Ye Fei we love and love. You are really great. You let us feel the friendship of the NBA. It turns out that this is not a cold alliance of interests. Ye Fei, you are the best."

"Who says he is a villain, even if Ye Fei is a villain, he is also a super villain who is affectionate, righteous, flesh and blood, and makes our blood boil."

"Even if Ye Fei is a super-asshole villain, I like a villain like him, this is brotherhood, even if you leave, I will win a championship ring for you, come on!"

"That sentence I will win you a championship ring, I don't know how many people shed tears, believe in you, it can be done."

"Ye Fei may be an out-and-out villain to some people, but in my heart, he is a great man, don't care about the worldly eyes, I will always support you.

...asking for flowers......

There is no trace of hypocrisy in Ye Fei's words, this is what he thinks in his heart.

Indeed, how could he wish to see Lu Wei leave, but Lu Wei can't show all his strength in this Lakers team.

After all, Kobe started, he can only substitute, and on the bench, there is a scorer Nick Young who needs the ball just like him.

Their roles on the field overlap, and Nick Young's defensive attitude has been criticized, not a good bargaining chip, so Lu Wei can only be sent out.

This is impossible.

After all, the arrival of Jeff Green and Stephenson will bring a lot of improvement to the Lakers. This is what the Lakers want to see, and the same is true for Lu Wei.


But he still has to go.

But Ye Fei's words warmed his heart.

He responded on Twitter: "Ye, you are my brother for life. I believe you can win the championship. I look forward to fighting side by side together next time."

This brotherhood has made many fans know Ye Fei again.

It turns out that he still has such deep affection in his heart, which made the fans feel wet.

The true villain is the one who is kind and righteous.

Ye Fei has always attached great importance to love and righteousness, and this has always been his style. But for those who treat him badly, don't blame Ye Fei for double repayment.

There are always some unsatisfactory things in life, but you still have to live.

Even if Lu Wei didn't play with the team today and went to another team in the same city, Ye Fei, who was upset, still wanted to lead the team to victory.

Facing the Grizzlies full of wounded soldiers, this game is bound to be won.

But Ye Fei is not the only one who wants to win this game. Kobe wants to win even more.

The Grizzlies' starting lineup: Conley, Barnes, Hairston, Jamichael Green and Randolph's starting lineup, the main center Marc Gasol is absent, and the defensive gate Tony Allen is absent.

Facing the Lakers, who have only Lu Wei, who cannot be rotated in the main force, the Grizzlies have no chance of winning.

What's more, in this game, Ye Fei showed people a different style. .

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