sports supervillain

394. I Can Only Be A Stinger Here

Ye Fei played 34 minutes and scored 32 points, 19 rebounds, 16 assists and 8 blocks.

This is an extremely gorgeous report card.

Especially the number of assists is higher than that of Rondo, which is also Ye Fei's career high, and he once again shocked all the fans with his crazy performance.

People have seen Ye Fei use his inside dominance to win games.

I have also seen him use unsolvable blocks to make opponents lose hopelessly.

I have also seen him, the extremely fierce COSCO, killed by Kabi Yu's Ji.

But people once again saw another unsolvable ability of Ye Fei. In this game, relying on Ye Fei's excellent passing and assists, the game was won.

It turns out that Ye Fei's passing ability is also outrageously strong.

How can such a Ye Fei make the fans not be shocked?

"At the end of the last game, some people said that it is impossible for Ye Fei to score double figures in assists, but in this game, can you see how powerful Ye Fei is? It's not impossible, it's just that I don't want to. It's easy. If you get 16 assists, you can do it. Ask if you accept it or not?"

"I watched the whole game, and I had to be conquered by Ye Fei. He killed the game with his own passing. Every pass was so in place and so subtle that the Grizzlies couldn't defend against it."

"In this game, Ye Fei's passing ability is not lost to Rondo. Today's Lakers are really scary. A point guard who can play a center and a center who can play a guard. How do you let others defend ?”

"The future Ye Fei will be the most terrifying triple-double machine in the league, and he is likely to be the quadruple-double king in history. His passing is really powerful."

"It's an unbelievable growth rate. It's only been half a season, and Ye Fei has shown one kind of strength after another, which is so strong that it makes people desperate.

"God knows what kind of performance Ye Fei will bring to others in the future. If he improves his stealing ability again, I don't think a five-double is a dream. This is simply the most monstrous existence in the NBA.~.

"Now Ye Fei is already so terrifying, how powerful he can become in the future, who knows?"

"I look forward to the next performance of Ye Fei. Every game of him is worthy of our attention, because every game of him can bring us surprises."

After this game, the fans were all overwhelmed by Ye Fei's passing ability.

They all know that in the future there will be a super insider who is good at passing the ball and full of inside dominance. This will be a headache for many teams.

Don't be afraid of how badass you play, just be afraid that the villain still has skills.

In the history of the NBA, there are countless players who like to fight fiercely. For example, in the Grizzlies team against the Lakers today, there is also a wolf into Barnes.

But such fierce and aggressive people are not to be feared at all, they cannot scare people.

But Ye Fei, who is ruthless and fierce, and has excellent ball skills, is the most terrifying player.

You can't play him hard, you can't even beat him with the ball.

Nothing but despair.

But that was a headache for others. Ye Fei didn't care what others thought. He had been in the alliance for so long, and he hadn't seen any tricks.

If they refused to accept it, they let their horses come over, and Ye Fei also took over.

After the game against the Grizzlies, Ye Fei returned to Los Angeles with his teammates. After a day off, they played another game against the Grizzlies at home.

Ye Fei returned to Los Angeles because he had to meet his new teammates.

Everyone knows that Stephenson is a thorny player. If it weren't for the unsatisfactory performance in the league over the years, he would have already gone to heaven.

In the Clippers this season, it has become worse day by day, but his temper has not diminished.

I am still so arrogant and conceited in my heart. This kind of player is talented, but you can't hold him down. It can only cause harm to the team and will not help the team.

The same is true for Jeff Green. He played well in the Grizzlies, but he didn't expect that he would become a bargaining chip in the deal.

Therefore, when they met for the first time, both of them had a hint of arrogance on their faces.

But Ye Fei came up with a blow to the head.

"On this team, you don't need other thorns because I'm the most troublesome thorn in the league.

Ye Fei looked at Stephenson and said: "I know you are angry in your heart, but when you come to this team, you have to obey the arrangement. Our goal is the championship. I don't want you to be the one holding back, and I don't want you Bring disharmony to the team.

Stephenson sneered.

"You don't agree?"

Ye Fei stared angrily, stared at Stephenson and said: "There are teammates who don't accept me, but they are either beaten into submission by me, or blown away by me. Do you want to be the next one?"

Stephenson was indeed unconvinced.

But he couldn't afford any courage to resist.

Ye Fei's aura alone had overwhelmed him, as if he was about to strike if he disagreed with one word.

He Stephenson is fierce, a stabbing head.

But he had never seen such a villainous player suppress Stevens directly with his aura.

Jeff Green on the side didn't dare to vent his anger.

After all, the Lakers player next to him is obviously in the same camp as Ye Fei. If he dares to act rashly, he will definitely feel better.

The atmosphere became tense for a while, and at this moment, Kobe stood up.

He patted Stephenson on the shoulder and said: "々Lance, you are welcome to join us, I believe you will be here and regain your original glory.

Ye Fei withdrew his momentum, and Stephenson finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"Thank you, I will definitely work hard (Woo De Zhao)."

Jeff Green on the side quickly stated: "I will do what the team needs me to do, and I hope everyone will help me in the future.

Jeff Green is one of the main rotations in the Grizzlies, and he definitely wants a stable position here.

But having seen Ye Fei's villainous temperament, even if the team asked him to guard the drinking fountains, he would go over there with a smile on his face.

Stephenson, a thorn in the head, has already been tamed like a sheep by Ye Fei, how dare he be arrogant?

"Go, buy me two bottles of drinks and come here.

With a wave of Ye Fei's hand, Stephenson responded immediately: "Okay, I'll go right away, do you want ice price?"


Ye Fei is very satisfied with Stephenson's performance.

But it made all the teammates around him dumbfounded.

In less than three minutes, Ye Fei had tamed Stephenson, a thorn in the side, so it wasn't too bad. .

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