sports supervillain

401. Less Than Five Minutes, Another One

In less than five minutes, Faried was knocked to the ground, which is really rubbish.

Ye Fei just gave him a contemptuous look, and ignored him. There's really no need to take this kind of thing that angers the sense of existence to heart.

But the Nuggets players were obviously very angry.

In his own home court, he still dares to be so arrogant, how can he bear it?

After Faried got up from the ground, he was replaced directly for a rest, and the Nuggets replaced Darrell Arthur. But before playing, Faried had a few words with him.

Arthur rushed over angrily, and stood beside Ye Fei, looking like he wanted to trouble Ye Fei.

I'm afraid he's lost his mind.

Didn't you see how miserable Faried was just now?

He has thick skin and thick flesh, and he can still withstand Ye Fei's two secret moves.

But with Arthur's small body, it is estimated that after these two blows, it may be difficult to get up.

A villain has a villain's code, too.

As a super villain, Ye Fei didn't give a damn about a low-level player like Arthur, and Ye Fei didn't even want to take his villain value. But if he insists on courting death

Ye Fei will definitely fulfill him.

I really didn't expect that Arthur really wanted to die.

He came up to defend Ye Fei, making big moves, always behind Ye Fei, making all kinds of small moves, which made Ye Fei really unbearable.

After being raped by him several times in a row, Ye Fei's temper finally came up.

Since he insists on giving himself villain value, Ye Fei will definitely accept it.

It was the Lakers' turn to attack again, and Ye Fei asked for the ball inside and punched Arthur with his back. Jokic on the side came to help defend, Ye Fei completely ignored it, and exploded in the double-team of the two.

Arthur hit hard, trying to drag Ye Fei down, but Ye Fei was more fierce than him.

Raising his right hand, it was a shadow iron elbow, sweeping on Arthur's chest, making him almost lose his breath.

Arthur, who was elbowed, did not choose to give in, but instead roared at Ye Fei: "Are you fucking playing ball? You are hitting someone!"

Ye Fei swept his eyes coldly.

"It was you who committed the foul, not me. You said I hit someone. What evidence do you have? You almost dragged me to the ground. Referee, is this a malicious foul?!"

Go directly to the referee for theory, and Ye Fei strikes first, making Arthur hard to defend.

He immediately went to the referee to reason again, but the response he got was a technical foul.

Arthur became even angrier, glaring at Ye Fei angrily.

The game continues.

The Lakers made all free throws and it was the Nuggets' turn to attack.

I don't know which tendon of Arthur has a problem, he is a blue-collar player, holding the ball and attacking Ye Fei hard inside.

Even if Ye Fei stood still, he couldn't hit Ye Fei.

But he didn't want to push Ye Fei back, but to get revenge on Ye Fei, taking the ball and hitting Ye Fei hard, and finally he found helplessly that he was like hitting a wall.

Originally, after Ye Fei's body was hardened, his resistance ability was greatly improved, but now the suppression of attributes and the improvement of attributes made Arthur helpless.

The funniest scene was when Arthur tried his best to bump into Ye Fei.

It didn't matter if he didn't push Ye Fei away, after he bumped into Ye Fei, he bounced back directly, his footsteps were not steady, he made a mistake, and his walking was illegal, it was really dumbfounding.

Many Nuggets fans at the scene couldn't help laughing.

"It's really funny, who the hell invited this funny guy, he bumped into others and was knocked away, and he couldn't even stand still, it's not too funny."

"Where did the funny come from? Is there no one on the Nuggets? Is he here to be funny?"

"I still want to fight with Ye Fei, 1V1, are you looking for abuse?"

"I'm waiting for you at O'Neill's Big Five, Arthur, are you here to be cute?"

"If you don't have that ability, don't imitate others. Ye Fei will push you up and you will get up. Who gave you the courage to hold the ball and force Ye Fei?"

"Is this a player from the Nuggets? When will our Nuggets have such a stupid player, get out of here quickly, and don't embarrass yourself here."

"It's more embarrassing than Faried, why do you have to go to Ye Fei to find yourself uncomfortable? Don't wait to lie on the ground again, it's very funny.

They were right.

After Arthur came to the last funny performance, it didn't take long before he lay down on the ground.

...asking for flowers...

Feeling that he had been humiliated, under the pressure of the villain's halo, he was quite angry, and repeatedly harassed Ye Fei around him.

And he is also in the game, going to this quarter [with less than 3 minutes left.

Pay for your stupid behavior.

Ye Fei went straight to the basket with the ball, and Arthur jumped up to block the shot. During the confrontation between the two in the air, Ye Fei directly crushed it.

Under the blessing of the Barbarian King Clash, Arthur couldn't bear it at all.

He was also hit by Ye Feiji's shadowless leg, and was even more overwhelmed. He was attacked continuously, lost his balance, and fell heavily from the air to the ground.

This time he didn't even have the strength to get up, and was carried to the locker room by his teammates on a stretcher.

Seeing this scene, the Nuggets fans at the scene didn't know what to say, but within five minutes, Ye Fei brought down another one.

The only good thing is that Faried is fine and can return to the court to play.

The terrifying lethality that Ye Fei erupted directly made the opponent tremble.

Arthur obediently handed over his villain value, and Faried, who returned to the field, looked at Ye Fei with a little fear in his eyes.

Seeing Ye Fei rushing up at full speed, he flew in the air to complete the dunk.

Faried's first thought was to retreat instead of going up to defend.

Looking at Ye Fei, who is like a god of death, Faried can't afford any courage to fight. He is now repenting for his reckless and stupid behavior after the start.

Against Ye Fei, isn't that courting death?

Even the defensive courage is about to be lost, how can the Nuggets' inside line withstand the devastation of Ye Fei.

Even if Jokic is used to defend Ye Fei, he still can't stand it.

What's more, the other players of the Lakers started to go crazy.

When Ye Fei rested off the court, Kobe led the team alone, and he finally started to get mad.

Today's Lakers are not Ye Fei or Kobe who can play alone. The four players traded, except for Rondo who has no stable shooting, the other three can score on the court.

And on the bench, there are Nick Young and Randall and other fierce players. The Nuggets simply couldn't stand it, and they were defeated again and again.

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