sports supervillain

510. The Head-To-Head Confrontation Of The First Man In The League

The mentality of the Cavaliers began to collapse, not because of the loss, but because they were too aggrieved by the loss. In addition, there is another point, that is, Ye Fei is too hateful.

He is not only a player who physically destroys the Cavaliers, but also mentally destroys more terrible.

The trash talk left them speechless.

Ye Fei, who turned on the villain's posture, gave them too much damage in defense. All kinds of crazy caps and wild steals made them helpless, and there was even a lot of despair.

Ye Fei's defense made them at a loss. After abusing the players of the Cavaliers, Ye Fei added another sentence: You are really good.

How many players do you think can withstand this kind of humiliation.

That's right.

What Ye Fei gave them was endless humiliation.

If it is ordinary trash talk, they can completely ignore it. But Ye Fei's trash talk made them have to face up to it. Ye Fei first gave them a merciless blow with practical actions, and then humiliated them severely with trash talk. The saddest thing is that the Cavaliers players found that they didn't even have a little room to refute.

Even if Ye Fei calls them rubbish, they have to admit it.

After all, they played really rubbish in front of Ye Fei.

The mentality of the Cavaliers players has collapsed, and even the mentality of the coach has some problems. Coach Tyronn Lue, who was originally full of confidence, was quite helpless in the post-match interview.

"My team members have tried everything to target Ye. But his performance is so good that we can't restrain him at all. He has caused us great trouble, and the pressure on the defensive end has made me The players are extremely uncomfortable, I think he moves too much, and some balls should be fouled."

Tyronn Ludu began to put pressure on the referee, which shows that he has nothing to do.

It's not that there is no way, it's just that what the knight says doesn't count. If James is allowed to defend Ye Fei, maybe the Cavaliers still have the power to fight. But in the first two games, James chose to avoid Ye Fei. In fact, he also understood that even if he let himself come, he still couldn't keep Ye Fei, so he was very helpless.

Originally, last year was an excellent opportunity. I had the opportunity to win the championship, but I never wanted to meet the Warriors "(cdcj) Death Five", and finally returned home. Even though the Warriors have an invincible record in the regular season this year, it can be seen from the playoffs that they are not invincible.

If the two teams meet again, James is sure to defeat the Warriors.

Unexpectedly, it was not the Warriors who finally made it to the finals, but the Lakers who turned out to be born. He was originally invincible one-on-one, but when he met Ye Fei who was even more incomprehensible, he had no chance of winning at all.

In the interview after the game, James was silent and didn't want to speak at all. After returning to Cleveland, he immersed himself in hard training. The entire Cavaliers team was infected by him, and they trained hard one after another.

In this regard, what Ye Fei wants to say is that if training can defeat Ye Fei, then what is the use of the system.

Ye Fei is looking forward to playing against James, but he doesn't know if he can hold back in the next game.

The third game is worth looking forward to.

After playing the first two games of the finals, Ye Fei's popularity went up to a new level. As basketball fans all over the world focus on the finals, more and more fans really know Ye Fei

Started to like Ye Fei.

After all, before this, I heard that there is a player from China in the NBA who plays very passionately and looks good, and is quite invincible. But that was just hearsay, but after watching the first two games of the finals, they could only sigh: Ye Fei is truly invincible!

On the court, Ye Fei was all-powerful, gods blocked and killed gods, Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas, no one would use it.

Combined with an above-average basketball IQ, watching him play is a treat. He is not like some big macs inside, he is completely stunned, and he does it alone inside, by himself. While Ye Fei could have done that, he didn't.

With super outstanding personal dominance, perfect performance, and tacit cooperation with teammates, Ye Fei's skills have conquered many fans.

Dominating the game like a villain on the field, adding a bit of domineering, making the fans excited.

He is still so handsome, with a super charisma that is so amazing that countless beautiful fans are overwhelmed by it. Nowadays, not only in the US empire, but also in the whole world, many beautiful supermodels and beautiful stars are paying attention to Ye Fei.

Holding the world's largest basketball contract, there is a Chinese market of more than one billion behind him.

Young and rich, suave and suave, Ye Fei, who is in the NBA league, how can they not love Ye Fei?

Every day on Ye Fei’s Twitter, I don’t know how many girls are showing their love, and there are even many beautiful celebrities who like and comment on Ye Fei’s Twitter to make their presence felt.

Today, Ye Fei's popularity ranks first in the league. Whether it is the powerful new super giant "cute god" Curry, or the old super giant Kobe, they are no longer Ye Fei's opponents.

Being favored by so many beauties is very beneficial for Ye Fei's next plan.

The offseason will be a crazy summer, so the finals must be finished as soon as possible. There is also a beautiful girl, and a beautiful promise, waiting for Ye Fei to fulfill, Ye Fei can't wait long ago.

But the match schedule was not arranged by him. After the second match, the two sides had three days to rest.

The Cavaliers are fully closed training, and the players are preparing for the battle with all their heart. But judging from the very few interviews, they still have expectations for this battle, thinking that they can win the Lakers at home, but Ye Fei does not intend to give them a chance.

Three days after the truce, the two sides moved to Cleveland, where they will have their third match at the Quicken Loans Arena.

After three days of rest, the Cavaliers were not as depressed as they lost the second game. Everyone held back their energy and wanted to prove themselves in this game and beat the Lakers.

The Cavaliers finally made a change. Instead of continuing to play TT and Love, they used Richard Jefferson to top the small forward position and put James at the power forward position.

Such an adjustment is entirely aimed at Ye Fei.

As soon as the starting roster came out, Ye Fei had a vague smile on his lips, and the Cavaliers were finally willing to let James defend themselves alone. James is finally going to confront himself head-on. Ye Fei likes it very much. This match will end his reign as the number one player in the league.

As expected, after Ye Fei won the jump ball, the Lakers launched the first attack.

It was LeBron James who guarded Ye Fei behind him.

Well done. .

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