sports supervillain

549. The Threshold Of The Intermediate Zone

"Give me the ball next.

Ye Fei took the initiative to ask for the ball, and asked Director Gong to arrange tactics. He wanted to start an unsolvable offensive mode. Waiting for the coach to arrange the tactics, Ye Fei said to his teammates: "You don't need to guard against them, you just need to follow them, interfere if you can interfere, ignore them if you can't interfere, just don't miss people.

Don't expect them to guard your opponents, but don't miss them.

The ability of European teams to catch open space is too strong, and their basic skills are solid enough. Giving them open opportunities is undoubtedly sending points.

After a pause comes back.

The Tianchao men's basketball team launched an attack, and Ye Fei pulled out to catch the ball. Lithuania's defense still followed closely, but Ye Fei pulled the ball near the center circle and Sabonis dared not follow it.

Ye Fei took the ball and took a step forward, one step away from the three-point line, raised his eyes slightly, and glanced at the basket.

To shoot!

Sabonis noticed it, but the distance between the two was too far. Before he rushed over, Ye Fei shot again with a super long three-pointer.


After drawing a beautiful arc, the ball fell steadily into the net, and Ye Fei scored a three-pointer from a long distance.

The three-point line in international basketball games is 380 degrees shorter than the NBA three-point line. In NBA games, Ye Fei always shoots all kinds of super long three-pointers, but now in the international arena

The ultra-long three-pointer is about the same distance as the NBA three-point line, and Ye Fei doesn't shake at all with his three-pointer skill points as high as 200.

The more you cast, the more confident you are. As long as the opponent dares to let go, Ye Fei will definitely dare to cast.

Lithuania started to panic.

At the last moment of the first half, Ye Fei's unsolvable three-pointer performance made them tremble with fear.

Even if his offense was successful again, Yankunas made a mid-range jumper and scored two more points for them. But back to the defensive end, the Lithuanian players put all their attention on Fei.

"Defend that kid's three-pointer! Don't give it a chance!"

Valanciunas growled at his teammates.

Sabonis had a serious face, and defended Ye Fei tightly. He didn't dare to follow around the middle circle to steal and give Ye Fei a chance to get the ball, but Ye Fei just got the ball, and he rushed over immediately.

Ye Fei's eyes were full of killing intent, and his eyes told Sabonis that he still wanted to shoot a three-pointer this time.

Sabonis stared closely at Ye Fei, not eating any shaking [pen (cdbb) Ye Fei made a three-pointer.

Ye Fei pushed forward with the ball, and Sabonis couldn't stop it at all. He could only rely on his own prediction to make the last shot.

Ye Fei, who was one step beyond the three-point line, didn't have much action. After lifting the ball, he made a shooting action.

Sabonis rushed over, but didn't expect Ye Fei, and just feinted.

Shaking Sabonis away, Ye Fei jumped up and shot again, but Sabonis' bullet speed couldn't keep up at all. Kuminkas had expected it, let go of his defensive player and rushed towards Ye Fei, jumped high to block the block, but slapped the air, Yang Yan shot to avoid the block, and Ye Fei shot a three-pointer.

The ball is still in!


Ye Fei's three-pointer is unsolvable, and the opponent has no power to parry. Rather than causing great trouble to his opponent, Ye Fei is more happy that he triggered the ZONE state, and he still has a little understanding, as if he has touched the threshold of the next level of ZONE.


Ye Fei threw himself into the defense immediately. If he wasn't sure before, he would be able to defend against the opponent's attack, but this round, with the addition of the ZONE state mode, the opponent still wants to score?

Let's make his spring and autumn dream!

Matthew Lis and Valanciunas were looking for a pick-and-roll opportunity. He just got rid of Guo Ailun's defense, but saw a figure stabbing out diagonally. He didn't even have time to react. The ball in his hand disappeared instantly and landed on Ye Fei. hands. Stealing the ball immediately launched a quick counterattack, and the Lithuanian strikers reacted quickly, and all retreated quickly.

But Ye Fei's speed is too fast, without the ZONE status blessing, they can't keep up with Ye Fei's footsteps, now with the ZONE status bonus, Ye Fei is as fast as a bird, and instantly hits the basket.

Yankunas, who was chasing from behind, could only reach out and hug Ye Fei, trying to hold him further away from the basket, but Ye Fei was in the air, with his long arms relaxed, hanging on the buckle with one hand, and pushing the ball into the basket .


The referee blew the whistle, Ye Fei walked to the free throw line, made an extra free throw, scored 9 points in a row, and "overtook the point difference again.

Ye Fei's show isn't over yet.

Even being hit by Ye Fei, the Lithuanian players were a little dazed, and the serving and receiving players were absent-minded.

Sabonis sent the ball, and saw a figure rushing towards him.


Matthew Lis was half a beat slow in reacting, Ye Fei broke the ball, turned around and took a step forward, he was already near the basket, and after leaping high, he made a beautiful dunk with folded hands "put the ball

into the basket.


Ye Fei scored 11 points in a row, helping the Tianchao men's basketball team overtake the score.

"Crazy! Crazy! Crazy! Ye Fei went completely berserk! One person helped the Tianchao men's basketball team to overtake the score, it is really very vigorous!"

Even under the reasonable guidance of Zhang, he couldn't control his emotions and shouted crazily.

Teacher Yang Yi on the side waved his fists even more excitedly: "It's really refreshing, it's really domineering! One person scored 13 points in a row, and I asked you if you were afraid?!"

"Win is guaranteed! Ye Fei is in this state, sure to win! Fuck them in Lithuania, let them see how powerful our Chinese men's basketball team is, and let the Chinese men's basketball team rise!

Zhang Lili roared with excitement, which once again aroused the emotions of the domestic fans, and even the morale of the players of the Tianchao men's basketball team on the field greatly increased.

Although Lithuania scored two points immediately, but looking back, Guo Ailun made a false fax, dribbled the ball straight to the basket, leaned on the opponent's defense, and sent the ball into the basket.

But Ye Fei was a little unhappy.

Because the ZONE state disappeared, the feeling I just found disappeared. No matter how hard Ye Fei searched, he never touched the threshold of the intermediate zone.

Ye Fei played a little depressed, but the Lithuanian men's basketball team is really tenacious.

Driven by Ye Fei, the Tianchao men's basketball team has started to gain momentum, but they still stabilized the situation and did not let the point difference continue to be widened.

What made Ye Fei even more helpless was that when Ye Fei was resting off the court, they rose again, played steadily, and caught up with the point difference.

It is worthy of being a champion who can dominate Europe, and his background is much deeper than that of the Chinese men's basketball team.

The Tianchao men's basketball team habitually collapsed in the fourth quarter, giving them hope of winning again.

The Lithuanian men's basketball team played more and more fiercely, firmly controlling the situation on the field.

At 6 minutes and 05 seconds into the last quarter of the game, the Lithuanian men's basketball team was 80 to 73, leading the Chinese men's basketball team by 7 points. They still had the absolute initiative. Could the Chinese men's basketball team lose again?!.

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