sports supervillain

561. They Are Sure To Lose, We Are The Champions

"We won, the Tianchao men's basketball team won! We finally reached the final of the Olympic Games! Ye Fei led the Tianchao men's basketball team and advanced strongly to the finals. Let us congratulate them, men's basketball boys, great job!"

The CCTV commentator was so excited that he jumped up from his seat, raised his arms, shouted and roared, and vented his inner excitement to his heart's content.

Many fans shed tears of happiness.

They didn't expect that the boys from the Tianchao men's basketball team could actually make it to the finals of the Olympic Games. Although the Tianchao men's basketball team is the dominant presence in Asia, the peak Tianchao men's basketball team, and even the original golden generation of players, have not even made it to the semi-finals.

But now the Chinese men's basketball team has finally risen.

After defeating the powerful Spanish men's basketball team, they advanced strongly to the Olympic finals. This historic moment is worth remembering. All the men's basketball boys of the Chinese Dynasty are destined to leave a strong mark in the history of the "053" men's basketball team of the Chinese Dynasty. There is a person who is destined to be famous in history. He led the Chinese men's basketball team and created a new history.

This person is Ye Fei.

As soon as the game ended, Ye Fei was surrounded by everyone, and his teammates frequently asked him to celebrate passionately.

Guo Ailun roared wildly: "Final, final, we are in the final!"

Ye Fei hugged his head and responded with a smile: "It's just the final, our goal is the gold medal, but beating Spain is worth celebrating, hahaha..."

Although the fight was extremely difficult along the way, Ye Fei was quite satisfied with the result.

Finally reached the Olympic finals, the next game will launch a strong impact on the gold medal. Now for the time being to enjoy the rare and short happy time, Ye Fei reveled with his teammates and went to the sidelines to express his gratitude to the fans.

The Tianchao men's basketball team was full of joy. As soon as they returned to the locker room, Dayao rushed over and gave Ye Fei a big hug.

"You did a good job, you helped me out of my anger, young man, it's really amazing, and the younger generation is terrifying!"

Dayao couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart at all, as if he had reached the final.

The old handsome Gong Luming was full of smiles, and couldn't stop laughing.

It is really unexpected that this Chinese men's basketball team can advance to the final with its head held high. Even if Ye Fei joined the Tianchao men's basketball team, the outside world is not optimistic about them. Even some leaders of the national team think that being able to qualify is an overfulfillment of the task.

But they never imagined that this Chinese men's basketball team would go all the way to the finals.

They all understood that the reason for their outstanding performance was all because of Ye Fei's existence.

If it weren't for Ye Fei, the Tianchao men's basketball players would have gone home to eat and drink, but now they have the opportunity to make the most violent impact on the gold medal.

It was really unexpected.

Ye Fei became the focus of all attention, and many reporters came to seek opportunities to interview Ye Fei. But after the Rosen incident, no one dared to mess around again. All along, players need to be afraid of reporters and the media. Now the media and reporters need to be afraid of Ye Fei.

With a few simple words, Ye Fei finished the post-match interview.

But he said a harsh word.

"No matter who the opponent is, they will definitely lose."

I have seen someone who speaks harshly, but I have never seen someone who speaks so harshly. Before the pre-match interview started, Ye Fei had already ignited the fire.

In the eyes of many fans, domestic players are extremely humble. Even in the face of an opponent whose strength is not as good as his own, many times he will say that he will go all out and try to win the opponent.

Fortunately for Ye Fei, first he said that the opponent must lose, and then he said that we are the champions.

Is your opponent just a show?

Where do you let others put their face?

Others don't care about face?

Four hours after the Tianchao men's basketball team finished the game, another semi-final match was finally decided. The American men's basketball team was superior, beating the Australian men's basketball team 82 to 76 and meeting the Chinese men's basketball team in the final.

The game had just ended, and when the players were being interviewed, the reporter who was involved in the incident told them the exact words of Ye Fei, embellishing them.

The American men's basketball player was furious in an instant.

Ye Fei is getting more and more floating.

He may have forgotten how he was beaten by the American men's basketball team in the group stage. It seems that in the next game, he must be taught a lesson.

In the first game, Cousins, who suffered a heavy hammer from Ye Fei, was the first to stand up and respond.

"I told him the exact words, no matter who the opponent is, our American men's basketball team will definitely win, and the final champion must be us..."

Ye Fei is the lingering shadow of Cousins ​​in his life. He really wants to prove that he is better than Ye Fei in the confrontation. But even in any aspect, in any fight, Cousins ​​has never defeated Ye Fei. Perhaps Ye Fei is his lifelong enemy, and also a disaster that he cannot escape in his life.

But it's clear that Cousins' trash talk is getting worse. Maybe he didn't dare to speak out, for fear of being slapped in the face by Ye Fei.

Durant dismissed it, even though he was abused so many times, he still didn't have a long memory.

Or that he has no memory at all.

It should be shameless, invincible in the world, even surrender to the enemy, drink bath water and other things, what else can Durant not do?

"Have they ever beat us? Don't you understand how badly they lost in the group stage? Even a super dark horse is just a dead horse to us. I will beat them hard. Especially the one Brat, I'll blow him up!"

As the top scorer of the US men's basketball team, Durant said this with so much confidence.

But he provoked Ye Fei again, which was really the stupidest choice.

In terms of his brilliant record on the international stage, Durant is not as good as Anthony. In the 2012 Olympic Games, Anthony once scored 37 points in 14 minutes, which can be called the king of Olympic scoring efficiency.

Anthony is Ye Fei's boss in the Knicks, but now Anthony wants to be Ye Fei's younger brother at 1.3.

His agent had talked to Jenny Buss about getting her to trade Melo.

But things didn't go as smoothly as expected, and the Knicks didn't want to let him go yet.

Therefore, after hearing what the reporter said, Anthony just replied: "I will do my best. Yeh is a difficult opponent. It is not easy to guard against him, but if he wants to win the championship, he must pass my test."

Only Social Melon looked a little more friendly, and the rest of the American men's basketball team threatened to smash Ye Fei.

The atmosphere before the match alone was much more exciting than the first match.

People are looking forward to Ye Fei's response.

But he didn't say a word, silently preparing for the decisive battle two days later.

It is not that simple to win the opponent. .

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