sports supervillain

564. Advanced Zone

Ye Fei has indeed tried his best, without too many reservations.

He has to.

In the group stage and the knockout round, Ye Fei still had some reservations, and the same was true for the US men's basketball team. Even in the semi-finals, facing the crazy and violent offensive of Australia, which is vowing to win the championship, they did not give up everything.

But in this game, more than half of the players in the American men's basketball team played 100%, or even 120% of their strength.

For example, for the two balls just now, they were completely unnecessary and defended so hard.

It can be seen that Ye Fei is attacking so strongly, they all try their best to defend.

Ye Fei must have opened up all his firepower, and gave the most violent counterattack.

The game continued, and Ye Fei made an extra penalty.

The U.S. men's basketball team served from the bottom line, Lowry advanced halfway, Durant was obviously dissatisfied, and ran beyond the three-point line to get the ball. He signaled everyone to pull away, he chose to go it alone and regain his face

Seeing that Ye Fei is so good, Durant wants to prove himself even more.

Without giving Zhou Peng any chance at all, he continuously dribbled the ball under his crotch, pulled the ball suddenly and took a step back, leaning back and jumping out with a slight drift.

The ball fell steadily into the net, and Durant made a successful mid-range shot.

I really can't stop him.

There was a saying 103 in the league that Durant may be the only one who can prevent the runaway from Westbrook.

Once Durant finds the touch, there is really no good way.

But Ye Fei, the men's basketball team abroad is still unable to guard against it.

Speeding up and running back, he threw Durant away in one step and took the ball from his teammates. Without any stagnation, hold the ball and go inside. Durant didn't react slowly, and turned around to chase and defend. Anthony made up for it immediately, blocking Ye Fei with his strong body.

One tall and one strong, joined forces to defend, Ye Fei increased his speed again, and passed through the gap before the two surrounded him, making them unable to react.

The two wanted to chase and defend, but they were already a step too late. Jordan under the basket could only watch Ye Fei complete the heavy dunk.

No solution.

Ye Fei can't be defended at all.

Durant was very competitive and tried hard to prove his excellence.

The American men's basketball team speeded up, and Durant chased for a three-pointer, facing Zhou Peng's block, and hit it again.

He has gone completely berserk.

Ye Fei's performance was even crazier. Guo Ailun had just dribbled the ball for half the court, when he circled one meter away from the three-point line, he reached out to catch the ball.

After getting the ball, he didn't even glance at the basket, he pulled it up and shot, Durant didn't react at all.


The ball went into the net hollow, and Ye Fei soared in a super long three-pointer.

"Wow, awesome! That's awesome! This shot can be made!"

"Crazy, completely crazy! Ye Shen is invincible, and Durant is completely confused!"

"It's amazing! It's too incomprehensible to score a goal, and the Caiguo men's basketball team forced the strongest Ye Fei.

"There is a show, there is a show, my big leaf god is gone, I have seen this game, I can win!"

"Come on, Ye Fei is finally on fire with Durant, but it's obvious that I, Ye Shen, are more powerful."

The fans on the sidelines can no longer calm down, they can't control their emotions at all, even the beautiful stars who always pay attention to their image are shouting passionately on the sidelines, Ye Fei's performance has completely ignited the hormones in their bodies .

The fiery atmosphere pushed the competition to a higher climax. People only saw Ye Fei's rampage, but did not see his hidden changes.

Going all out again and again, let the potential in Ye Fei's body be brought into full play.

Unknowingly, Ye Fei entered ZONE mode.

He has no idea.

I just feel that the more I play, the more excited I am, the more vigorous I play, and the better my state is.

Looking back, Ye Fei was one meter away from Durant, and he flew to the defense, slapped his shot, as if the god of death had descended.

Durant was stunned for a while.

Even though he had been on guard for a long time and felt that he would not get a hat, he still did not expect that Ye Fei could still reward him with a big and solid hat.

Durant was depressed.

The fans are completely overjoyed.

Ye (cdef) Fei is so beautiful!

In the second half of the second quarter, Ye Fei turned into a solo show. He was omnipotent and everywhere. With his own power, he led the Weichao men's basketball team to compete with the American men's basketball team.

Even though the American men's basketball team launched wave after wave of offensives, with Ye Fei's super performance of 18 points, 7 rebounds, 4 blocks, 4 assists and 3 steals in a single quarter, the Tianchao men's basketball team did not allow the American men's basketball team to widen the gap. .

At the end of the half game, the Tianchao men's basketball team was only 52 to 56, 4 points behind their opponents.

The game is getting more and more interesting.

Ye Fei, who was walking towards the locker room, let out a long sigh of relief, and it was acceptable to play like this at halftime. Although the little brother I trained by myself before has improved, it is actually not bad. But on the stage of the Olympic finals, facing the powerful American men's basketball team, they lost again. If they want to win the American men's basketball team, they can only rely on themselves.

Slowing down from the high-intensity game, Ye Fei returned to the locker room, sat down on the bench, and let himself relax.

"The host is confident in comprehending the advanced status of the ZONE, congratulations to the host for upgrading the ZONE skills to an advanced level."

When the familiar system sound came, Ye Fei was excited, and couldn't wait to check the ZONE skill attributes.

[ZONE] (SSS-level skill): There is a 30% chance to passively trigger the ZONE state, and the duration is not less than 30 seconds. After active activation, 30% of physical energy will be instantly restored, and all attributes will be increased to 125% for 5 minutes. After the end, physical energy will be reduced by 35% for 15 minutes; it can only be activated once a day and can be upgraded. It is currently an advanced ZONE.



Really awesome!

Ye Fei almost couldn't hold back, and jumped up from the bench. If the rhythm of the first half is followed, his physical strength will definitely be a big problem in the fourth quarter. But now that the ZONE skills have been upgraded to an advanced level, Ye Fei is not afraid of them at all in the final moment of the decisive battle.

The Tianchao men's basketball team led by Dayao was often overturned by opponents because of Dayao's physical strength in the last quarter.

Now Ye Fei doesn't need to worry about this problem.

Moreover, the upgrade to a high-level zone does not bring improvement at the last moment. The probability of passive triggering is higher, and the buff it brings is greater and lasts longer.

Enough for the boys of the American Empire to have a good drink.

The champion must belong to the Tianchao team.

Back from the intermission, Ye Fei was full of fighting spirit.

The players of the American men's basketball team are not to be outdone, and Durant has been staring at Ye Fei. He was often targeted by Ye Fei in the first half, and his performance was not ideal. In the second half, he had to find his way back.

Ye Fei played so well, you really thought that the coaching staff of the US men's basketball team would let him go. The players are the top in the world and the coaching staff is also the top in the league.

In the second half, let's see what tricks you, Ye Fei, have. .

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