sports supervillain

571. Kardashian Double Flowers

Ye Fei led the Lakers to win the championship, making him famous in the American Empire. Now he leads the Tianchao men's basketball team, defeats the powerful American men's basketball team, boards the highest podium in the Olympic Games, and becomes a basketball superstar that everyone knows and everyone knows.

Kendall Jenner has long wanted to board the luxury ship Ye Fei. Their family has the essence of Internet celebrities and knows how to hype the popularity. So looking for a boyfriend is a popular fried chicken in the sports world. First of all, the popularity is high enough, and secondly, those who engage in sports, especially those who play basketball, are physically strong, you know in a certain way.

Now that Ye Fei is so popular, Kendall Jenner must be chasing him.

Even though she was snubbed by Ye Fei several times, she still didn't give up.

Ye Fei gave her a response, and Kendall Jenner was naturally overjoyed. After carefully dressing up for "September 20", she brought her sister Kylie Jenner to the appointment.

Kardashian's double flowers appeared on the streets of Los Angeles at the same time, which already excited the paparazzi.

After all, the women who have always come to their family wear bold and sexy clothes, and there are always many topics surrounding them. I don’t know if it’s the sailors they hired, or if this era needs such a topic

But that doesn't matter.

They appear on the street, or even carnival in nightclubs, and the attention is not high.

The important thing is who appeared next to them. The paparazzi never expected that Ye Fei would appear here.

Everyone thought that Ye Fei was far away from the Kardashian family, and his performance in the Olympics did not look like a man poisoned by the Kardashian family's curse.

Odom almost died tragically in the nightclub, the tough guy Humphries just persisted for 72 days, and fled immediately, but it was too late, and now he can hardly survive in the NBA. Harden, who left from the Thunder to the Rockets, has a bright future, but after getting into trouble with Khloe Kardashian, he was completely reduced to a nightclub.

Anyway, the players of the league championship team often have scandals with their families.

The player who became their boyfriend didn't end well.

But Ye Fei is very different.

Not to mention killing the Quartet in the NBA arena and leading the team to win the championship. On the stage of the Olympic Games, the powerful American men's basketball team was also nailed to the pillar of shame.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe that Ye Fei is still connected with the Kardashian family.

Is Ye Fei not afraid of being poisoned?

Will Ye Fei be afraid?

He had a great time, hugging left and right, enjoying it very much. No wonder there are so many players obsessed with them. The women of the Kardashian family naturally have nothing to say about their figures. The key is that under the guidance of their sisters, they are quite sensible. If you give them a little thought, they will understand.

There are some things you like and I want, you don't have to say them, they all understand.

In just one night, Ye Fei took them down.

But it is estimated that from now on, the rest of the NBA players will not have the chance to kiss Fangze, and the legend about the curse of the Kardashian family in the league will disappear.

Waking up the next day, Kendall Jenner hugged Ye Fei and kissed her hard.

"You are amazing, honey, you make me want to stop."

Ye Fei smiled slightly and pressed her under him again.

In the end, it was still the Kardashian family's young double flowers begging for mercy.

The curse of the Kardashian family, Ye Fei just wants to laugh.

After successfully subduing the two, Ye Fei has a deeper plan.

Now that his fighting power is exploding, even if all the women go up together, Ye Fei can satisfy them. He wanted to try how strong the woman of the legendary Kardashian family was. In a variety show, Kohler Kardashian said that her ventriloquism is extremely superb, and Ye Fei would like to fight with it.

Some things just go to the end, I believe it was a beautiful night last night, two young girls [Jin Rang Ye Fei got their wish.

Seeing that the preseason is about to start, Ye Fei has to report back to the team.

There are still some formalities for the team's makeup photos, which also need to be handled.

He also had to go back and take a look.

After a summer, what changes have happened to his team.

Ye Fei has a lot of things to do during the offseason, including the Olympics and so many women to take care of. He hardly pays attention to the Lakers' movements. He doesn't even know the whereabouts of his teammates, except for a few players who have been in contact...

They are more chic than Ye Fei during the offseason, especially Clarkson and others, who became famous at a young age, and not long after entering the league, they have tasted the taste of the championship, and they are gradually lost.

According to Kendall Jenner, Clarkson still has the idea of ​​chasing her, but now he definitely has no chance.

After Ye Fei handles his personal affairs, he must care about the situation of the team.

He got a team list for the new season from Mike Brown, and he was completely dumbfounded after looking at it.

Ye Fei did almost nothing during the offseason. He didn't expect that the Lakers management could do nothing.

Except for the selection of Brandon Ingram, who is known as Kobe's successor, in the draft, and an inside player from Europe, Zubac, no players have been traded in.

Kobe Bryant, who has already had the intention of quitting, will basically not come back, although he can return before the start of the season. But he obviously enjoys life without basketball, and now his body has begun to lose shape, and he probably won't come back.

After Casspi won the championship, he chose to leave the Lakers and return to his old club, the Sacramento Kings.

Ye Fei revealed that he will appear in the fourth position more in the new season. He knows that he will not play too much time with the Lakers, so he chooses to leave.

Last year's championship lineup lacked Kobe as an absolute core and a 5.1 three-point shooter. What remained were young players, or players with obvious advantages and disadvantages such as Miao Kelin and Rondo.

Now that the team's 15-man roster has not yet been finalized, Ye Fei can find 15 reliable players by doing the math.

Did the Lakers uniform go on strike this offseason?

Are they going to rely on this lineup to defend their title?

Ye Fei dumped the roster to Coach Brown: "Are you sure this lineup has the strength to compete for the championship?"

Booker smiled awkwardly.

"The team is still working hard, and we will bring in players suitable for our lineup before the door of the trading market closes."

Ye Fei is very helpless, the current Lakers are probably the worst defending champion lineup. .

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