sports supervillain

574. Sky-High Contract Renewal

The Lakers renewed Ye Fei's contract for 155 million in 5 years.

When this piece of heavy news came out, it immediately caused a stir in the entire league.

As the salary cap rises, ten-million-level contracts are flying all over the sky, but the highest contract this year-the Grizzlies re-signed Mike Conley for 153 million in 5 years.

But it is still 2 million less than Ye Fei's contract, but next season will be Conley's ninth year with the Grizzlies.

There is nothing wrong with him getting this contract, and his contribution to the Grizzlies is there.

But for a second-year rookie, Ye Fei's contract is kind of crazy.

For the Lakers fans, they definitely don't think there is any problem, but feel that the management of their team finally did the right thing.

They left Ye Fei in Los Angeles, as long as Ye Fei is there, they see hope.

Just like Kobe in the past, as long as Kobe is with the Lakers for a day, they will be Lakers fans for a day, and that is the totem in their hearts.

After Kobe retired.

Ye Fei must be the future totem of the Lakers. The Lakers management paid a lot of money to keep Ye Fei, which is undoubtedly the most correct choice of 833.

But in the minds of many experts, or some fans, Ye Fei is not worth the price at all.

A contract lasts for five years. Except for the first year, Ye Fei's annual salary is around 30 million. Once he doesn't perform well, or reaches the peak of his debut, the Lakers will have to bear this burden for the next five years, and it will be difficult for them to rebuild.

All of a sudden, there are different opinions, and most people are not optimistic about this signing.

"Isn't it funny? Signing with a maximum salary?! The Lakers are afraid that they are stupid and have a lot of money. The first sign is still five years. If Ye Fei can't make it, how will it end then?"

"You all know how fierce Rose was at the beginning and what the final result was. Ye Fei's style of play, with so many physical confrontations, and he is still an inside player, the risk of signing this contract is too great."

"I also convinced the Lakers. After waiting for a summer, what big names didn't bring in, and they signed Ye Fei with a lot of money. Did they expect Ye Fei to lead the Lakers to defend their title?! Don't forget, last season won the championship There's Kobe."

"Although Ye Fei has performed well and is a beast-level dominant center, but the inside players have fallen too fast. If you look at the current World of Warcraft and Griffin, the maximum salary is signed for five years. The risk is too great."

"The Lakers want to start a dynasty, with Ye Fei as the core, it is too crazy. Now that small balls are prevalent, can inside players like Ye Fei adapt to the trend?"

"Spending so much money to keep Ye Fei is better than spending some money to buy some super giants. Although there are not many big fish this year, there will be many super giants next year. Now that Ye Fei is given such a high contract, how can he buy people next year? "

"I'd like to see if Ye Fei's performance in the new season is worth the contract. The Olympics is no different than the NBA. He can lead the Chinese men's basketball team to win the championship, but he may not be able to lead the Lakers to defend the championship. This may be a stupid signing. "

No matter what others think, the Lakers management thinks it is extremely valuable. If it weren't for the restrictions imposed by the league, they would have given Ye Fei a five-year contract worth 200 million yuan.

Not to mention whether Ye Fei's performance is worth so much money, the commercial value he brings alone is enough to make people envious.

During the offseason, there were many teams that found Jenny Buss, and any of the five starters of his team, or even all five of them, would do. As long as the Lakers are willing to trade Ye Fei, they are willing to pay any price.

It can be seen how popular Ye Fei is.

Ye Fei said that he will not play in the NBA for long, therefore, it is a year to keep him for one more year, and it is estimated that he will have no chance to sign him in the future.

Signing such a huge contract with the Lakers, many stars in the league expressed their feelings in interviews (cdca).

James is convinced.

"There is nothing wrong with this contract. Look at his performance in the Western Conference Finals and the Finals. The salaries of our team's two insiders are not lower than his current salary, but we can't beat him either. Ye, deserves such a high salary. On the stage, it proved that he has the strength to lead a team to win the championship alone.

But Howard refused to accept.

"I envy him very much. The salary cap is so high now. If I were a few years younger, maybe my salary would not be lower than him. I am confident that I can beat them. If the Warriors sign me, the Lakers will definitely not be able to score in Western France. "

He also took this opportunity to show his favor to the Golden State Warriors.

Howard has never tasted the taste of a championship, and now is an opportunity to seek a group.

It's a pity that the Warriors didn't buy it.

He is a player who relies on his body to play. He is approaching the twilight of his career. He is a player who has not improved his skills and has no three-pointers. The Warriors will not like it.

The most upset is undoubtedly Durant.

From the Thunder to the Warriors, he lost the opportunity to get a maximum salary contract. In order for the Warriors to pay less luxury tax, he also lowered his salary requirements.

Now that Ye Fei has won the biggest contract in the league so far, how can he not be jealous?

"I am willing to sacrifice everything for the championship. My goal is only the championship."

The typical person who can’t eat grapes and says grapes are sour, I don’t know how much he regrets, and he has lost tens of millions of dollars.

But no matter how others comment, Ye Fei doesn't respond.

In an interview, when the reporter asked about this matter, Ye Fei replied with an uneasy face: "Don't you think I'm not worth the price? If I can't even get such a contract, who else in the league can get it?"

Ye Fei continued: "Perhaps you will think that spending so much money to sign me is a bit extravagant, but you will soon understand how wise the team management's decision is."

The Lakers renewed Ye Fei's contract at a sky-high price, which caused quite a stir. Ye Fei once again became the hottest existence in the league.

Everyone can see that the Lakers have formed a dynasty team with Ye Fei as the absolute core.

Jenny Buss did not hide this point, and told everyone clearly that the Lakers will start a new Zijin dynasty.

But it is obvious that the Lakers have no chance to defend their title with this lineup. People are looking forward to the next move of the Lakers. Jenny Buss told them that the Lakers will continue to strengthen.

What kind of lineup will the Lakers have next season, and can they successfully defend their title?

Humi hadn't waited for the next signing, but they received a surprise from Ye Fei.

Ye Fei, who had just renewed his contract at a sky-high price, immediately made a moth, which made them unable to calm down, and even cast a shadow over the future of the Lakers. .

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