sports supervillain

593. Entering The Entertainment Circle

The food is all from the hands of top chefs, and there are a variety of delicacies. The wines are all old wines, not to mention the taste, the price alone is not cheap. The salaries of NBA players are not low

The income of a superstar like Kobe is even more amazing, but even he is speechless.

The opening Victoria's Secret catwalk was just an appetizer.

Afterwards, Swift, the queen of American pop music, came to the stage to sing her famous song "Shakelt Off". She sang not only one song, but three songs in a row, and the atmosphere of the scene reached a climax in an instant. As a super popular music queen, tickets to Swift's concerts are hard to come by, and even the rich may not be able to hear them.

She actually sang here, making the guests feel like they were at a concert.

Not only is she going to be on stage, but also Harlena and Madonna will be on stage to sing afterwards. The private party is comparable to a live concert. Such a high-end enjoyment, even an NBA superstar like Kobe has never enjoyed it. Praise to Ye Fei He kept talking and asked Ye Fei to toast frequently.

The rest of the Lakers players were even more excited. They cheered up and expressed their thanks to Ye Fei frequently.

Those present were all big-name stars in the entertainment industry, and their status and status were not comparable to players such as Randall. Even though many stars in the entertainment circle are involved with sports stars, their goals are all top-notch existences in the sports circle. Ordinary players, they don't think highly of them.

These existences that they usually can't wait for are all here on this occasion, how to give Ye Fei face, as younger brothers, they have to curry favor with Ye Fei, the boss.

The atmosphere of the party was quite harmonious and harmonious. After the stars sang, the dance officially began.

You can find a dance partner that matches your eyes. Ye Fei is surrounded by a lot of women. He can't take care of one and lose the other, so he didn't dance on stage. As the host, he eats, drinks and has fun with the guests.

Ye Fei is at the height of his power, and his reputation in the American Empire is extremely high, even Swift is not as popular as him.

Even if Ye Fei doesn't take the initiative to attack, there are quite a few beauties who come to hook up with Ye Fei.

Ye Fei is overwhelmed, he doesn't like it that much, but there are many goals for throwing this party. Looking at all the entertainment stars around, Ye Fei has her own little plans

Although Ye Fei doesn't know many bigwigs in the industry, but his celebrity girlfriends have a lot of connections.

With their strength, it is not difficult for Ye Fei to start an entertainment company.

The salaries of NBA players are high, but the real high-income groups are those superstars.

The bigwigs in the entertainment industry are all extremely rich, and Ye Fei really wants to get involved. If you have your own entertainment company all over the world, there will definitely be many beautiful stars to vote for. At that time, you can do whatever you want.

cough cough.

Ye Fei's goal is not unspoken rules, let alone he needs unspoken rules?

Seeing Ye Fei's handsome appearance, the beauties gave him a few winks, and it is estimated that they would all stick to him.

Thoughts flashed by, and the atmosphere was so enthusiastic, Ye Fei didn't have time to think too much.

The party came to an end at 11 o'clock, and the friends present dispersed one after another, leaving a mess all over the floor. Ye Fei didn't deal with it, and dragged his most beloved woman into the room.

After the lingering, Ye Fei kissed the forehead of his beloved woman, and then he took out the championship ring he had prepared from the bedside cabinet.

"Give it to you||.

This is Ye Fei's career, the first championship ring, how profound is the significance, how can Lin Ziqiong not understand?

And this championship ring has a special story between the two of them. Now Ye Fei gave this championship ring to Lin Ziqiong, her favorite beauty manager.

She shed tears of emotion, and Ye Fei silently put the ring on her ring finger.

"I have nothing to promise you, and I don't know how to express my feelings. The only thing I can be sure of is that in my heart, you will always be the one I love the most."

Lin Ziqiong embraced Ye Fei with forgetfulness, sounding the horn of a new attack.

After a long time, Ye Fei caressed the beauty in his arms, and expressed his intention to enter the entertainment industry.

"I knew you men didn't have any good intentions. Don't think I don't know what you want."

Lin Ziqiong lightly poked Ye Fei's head with her finger.

"I owe you what I owed you in my previous life, but it's still the same sentence, don't mess with any woman. Before, I could turn a blind eye and close my eyes. From now on, those coquettish bitches don't provoke me less, do you understand?!"

Lin Ziqiong twisted Ye Fei's ear and warned.

She knows the secrets of Ye Fei the most, and understands what Ye Fei needs. Today Ye Fei has expressed his attitude, as the empress of the palace, she must establish her own coercion, but she will fully support what Ye Fei wants to do.

She will definitely make arrangements for entering the entertainment industry.

々Daughter-in-law, you are so kind to me, come on, I want to reward you well..."

The new season is approaching, and Ye Fei has to get busy again.

Waking up early the next morning, after having breakfast, Ye Fei rushed to the arena for training. Although the system is in hand, we still need to find the ball feel, train a bit, and adjust our state to the best

Although Zhang Manyuan is still a team reporter, she is more like Ye Fei's personal assistant. Abby's responsibilities are the same as his. The two came to the arena with him, took photos of his training, and wrote articles for their superiors.

After the training camp today, the Lakers will usher in four consecutive away games. The next game will be an away game against the Utah Jazz, and the next game will be an away game against the Thunder, and then they will go to the Eastern Conference for Indiana and Atlanta.

The next two games are still back-to-back games, and the Lakers' arena is as unfriendly as ever.

The new season has started for four days (Nuo Li is good), all teams have played at least one game, and some teams have played two games, although they haven't seen much, but the fans have found the ball they want to pay attention to Team.

The Lakers are undoubtedly a hot team that many teams pay attention to. In the last game, Ye Fei made a sharp three-pointer, making the Lakers more popular than the Warriors with the Big Four.

In this game, the Lakers challenged the Utah Jazz in an away game. Not only many fans paid attention to it, but the rest of the league teams were also paying attention to this game.

The Utah Jazz didn't make the playoffs last season, but their team is not weak.

During the offseason, Diaw was introduced from the Spurs, George Hill was signed, and singles Joe was spent a lot of money, and the overall strength has been greatly improved.

What's more, in this game, the Jazz sit at home and have a combat power bonus BUFF.

People are eager to see if Ye Fei's three-pointer is still sharp in this game, or if it was just a neurological attack in the last game. .

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