sports supervillain

602. Make A Three-Point Shot Record

Ye Fei contributed 27 points, 13 rebounds, 8 blocks, 6 assists and 6 steals in the half. He almost got a triple-double in the half. On the other hand, Westbrook scored 25 points at the end of the halftime game. Although the score was not low, he only had 4 assists and 3 rebounds, and he was still a long way from a triple-double.

The key is that when Ye Fei is on the court, it is too difficult for him to achieve a triple-double. Ye Fei needs all points, baskets, blocks, steals, and assists. Putting enough pressure on the Thunder on the defensive end, it is easy for Westbrook to score, but extremely difficult to get assists and rebounds, Ye Fei will not give him a chance.

Westbrook, who walked back to the locker room, was silent and angry, making Thunder teammates tremble.

Now Westbrook is the absolute core of the Thunder, not to mention his teammates, he doesn't even pay much attention to the coach. Once he is in a bad mood, the Thunder game will be extremely difficult

Ye Fei didn't intend to let Westbrook go just like that, but he would have to pay a heavy price to provoke Ye Fei, and a profound lesson must be learned.

Back from the intermission, Ye Fei put on a teasing smile and said to Westbrook: "It seems that I'm about to have a triple-double, and you're a bit far behind. "Do you want me to give you a few rebounds? 23!"

"No need, get out!"

Westbrook was furious, his expression extremely ferocious. He is not a guard like Kidd or Rondo. They grab rebounds by relying on their keen sense of rebounds. Westbrook grabs rebounds from his teammates. If his teammates can't grab it, he doesn't even want to get a rebound.

Especially in the opponent team, there is such a terrifying rebounder, let alone get a rebound.

Westbrook felt a lot of pressure. The thing he was most unsure about in this game was the rebounding data. Now that Ye Fei is targeting him in every possible way, he is even less sure. Assists are better. No matter how good Ye Fei is, he can't defend four by himself. As long as his teammates dare to shoot, they still have a chance to make double figures.

But seeing Ye Fei's leisurely figure, a flame ignited in Westbrook's chest.

"Don't forget about it, but the game is really boring. In order not to let others think that I am bullying you, I decided to set a three-pointer record to play.

Westbrook shut up obediently, wishing to plug his ears even more, Ye Fei's words were really hurtful.

At the beginning of the second half, the Thunder launched the first attack. Westbrook wanted to collect assists, but he was still short of six assists in double figures. Using the cover to get rid of the defense and break through to the basket, after attracting the Lakers players to defend, he distributed the ball to Adams who followed up. The opportunity was quite good. Adams grabbed the ball with one hand and dunked.

He rose in the air, and suddenly felt a huge force sweeping towards him, making it difficult for him to move an inch, and he couldn't move at all.

Adams pressed forward with all her strength, unable to move at all, but with a stronger force, she pushed him down, and Ye Fei slammed down with the ball.

Westbrook's excellent assist was ended by Ye Fei.

Speights grabbed the ball, the Lakers turned from defense to offense, Ye Fei quickly followed up, raised his hand from outside the 45-degree three-point line on the left, and stretched out his hand for the ball. Rondo made a false pass, and the cross pass was transferred to Ye Fei. After catching the ball just outside the three-point line, Ye Fei took off and shot, reappearing as a picturesque shot in a textbook. Sabonis couldn't catch up and blocked the block to no avail. He watched the ball fall into the net through a beautiful arc.

Ye Fei scored a three-pointer and made the sixth three-pointer in the game. In the second quarter, he only took one shot.

The assist failed, but Ye Fei made a three-pointer. At the end of the half, the Lakers had already led the Thunder by 8 points. Seeing that the point gap widened again, Westbrook no longer cared so much. He chose to do it himself, and made an emergency stop The jumper succeeded and finally returned one.

"Prevent him for three points!"

Westbrook yelled at the Thunder players, but Ye Fei's three-pointer, can they defend it if they want?!

Just after halftime, Rondo reached out to ask for the ball again. Without any hesitation, Rondo handed over the ball. It was more than one meter away from the three-point line. Ye Fei pulled up and shot, and his shooting skills were activated all over the court

Ye Fei soared in a super long three-pointer, and Rondo added another assist.


"The host hit a three-pointer and successfully activated the super musketeer aura."

Ye Fei couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth.


I see how you defend.

When it was the Thunder's turn to attack, Westbrook took the ball and came by himself. He didn't expect his teammates at all. He carried the explosive package and killed him. Under the joint block of Speights and Clarkson, he jumped up and shot, winning two free throw opportunities. Brook made two free throws and forced the Thunder to close the gap.

When the Lakers attacked, Ye Fei stepped outside the three-point line, and Sabonis immediately pressed close to him, not daring to let Ye Fei touch the ball easily.

Ye Fei pulled over to cover Rondo, Sabonis reluctantly followed, one pick and one roll, the quality of the screen was excellent, Rondo took advantage of the situation and rushed to the penalty area. Sabonis chose to switch defenses, but Rondo didn't come by himself. He passed the ball back to find Ye Fei outside the three-point line, and Westbrook was defending in front of him.

Ignoring his defense, Ye Fei pulled up to shoot and hit a three-pointer in front of Westbrook.

Ye Fei is unstoppable for three points.

"The eighth, there are still five short, I hope you can guard against it."

Faced with Ye Fei's extremely arrogant words, Westbrook didn't get angry at all. He could only vent his emotions at the 960 end of the offense. No matter what, he dribbled the ball straight to the penalty area, causing the Lakers to foul again and went to the free throw line Take two points.

The Lakers repeated the same trick, Ye Fei covered Rondo, the Thunder made a defensive change, and rushed Ye Fei out, Rondo made a fake fax shot and easily picked the basket.

Finally, Ye Fei's three-point streak was interrupted, but the gap between the two teams has been widening.

In the ensuing games, as long as Ye Fei finds an opportunity, he immediately shoots a three-pointer. The Thunder players are completely unstoppable, especially under the halo of the super musketeer. Fortunately, Westbrook is really fierce. One person provoked the Thunder to attack. Contributed 16 points in a single quarter, did not let the point difference widen to more than 20, but the game situation was in jeopardy.

Ye Fei has few other data in this quarter, but he made 5 of 6 three-pointers in a single quarter. He has hit 11 three-pointers in this game, which is only three three-pointers away from the current NBA three-pointer single-game record. This is not a difficult task for Ye Fei who feels hot.

Barkley, the guest commentator of this game, was very excited: "Ye Ke is really not kidding. He said that if he wants to break the three-pointer record, he will break the three-pointer record. Hahaha, will he become the first one to occupy the list of three-pointer records? The inside player, Ye, really looks good for our inside players!"

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