sports supervillain

61. An Unforgettable Exclusive Interview (3 More!)

After only playing six games, all the big players in the NBA paid so much attention to Ye Fei, and even praised Ye Fei. He was not stingy with his own compliments, which shows that Ye Fei has completely conquered them.

Ye Fei has a promising future.

How can he let go of a player with such potential to become the most shining star in the NBA even if he has the opportunity?

A certain wave sports website sent many reporters to invite Ye Fei for an exclusive interview.

There are quite a few news media like them, whether domestic or foreign, many journalists have sharpened their heads and want to interview Ye Fei, so as to get his first-hand information, but they are very desperate.

Ye Fei's manager, Michelle Lam, did not give them a chance.

Male reporters are all PASS, according to Ye Fei's requirements, beautiful female reporters still have a chance. But the female reporter "603" who came, she also rejected the average beauty, as for the kind of beautiful, there is absolutely no chance. What she wanted was a reporter who made Ye Fei feel uncomfortable, but unfortunately there was none.

Therefore, after Michelle Lam became Ye Fei's manager and assistant, she cut off all thoughts of exclusive interviews by media reporters.

They tried everything they could, but they didn't find a chance.

Therefore, in the media circle, Ye Fei's reputation is quite bad, and everyone thinks that he is playing big names.

And now Ye Fei is famous, even if there is no order from above, many reporters want to interview Ye Fei exclusively, but they can't get in touch with Ye Fei, which makes many reporters very unhappy.

Lawson of a certain wave communicated with Lin Ziqiong many times, but never got a chance.

He was extremely resentful.

No matter how much you do Ye Fei, it's still not an undrafted pick. It's been typed out now, but who knows what will happen in the future?

There are too many players who drive high and go low. The rookie season is the peak, and there are not a few who disappear afterward. You, Ye Fei, are just a rookie. As for showing off like that?

If you don't give me a chance to praise you, then I will hack you, anyway, all I want is a handful.

Although he has only entered the league for less than half a month, Ye Fei has a lot of black spots.

Dirty playing, bad temper, disobedience to discipline, team demolition maniac, etc., are all things that can be described in a big way. Therefore, when the outside world unanimously praised Ye Fei, his long report, with thousands of words, is all about it. All kinds of black Ye Fei seem to be well-founded.

After all, this is what Ye Fei did before.

It is also because of his things that have brought about a lot of impact. For example, the Knicks are suffering from internal and external troubles. They have lost streak at the beginning of the game. The team's general Anthony wants to trade. What a good player, you can cut it if you say it, let's see how well others play in the Lakers.

It's really annoying.

The news media knew about these things, so when they saw someone blackmailing Ye Fei, the media who were upset with Ye Fei at the beginning also took the opportunity to add fuel and revenge, and instantly retaliated.

Black fans have always existed since their birth, no matter how good a player you are, there will always be a group of people waiting to criticize you.

This report has caused Ye Fei to be criticized a lot in China.

The fact that he refused to be interviewed by the media was also spread out, earning him a reputation for playing big names. But regarding this matter, when the quarrel was raging, Ye Fei and Zhang Manyuan had an unforgettable exclusive interview in a quiet coffee shop.

Zhang Manyuan, who works hard, is truly charming. Ye Fei is a little distracted, but she still cooperates with her work very well.

"I'm Zhang Manyuan, a reporter from Tencent Sports Daily. Next to me is Ye Fei, a rookie Lakers player from China. Ye Fei, can you say hello to the fans first?

Ye Fei showed a signature smile, the sun reflected on his side face, it was very charming, Zhang Manyuan's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but look infatuated.

"Hello fans, hello fans of Tencent Sports, I am Ye Fei, I am very happy to accept the exclusive interview of Tencent Sports, I am a player of the Lakers, thank you for your support all the time, I will play in the NBA It belongs to the demeanor of the people of the Celestial Dynasty."

Ye Fei talked and laughed freely, boasting, and with a little humor, which made this exclusive interview very pleasant.

The interview this time is more about some personal information about Ye Fei, as well as his experience and experience of playing in the United States, as well as some daily training situations.

The two chatted happily in the coffee shop....

Afterwards, Ye Fei took Zhang Manyuan and her shooting team to take some photos of her training.

This is the end of a short exclusive interview.

But it is an exclusive interview that Zhang Manyuan will never forget.

Ye Fei is handsome and charming, elegant and humorous in conversation, approachable, very different from the vicious look on the field, he is also knowledgeable, very humorous, in interviews, he is always taken away by him, and he makes him laugh from time to time.

In Zhang Manyuan's heart, Ye Fei's figure is even more profound.

It's no longer palpitations, love sprouts, she really likes the feeling of staying with Ye Fei.

But she still has work to do. After the interview, the two shook hands.

Zhang Manyuan was very grateful: "Ye Fei, I really appreciate you giving me this opportunity to interview, thank you so much, I will treat you to dinner when I have time."

"How dare you let a beautiful woman spend money? If you have the opportunity, I will invite you. Anyway, I am also an NBA star with a net worth of millions. If you need interviews in the future, just contact me."

Zhang Manyuan was very excited: "Really? That's great, thank you, I'll go back to write the manuscript first, goodbye.

Seeing off Zhang Manyuan, Ye Fei thought carefully about the softness of her little hands, and couldn't help but smile.

For Zhang Manyuan, this interview was an unforgettable experience.

The same is true for Ye Fei in 2.1.

Not long after, Zhang Manyuan sorted out the interview report and sent it to the editor-in-chief in China.

It was unbelievable that it was Ye Fei's exclusive interview, and Zhang Manyuan, an intern reporter, and Zhu Zhiwei, editor-in-chief of Tencent Sports News, was very excited after repeated confirmation.

This is big news.

At present, there is no media that can get an exclusive interview. Although Zhang Manyuan's praise in the report is a bit too much, but he did not hesitate, and immediately set this exclusive interview report as the front page of the next newspaper.

Therefore, when Rosen's report made a lot of noise, this exclusive interview report caused quite a stir in an instant.

(Whether you want to push Zhang Manyuan down, should you push down the bad luck first, or Lin Ziqiong, hehe..)

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