sports supervillain

63. Battle With The Old Lord (5 More!)

Knicks general manager Phil Jackson pointed the finger at Ye Fei in an interview before the game.

"I have never seen such a thorny player who does not obey discipline. Just because of a word from my teammates, I hurt others with a single word. Even if he has Jordan's talent and ability, I will not lose him. I feel that there is any trace of pity that his character is destined not to make him a superstar.

Among the praises of many legendary gods, his comments seemed out of place.

But it could be seen that this old man was very angry, and he began to act emotionally.

As his number one supporter, Derek Williams immediately stood up and publicly bombarded Ye Fei.

"Ye's playing style, I don't need to say more. All the players who played against him looked down on him. At the beginning, I just said a word to him, and then he shot me. I will make him regret it. Tomorrow I will play against him. Score 20+ on the head and beat their team, I don't bother to solve things with fists, I will prove myself on the court, I will beat him!

I don't know where he got the courage to dare to challenge Ye Fei, but I have to say that his appearance has increased his popularity a lot.

Players and staff members of Phil Jackson's series often took the opportunity to slander Ye Fei, but people like "Melon" Anthony simply ignored what Jackson thought, and still stood on Ye Fei's side.

"Ye, is an extremely talented player. He has proved himself in the Lakers. He will be better in the future. I like to play with him. He is full of passion and eager to win. Like me, he is welcome back to New York."

Doesn't matter if you're the team manager or not, so what if you're the team president?

Anthony has always gone his own way, and there is a saying in the rivers and lakes----I am a brother in society, and people don't talk harshly much.

With a background of gangsters, Garnett and Pierce were shivering in the team bus at the beginning, and he was a ruthless character who could not be provoked.

Phil Jackson couldn't control him at all, and Knicks coach Russell, who was not as aggressive as Jackson, still expressed his praise for Ye Fei in his words.

Being used to compare with Ye Fei, Porzingis replied with extreme humility: "Ye Fei is very talented. He is playing better than me at present. He may not be my opponent in one-on-one, but he is in the team. The role is much more important than me~". "

The words of Anthony and Porzingis were selectively ignored by the media. They just caught Phil Jackson's words and Derek Williams' challenge, like Ye Fei's question.

In response to Phil Jackson's remarks, Ye Fei's response was very domineering and tough.

"Regret or not, it's someone else's business. I will prove myself with my performance. Doesn't he have any problems when the Bulls Dynasty falls apart and the Lakers F4 is disbanded? A coach who can only play the so-called triangle offense, even a coach like New York A team with abundant resources and a general manager who can't even move it, shouldn't we reflect on it? Let me obey the discipline, please show enough persuasiveness, and please don't confuse right and wrong with black and white.

Ye Fei completely offended Phil Jackson, and Ye Fei was sure of his villain's worth. Once you make yourself anxious, you will also give him a green hat of forgiveness.

As for Derek Williams, who has no use value, Ye Fei chose to ignore him.

If he doesn't know what to do, Ye Fei doesn't mind hurting him.

The strong Ye Fei, against Phil Jackson, who is not to be outdone, made this match full of black powder.

Kobe Bryant expressed his support for Ye Fei and will help him to defeat the Knicks with all his strength, and even criticized Zen Master for being blind.

The master-student relationship, coupled with the grievances between Ye Fei and the Knicks, the game between the Lakers and the Knicks has attracted much attention.

The atmosphere before the game was tense, but Anthony still ignored Jackson's murderous eyes and walked over to say hello to Ye Fei.

"Brother, long time no see, you played really well, we have the opportunity to play together. But today in my territory, I will go all out, you don't let me down."

He has made a trade application to the Knicks, he is not willing to play for this city.

Ye Fei didn't know anything and just responded politely.

"Thank you brother, come on, let's have a good fight."

The hug between the two made those who questioned Ye Fei as the bully of the cancer team shut up.

If Ye Fei was really a cancer, would he have such a good relationship with Anthony, and now get along so well with Kobe?

This scene made Phil Jackson's beard stand on end.

Damn Anthony, do you really think I dare not touch you?

With the sound of a whistle, this battle of focus officially started.

Ye Fei is still playing as a substitute. The New York Knicks’ starting lineup is not much different from when Ye Fei was still there. They just put Vujacic on the bench and let Derek Williams start. And metaphor.

People saw that hug and thought Anthony was going to release water, but as soon as he came up, he fired with full force.

Mid-range jumpers, strong inside shots, and three-point shots succeeded one after another. He scored 8 of the Knicks' first 10 points and led the team to a 10-2 offensive climax.

Anthony wants to make trouble, but how can Kobe let him do what he wants.

Hitting difficult three-pointers one after another from the outside line also led the team to a wave of offensive climax to catch up with the score.

The two sides are facing each other, they simply don't defend, and let go of their hands to attack.

The tempo is fast.

In a blink of an eye, after half a quarter of the game, the Lakers trailed their opponents by 6 points 16-22.

Hibbert's movement is too slow, the defensive end is full of loopholes, and the fast-paced game is simply not suitable for him.

If it weren't for the opponent's inside line, Porzingis and Robin Lopez, the two elders, perhaps the score would have been opened long ago, and it was entirely up to Kobe to hold on.

Derek Williams is doing his best (Zhao De's) strength, working very hard on both ends of the offense and defense. He is in good form today and has already scored 5 points.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Scott took the lead in making substitution adjustments.

Ye Fei is finally in battle.

At the beginning, there were some diehard New York fans booing Ye Fei, but soon their voices were overwhelmed by the cheers and shouts welcoming Ye Fei.

々Ye, I love you Leng!"

"Ye, welcome to New York!"

"Ye Fei, we love you, come on!"

"Ye, you are the best! The most handsome! And the strongest!

Finally it was his turn to play, and Ye Fei played against his former team for the first time.

Against the Knicks who swept him out, Ye Fei was actually a little grateful. If it weren't for them, how could he shine in the Lakers?

But Ye Fei didn't intend to let go of the interest that should be collected.

Get on my knees and sing Conquer - New York Knicks!.

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