sports supervillain

65. Make A Strong Push At The Rim And Knock Your Opponent Into The Air

Derek Williams didn't understand what it meant to have my skate shoes rub against the ground.

But he knew that Ye Fei was provoking himself, and he must make Ye Fei lose face.

Derek Williams clings to Ye Fei like brown sugar, he doesn't think about attacking at all, he has to defend Ye Fei.

It was the turn of the Lakers to attack, and Derrick William mode followed Ye Fei from halftime.

"I don't even give you the chance to connect the ball, and you still want to dunk, it doesn't exist!"

Crazy Derek Williams completely ignored everyone else. Ye Fei gave Clarkson a screen to block his teammates.

Ye Fei smiled slightly: "Are you going to fight to the death with me? But are you really good at it?"

"Didn't see this time, you don't even have a chance, rookie, you will pay a terrible price for what you did before."

Ye Fei replied: "After a while you will know what cruelty is!"

In this round, Ye Fei was successfully locked, Derek Williams' confidence soared, and he played singles with the ball from the outside.

He swayed past Nick Young continuously and rushed towards the basket. Seeing Ye Fei defending him, he didn't feel the slightest bit of fear, but was extremely excited.

Finally got this moment.

Ye Fei suffers!

I want to detain you!

If he chooses to make a layup, he may still have a chance, but if he chooses to dunk, he is simply doing his best.

When he rushed over without hesitation, facing the basket and wanted to make an angry dunk, Ye Fei's big hands wiped the ball firmly.

"Get out of here, old man!"

With all the pressure, Derek Williams couldn't stand it at all.

The body that flew towards the basket was instantly stagnated in the air, and then, under Ye Fei's strong pressure, his body became unstable, fell from the air, and stumbled back a few steps.

"The skies above the New York Knicks have become a no-fly zone because of the existence of .

He wanted to humiliate Ye Fei, but he was humiliated by this big cap. The fans on the sidelines even booed Derek Williams to embarrass him.

But that's okay, I'm killing you on the defensive end.

Derek Williams, who is 203cm tall and weighs 109kg, is indeed very flexible and fast. He can keep up with Ye Fei. It was not an easy task to get rid of him completely, and he put all his attention on himself.

For two rounds in a row, Ye Fei didn't play a wonderful lob with his teammates, and rarely even touched the ball.

Ye Fei is very upset!

The commentary on the sidelines did not come at the right time: "Derrick's performance was great. He really had a way. He used his speed to keep up with Ye, and then kept pestering him with his body. He didn't give Ye a chance to cooperate with his teammates. Ye Fang held back, there was no way to vomit."


I really thought Derek Williams would be able to guard against Ye Fei.

Just don't be naive.

Facing Porzingis, Lopez and other big men above 210cm, the reason why Ye Fei does not play hard inside is that his height is not dominant and he is prone to mistakes. He can push the opponent away with strength, but hold it high above his head The double arms will make it extremely difficult for Ye Fei to handle the ball.

Post-up singles at the basket is not an easy job.

Many people think that the pinnacle O'Neal completely crushes his opponents in the interior, relying on his strong body and huge strength, he can easily get to the basket and dunk again.

But many people don't know that singles under the basket is not as simple as pushing with strength.

Encountering a defensive player who is taller than you and not so disadvantaged in body, without strong skills, it is easy to be interfered and destroyed by the opponent.

But don't forget that when Yao Ming covered O'Neal three times in a row, you should understand that singles at the basket are not that simple.

But that's when the opponent's height is dominant. Now facing Derek Williams, he is defending behind him again. Ye Fei still won't play with him?

If you don't let me catch it alley, I'll forcefully push you under the basket.

Therefore, Ye Fei, who has always been on the offensive end, will only come out to cover and wait for his teammates to feed him.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, he suddenly asked for an inside position.

The card position Ye Fei is completely dominant, blocking Derek Williams tightly behind him.

"Give me the ball!"

Clarkson was a little puzzled, but he didn't hesitate. After all, this was a good opportunity.

...seeking flowers 0

Derek Williams reacted, and it was too late to go around. Ye Fei, who received the ball, took advantage of the opportunity to forcefully kill him to the left.

Derek Williams behind him didn't want to give in, but how could Ye Fei's strength be resisted by him?

"Get out of my way!"

With a little force, he knocked Derek Williams away.

Ye Fei took the ball and dribbled one step and went straight to the basket.

"Don't even think about leaving, you have no chance!"

Derek Williams reacted immediately, readjusted his position and rushed over, trying to block Ye Fei who was pushing hard to the basket.

Both sides have entered the reasonable collision zone, and Ye Fei is even more unceremonious.

He lowered his head and slammed into Derek Williams with great force, like a Mercedes-Benz car.


Derek Williams, who hadn't gained a firm foothold, couldn't stand the impact at all.


Without a trace of defense, he was hit and flew a meter away, and lay on his back with his hands raised high.


Ye Fei, who was unguarded, pulled it up and dunked the ball with both hands, pushing the ball into the basket.

A series of actions, done in one go, with momentum like a rainbow.

At that moment, Ye Fei was like a god coming down to earth, with a heroic spirit.

The shocking blow completely stunned the fans at the scene!

No one expected that Ye Fei would go to the basket to attack.

No one thought that he would be able to complete this attack, and finally dunk the ball into the basket in such a shocking way.

It is simply shocking and domineering.

Such a strong push at the basket, on Ye Fei's body, seeing the figure of Shaquille O'Neal, who was the peak at the time, is simply a wild beast raging at the basket.

The fans who reacted made Madison Square Garden boil again.

"It's too cruel!"

"An unbelievable attack, really powerful!"

"Trash Derek, get out of the Knicks, you're weak! Yeh, good job!"

"Simply don't be too cruel, knock your opponent into the air."

"Wow, so domineering, so handsome, so awesome! Ye, you are really good!"

Mold, who was sitting on the sidelines, was completely high, and shouted to Ye Fei: "Ye, I want to date you ten.".

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