sports supervillain

68. The Ultimate Mystery Of Shadow Iron Elbow

Since Ye Fei dared to treat his friend like this, why didn't he return it?

And Lance Thomas, who had just appeared on the stage, told him to go ahead and do whatever he wants to hurt Ye Fei. No matter what the punishment is, the general manager Phil Jackson will bear it together. If he does well, he will be compensated.

What are you waiting for?

Hit him all!

All the players from the Knicks set their sights on Ye Fei.

Don't put on a fierce look, thinking that we will be afraid of you.

If you really want to fight, you may not lose to you.

The general manager has given the order, and Ye Fei's behavior really made them unhappy. I really think that our New York Knicks players are soft persimmons. You can pinch them as you like?

Therefore, the next game can be described as full of gunpowder.

Even if Ye Fei is an ordinary running position, he can be attacked suddenly by the opponent's player.

Whether it is on the offensive end or on the defensive end.

The opponent would not let go of the opportunity to make physical contact with Ye Fei, and frequently attacked Ye Fei.

Ye Fei is getting more and more hairy, is this for playing dirty?

I have always been the only one who bullies others, and I never thought that there would be others who would try to trick me.

Ye Fei's violent temper came up in an instant.

In less than three minutes, Ye Fei sent out 3 fouls, making the opponent pay for 4 fouls. The scene of the game was completely heated.

Originally thought that on the defensive end, Derek Williams was injured with a shadow iron elbow.

Knicks players, more or less restrained, the ultimate secret that I just comprehended, I can go back and experiment a few times before using it, but when I meet these guys who don't know what to do, Ye Fei will let them know what is the shadow The ultimate mystery of Iron Elbow.

When it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei went down low and asked for the ball.

Behind him was Lopez, who followed him, Ye Fei endured him for a long time, his unkempt hair like a chicken coop, he wanted to burn it with a fire. And he said that he looks as honest as his brother, but when playing, he is much dirtier than his brother.

Ye Fei was often punched and pinched by him just now, this time Ye Fei will be retrieved together.

"Rookie boy, I have long disliked you. With your level, you still want to force me? Don't be too naive. I'm not Derek, you will regret it~!

Ye Fei smiled coldly: "Really? That will let you understand how he was raped by me in the first place. You can't stop me. Look!"

After receiving Clarkson's pass, Ye Fei turned around, still using the same move, a simple and rough attack.

Although Lopez moves slowly, he is tall and long.

He had more power than Derek Williams, with a more stable foot, and Ye Fei made the first move, only to back him up a bit.

Finding the breakthrough route, Ye Fei took advantage of the situation and made a strong kill to the basket.

Lopez came over and raised his hands high to prevent Ye Fei from jumping easily.

This defense is better.

Lopez defended and retreated, allowing Ye Fei to reach his attack area. Without any hesitation, he roared and pulled up forcefully.

"Just like that, you still want to dunk? Eat my cap!"

Lopez pressed over with confidence, but Ye Fei, who jumped with all his strength, was shocked by the strength carried by his body.

He wanted to use his body to hold Ye Fei down, but an elbow swept over his chest, and his body instantly fell back.

Ye Fei slammed into him with all his strength, making Lopez take several steps back.

Suffering from pain in the chest and being knocked away again, Lopez was powerless to defend.

I could only watch Ye Fei, performing a violent slam dunk in front of him.

"I said you can't guard me! Neither you nor Derek are my opponents. I am the king of the basket, and you will only tremble for it."

Lopez was furious, and Ye Fei hit too hard.

Although I couldn't see how Ye Fei shot, the pain in his chest was real.

Damn kid.

Lopez became more and more disgusted, Ye Fei in front of him, he responded angrily: "Dirty tricks are only for black hands, dare to fight me head-on? It was just careless just now, next time you will not be so good transport."

Ye Fei was noncommittal.

How can you, Lopez, be able to defend against the set of combined attacks that I just researched?

Let me get acquainted a few more times, and you will know what cruelty is.

Ye Fei didn't have full firepower just now, and he won't hold back in the next game.

If you dare to make trouble for yourself, you will all get down.

It was the Knicks' turn to attack. Lopez, who had just been dunked angrily, was eager to save face and also asked for the ball in the low post. But under Ye Fei's powerful strength, he still couldn't squeeze within two meters of the basket, and Lopez still chose to ask for the ball.

First he tried hard to squeeze under the basket, but he still couldn't squeeze. His slow pace didn't work at all.

After some attempts, he could only choose mid-range strong shots. Ye Fei couldn't make any shots with his stingy mid-range shots.

But Ye Fei didn't want to let go, the opportunity to humiliate him.

With a leap, Diary slammed his shot into the air.

If you want to score in front of me, if it doesn't exist, come and die!"

It's the Lakers' turn to attack, Kobe is not on the court, Clarkson holds the ball, ignores Russell's request for the ball, and passes the ball to Ye Fei.

Lopez tried to imitate Ye Fei and push him outside, but it didn't work at all.

Ye Fei was only a little over one meter away from the basket, and when he turned around, he found a chance to make a shot.

But Lopez raised his arms, interfering over his head, and his body was also close. (Li Lehao

If he was strong, he might be blocked by his long arms, but Ye Fei's combined attack technique once again showed his might.

Leaning to Lopez's side, grabbing the ball and pulling it up forcefully, a shadow iron elbow hit, making Lopez back again and again, Ye Fei took advantage of the momentum and flew into the air, clasping his hands furiously, Finish the offense.

A series of movements, smooth and flowing, without the slightest flaw.

Even if Lopez took precautions in advance and fell to the ground, the referee ignored him.

Because of Ye Fei's movements, there was no problem, and there was no suspicion of an elbow at all. He just forced a dunk. Lopez lacked physical resistance, and it had nothing to do with Ye Fei when he fell to the ground.

Seeing Lopez who got up from the ground and chased after the referee's theory, Ye Fei showed a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

It turns out that this is the ultimate mystery of Shadow Iron Elbow. .

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