sports supervillain

706. Poor Embiid

With the ball in the low position, Ye Fei turned his back to Embiid, without pushing hard with his body, Ye Fei moved continuously, and Shenmeng's footsteps reappeared. The defense was clean.

He jumped up lightly and made a one-handed dunk, opening the record for the Lakers.

Before Ye Fei had practiced the footsteps of God's Dream, Embiid was recognized in the league as a player who had won the true inheritance of "Dream" Olajuwon's dream footsteps, and even Olajuwon himself thought so.

But in the first round against Embiid, Ye Fei used Embiid's best fantasy footsteps to teach him a good lesson.

Why didn't Embiid know that Ye Fei was demonstrating like himself?

When it was the 76ers' turn to attack, Embiid remained in the same position without saying a word, stuck Ye Fei, and reached out to his teammate "960" for the ball.

"Give me!"

Embiid is the absolute core on the field, Rodriguez obediently handed the ball to him, and Ye Fei didn't block it, otherwise Embiid wouldn't even be able to touch the ball.

Taking the ball and turning around, facing Ye Fei to defend, Embiid showed off his fantastic footsteps, Ye Fei didn't move at all, you show off and I stand still. Although Ye Fei stood in front of Embiid lazily, there was no flaw in the defense, and Embiid's dreamy footsteps were useless at all.

Embiid squeezed hard with his body and tried to get past Ye Fei's defense, but it was still unsuccessful.

But Embiid's killing intent was determined, and he had to return one. He stood up against the defense and took off with Ye Fei on his shoulder.

What greeted him must have been a big blood cap that covered his head and face, and Ye Fei slapped the ball in Embiid's hand.

Ye Fei shook his head repeatedly at Embiid: "Rookie, you can't do it!"

Embiid was furious and eager to save his face. Seeing Ye Fei running forward with all his strength, he immediately caught up with Ye Fei.

Ye Fei could have thrown Embiid away directly, but when he got near the three-point line, he slowed down a little, and rushed to Embiid behind him and said, "Have you caught up? I'm going to start performing!"

Seeing Ye Fei pointing upwards with his right hand, Long Duo understood and threw the ball to Pingchen.

Ye Fei's figure moved instantly, and he went straight to the restricted area.

Embiid quickly started to chase, and roared behind Ye Fei: "No way!"

Seeing Ye Fei jumping up, Embiid also took off, trying to block Ye Fei's lobbing dunk, but he was a step slower and stretched out a pair of long arms, which did not interfere with Ye Fei's shot, but instead Reduced to Ye Fei background board.

Ye Fei smashed the ball into the basket through Embiid, embarrassing Embiid again.

Embiid, who is 213cm tall and talented, can only dunk the rest of the players, and no one dares to break ground on him.

But Ye Fei came to the home court of the 76ers, and it was only the second round that made Embiid lose face.

This dunk instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the fans on the scene, and at the same time forced Embiid stronger.

The 76ers attack, Embiid continues to ask for the ball in the low post, Ye Fei defends behind him, it is still a chance for Embiid to get the ball, Ye Fei wants to see how many axes Embiid has

The fantasy footsteps can't show off, Embiid chooses a simple and rude offensive method, taking the ball and digging hard.

Ye Fei behind him is like a rock, stable as a mountain, Embiid is struggling to advance, and can't stand up to Ye Fei at all, even under Ye Fei's defense, he is walking more and more outside.

Unable to attack for a long time and impatient, Embiid chose to turn around and shoot a jumper, but Ye Fei stretched out his long arm to interfere. Embiid lost his balance in the confrontation, failed to fully exert his strength, and directly shot a three-point shot.

Ye Fei turned around and held the ball in his hand. When he saw Clarkson running in front, he swung his long arm and made a coquettish quarterback pass, which was accurately delivered to Clarkson. The latter caught the ball and made a layup. Ye Fei Add another assist.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. I have broken three data points. Your wish to give me five balls must be broken. But it seems that I want to give you five balls. After all, none of your data has broken zero. Oh, I forgot, your number of mistakes is definitely not zero, do you want me to add a few more for you?"

Embiid hated Ye Fei's ridicule: "Damn it!"

Embiid looked at Ye Fei viciously and said: "Don't be too happy, I have plenty of ways to deal with you.

"That's definitely the best, I'm afraid the game will end early, but it's too boring to grind 50+, you have to work hard!"

Two consecutive strong attacks at the basket failed, Embiid did not get the ball in the low position, but ran to the high position to get the ball...

If the inside line can't reach Ye Fei, Embiid can't play well. If he retreats to a high position to get the ball, Embiid can make a mid-range shot and go inside. He thinks he has a higher grasp.

Ye Fei, who was standing in front of him to defend, still looked casual.

Embiid still couldn't get rid of the defense, Ye Fei could always block his way forward, and suffered from physical confrontation, Embiid squeezed away the defense, chose to hit Ye Fei a few times, turned around continuously, and made a jumper behind his back.

I thought I would avoid Ye Fei's defense, but I saw a figure rushing up in an instant, leaping high in front of him, a pair of powerful hands directly clamping down on Embiid's shot.

Oh My God!

It was a brutal grabbing cap directly, which made Embiid return without success again.

Seeing Ye Fei catch the ball to the ground, Embiid dared to despair. He was tall and long, and he deliberately leaned back and shot with a high arc, but Ye Fei still grabbed it abruptly.

Embiid was furious.

Ye Fei got the ball, didn't say anything to humiliate Embiid, handed the ball to Rondo, and walked half court with him. Ye Fei saw that his teammates were in a good position, directly in the high position on the left, and Embiid asked for the ball in the same position.

Embiid was not as easy-talking as Ye Fei, and stepped up immediately, preventing Ye Fei from getting the ball easily.

Ye Fei pushed his butt, squeezed the defense to get the ball.

0.1 There is no extra fake action, just turn over and jump back.

"Eat my hat!"

Embiid finally caught the opportunity, leaped high, wanted to block Ye Fei's shot, but slapped Yang Yan's phantom, the king of mid-range shots, with no false shots, Ye Fei's mid-range jumper Come on!

The two landed at the same time, Ye Fei had a vague smile on his face, and Embiid's face was full of helplessness.

Seeing this scene, many fans felt sorry for Embiid. The invincible Beeder was brutally beaten by Ye Fei in several consecutive rounds of competition.

The trick that he is good at is completely useless in front of Ye Fei. What's even more exasperating is that Ye Fei beat Embiid in the same way, making him scream.

Fans want to sigh: OH, poor Embiid. .

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