sports supervillain

710. Ruan Dan, Please Get Out Of Here!

On December 18th, the Quicken Loans Arena was packed, and the fans were ready to defend the dignity of the home court.

In this city, James is the only one who can be regarded as a hero.

Even if he didn't win a championship, James' contribution to Cleveland is still indelibly great.

They look forward to the heroes in their hearts, bringing the first NBA championship trophy in history to this city and this team.

In the 2014-2015 season, they saw hope. Under the leadership of the Big Three, they swept the Eastern Conference. Unexpectedly, on the stage of the finals, they encountered the sudden emergence of the Warriors and were directly eliminated 2-4. They hated the Warriors and also hated this Lakers team, especially Ye Fei.

In the 2015-2016 season, the Cavaliers, who made a comeback, are still the overlord of the Eastern Conference. They swept their opponents out in the first and second rounds. Even in the Eastern Conference finals, they still did not encounter too much pressure. A wave of 4-2 directly beat DeRozan to autism and entered the finals strongly. Meeting the Lakers led by the old Kobe, they thought the championship trophy would touch the


Ye Fei dragged them back from the beautiful dream world to the cruel abyss of hell. With his invincible performance in the finals, he abruptly led the Lakers and took the O'Brien Cup back to Los Angeles.

Missing the championship trophy once again, Cleveland Cavaliers fans, old and new, all blame Ye Fei.

Ye Fei not only took away their coveted championship trophy, but now he is even more in the limelight, taking away the title of the first player in the James League~.

LeBron James is the god in the hearts of Cavaliers fans, how can they allow their god to be surpassed by others-?

Ye Fei's arrogant words before the game made the Cavaliers fans very upset.

So, when Ye Fei stepped into the Quicken Loans Arena, he was greeted with boos all over the sky.

"WOOOOOO, garbage, scum, please fuck off Cleveland Cavaliers!"

"Don't try to run wild on our territory, bastard, you are not qualified, we will drown you with saliva!"

"It's this bastard, spit on him, who allows you to exist as the number one player in the league, and the only number one player in the league is LeBron!"

"Go away, you can't get 50% in our arena!"

"Cavs come on, give me a hard kick in his ass and smash his head!"

"Fuck him! Fuck him to death! Slap him hard! Let him see the power of a knight, go!"

Ye Fei took it for granted, with a calm expression on his face. The little brother Zubac looked at Ye Fei in astonishment, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart: As expected of the boss, so many people booed wildly, and he can still be calm and composed, he is not too handsome!

Perhaps even Ye Fei didn't know, but in his little brother's heart, his status had soared several notches.

But that doesn't matter.

Ye Fei waited for the boos to subside a little, turned around and shouted to the audience: "Speak up, try to make the ball frame tremble, otherwise you won't be able to affect me, in my eyes, the basket is as big as the ocean !"

Some arrogant shouting, once again attracted frenzied boos.

Ye Fei calmly warmed up on the sidelines, waiting for the game to start.

The Cavaliers team attaches great importance to today's game and put on the strongest starting lineup.

Starting point guard Kelly Irving, shooting guard JR Smith, small forward LeBron James, power forward Kevin Love, center Tristan Thompson.

During the offseason, the Cavaliers hardly made any big moves, and the complete lineup was left behind. It's just that the depressed Mozgov and the defensive champion Dellavedova who pursued a big contract were not left behind.

But the corresponding reinforcement, signing a veteran from the Grizzlies, James' teammate "Birdman" Anderson who won the championship in the Heat. Veteran, 3-point shooter Mike Dunleavy since trade from Bulls

The overall strength of the Cavaliers is still very strong. Although Tyronn Lue's coaching level is average, but in the new season, Irving has regained his confidence, and the statistics are not too explosive.

He averaged 35.1 minutes per game, scored 25.2 points, 5.8 assists, 3.2 rebounds and 1.15 steals, and his scoring reached a career high.

Thirty-year-old man, one year older, the data has not declined, and the score is higher than the previous year.

He averaged 37.8 minutes per game, contributed 26.4 points, 8.7 assists, 8.6 rebounds and 1.24 steals.

It is expected that the statistics of Irving and James have improved, but Kevin Love, one of the Big Three, will also regain some form in the new season. He averaged 19.0 points and 11.1 rebounds per game, much better than last season's 16.0 points and 9.9 rebounds.

...asking for flowers...

The Big Three are all ushering in the peak, and the overall strength of the Cavaliers is stronger.

The Lakers lost Kobe during the offseason, and the management and operation of the arena fell to a C rating. Although the current record is the first in the league, everyone knows that Ye Fei is alone.

Last season, the Cavaliers lost in the Sanying battle against the Shuangjie. The Big Three, who have been promoted again this season, choose Ye Fei alone, and they must be full of confidence.

"None of you can guard against me, let's see who gets 50+ first!"

The starting players walked to the center of the court and stood still, and Kelly Irving took the lead in declaring war.


"And I."

JR Smith continued: "I will use the three-pointer of the knife to make you collapse.

"Hey, cheer up the fans at the scene, let them see our chivalry and tough defense!"

Unwilling to be lonely, Tristan raised his arms to show off his muscles, and said to Ye Fei braggingly: "Today I will guard the basket, you don't want to play wild under the basket, I will reward you with spicy hot pot!"

Among the five starting players, three of them pointed their finger at Ye Fei. Before the game started, the smell of gunpowder was already pervasive, which showed how much they wanted to beat Ye Fei in their hearts.

However, Ye Fei shrugged indifferently, raised his head and opened his eyes sharply, looking at the Cavaliers with sharp eyes.

"Is it enough to pretend to be handsome? Is it okay to compete?!"

Ye Fei said loudly: "Everyone is as soft as toilet paper, and you pretend to be a tough guy for me. I hope you can hold on later. A word to you, idiot, please go away!"

"Who do you call a softie?!"

Seeing Ye Fei's unfriendly eyes, Tristan Thompson's anger was instantly ignited.


Ye Fei didn't show mercy at all: "It's a jump ball, you idiot!"

Tristan Thompson, who was about to explode, quickly jumped up and picked the ball. Ye Fei had already delivered the ball to his teammate.

The first attack of the game was initiated by the Lakers, and Ye Fei went down low and asked for the ball.

Tristan Thompson rushed over in a hurry: "Let me defend against him!".

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