sports supervillain

716. You Are Useless Alone

Ye Fei scored 17 points in the first quarter. At the end of the first half, Ye Fei scored 42 points, only 8 points away from 50 points.

With Ye Fei's superb performance, the Lakers 68 to 62 at halftime, leading the Cavaliers by 6 points.

The point difference was not too big, and James was very angry. When he walked back to the player tunnel during the halftime break, he had a serious expression on his face, and yelled at his teammates from time to time.

Obviously, James was very dissatisfied with the performance of his teammates in the first half, especially the defense of Ye Fei.

Originally relying on the whole team to double-team, they slightly restricted Ye Fei's scoring, but his teammates wanted to die, so they had to find Ye Fei to shoot a three-pointer, and in the end they were shot all over their heads, which made Ye Fei's score approaching the 50 mark .

The original plan was to limit Ye Fei's scoring as much as possible in the first half, and the rest of the players would consume Ye Fei's energy first, and then send James to defend at the end of the third quarter. "843" will definitely make Ye Fei feel very uncomfortable, but now It's hard for James.

Back in the locker room, he sat in his seat without saying a word, looked around his teammates, and then lowered his head angrily to think about countermeasures.

James did not express his opinion on Ye Fei's arrogant words before the game, but do you think that as arrogant as James, once the number one player in the league, would allow Ye Fei to act wild in Cleveland?

This is his territory, he is the hero here, he wants to lead the Cavaliers to the championship, and Ye Fei is the opponent he must defeat.

Not for the title of No. 1 in the league, even for his own dignity, James will not let Ye Fei get 50+ easily.

Back from the intermission, both sides did not adjust the starting lineup.

The Cavaliers' offense still revolves around Irving and James. Irving didn't continue to shoot three-pointers. He used his sharp breakthroughs to hit the penalty area to cause damage, or to attract the defense before passing the ball.

Irving and James hit the inside again and again, and the Lakers only had Ye Fei protect the frame in the penalty area, and they would always lose sight of the other.

On the first attack, Irving dribbled the ball flamboyantly, rushed to the bottom of the basket, and scored a layup with a beautiful drawbar.

On the defensive end, instead of letting Tristan Thompson and Love mark Ye Fei, the Cavaliers used James to follow Ye Fei.

Seeing this scene, the Cavaliers fans on the sidelines instantly boiled.

For the matchup between the Lakers and the Cavaliers, what fans are looking forward to is the contest between Ye Fei and James, the two top players in the league.

The positions of the two are different, and they may face each other when they are misaligned, but in the first half, there was not a single confrontation between the two in a serious posture.

Finally seeing James take the initiative to mark Ye Fei, how could the fans on the sidelines remain calm and stood up to cheer for James.

"LeBron can't help it! It's time for you to defend Ye, prevent him to death!"

"The duel of the first man in the league is finally kicking off, James, come on!"

"In the first half, James was supposed to take the shot. Ye Fei was so arrogant for so long.

"Come on, little emperor! Stop that arrogant kid! Let him know that in Cleveland, it's not that easy to get 50+."

"I came here just to watch the peak match between the two and see if James can defend Ye Fei. If he can't defend Ye Fei, the Cavaliers championship is still out of the question."

"Come on, the most exciting offensive and defensive matchup is about to be staged, James please help!"

James really could bear it, and in the second half, he took the initiative to beat Ye Fei.

Without any hesitation, Ye Fei took the ball from outside the three-point line and faced James' defense. With a height of 203 cm and a weight of 113 kg, James is the most likely player in the Cavaliers and even the league to defend Ye Fei alone.

He doesn't suffer from height and weight, and his physical talent is not bad. He can keep up with Ye Fei's footsteps, can defend beyond the three-point line, and can also resist Ye Fei in the paint.

This is the point of view of those so-called experts, but it does not hold true here at Ye Fei.

Glancing at James, Ye Fei said flatly, "You are useless alone."

"bring it on."

James was noncommittal. He tried his best to win Ye Fei because he understood how terrifying Ye Fei's strength was.

But he will not give in. When the team needs it, he must come forward. This is the awareness that the team leader should have.

"Then accept the move!"

If Ye Fei has nothing to spare, it is inevitable that the masters will cherish each other, and it is the greatest respect for the opponent to use all their strength to fight.

He took a tentative step out, trying to disrupt James' defensive rhythm. Entering the league at the age of 19, James has worked hard for many years, with rich defensive experience and excellent defensive skills.

A small feint can't fool James at all.

Ye Fei didn't take back the step he took. He squeezed out of position with his body, dribbled the ball in, and headed towards the penalty area against James' defense.

James defended and retreated, trying his best to block Ye Fei's advance, but his explosive physical talent was still not enough for Ye Fei.

Using James' familiar offensive style, Ye Fei carried the ball to the basket, almost without any pause, and the dry ground rose violently, pressing James, and pushing the ball into the basket.

James defended with all his strength, "still can't stop Ye Fei's raging.

But the fans could see that James tried his best, at least allowing Ye Fei to attack for more than ten seconds. If the other players defended one-on-one, Ye Fei would end the battle in five seconds.

James was a little helpless, Ye Fei's strength was terrifying, and he could crush himself with his body alone.

But he cannot back down.

The Cavaliers attacked, Irving broke through and handed the ball to James. Facing Ingram, James pretended to go to the penalty area, rushed to the free throw line, stepped back and made a jumper, scored a mid-range shot, and returned one.

When it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei still mentioned taking the ball from beyond the three-point line. In the last round, he had proved that he could completely crush James with his body.

Holding the ball at the top of the arc to defend from the front, Ye Fei accelerated to walk in. James was afraid of Ye Fei's breakthrough, so he took half a step back.

Pretending to rush in, Ye Fei suddenly retreated 3.8 and succeeded in a mid-range jumper.

James guessed Ye Fei's intention and took off with all his strength to block the shot, but he still couldn't block Ye Fei's shot.

The Cavaliers serve from the bottom line, Owen speeds up and hits a quick counterattack, hits the penalty area, attracts Ye Fei to defend, and passes the ball to James who is following up.

After catching the ball and jumping, James grabbed the ball with one hand and staged a wonderful gliding split dunk, finally regaining some ground.

Ye Fei is relentless.

Serve the ball to Rondo, let him speed up and kill half court with him, Ye Fei, who pretended to get the ball, suddenly started an air cut to the basket.

Rondo understood and threw the ball high.


Tristan Thompson sensed Ye Fei's attacking intention and rushed towards Ye Fei with a roar. James followed him to defend, also jumping high.

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