sports supervillain

718. Fancy 1V5

Ye Fei's series of moves was dazzling, which made the Cavaliers players' scalps tingle, and the commentators applauded again and again.

When Barkley saw Ye Fei dodge JR Smith and Irving's teamwork to block the shot, he roared excitedly: "It's too strong! It doesn't count if it's over five, and the chasing block is still dodged. Is Ye going against the sky?" ?!"


Kenny Smith's exclamation made Barkley focus on the game, and Ye Fei's series of flashes and moves was really wonderful.

However, James did not give up, and after being thrown off by Ye Fei, he kept looking for opportunities.

The moment Ye Fei turned over and was about to shoot, James rushed over and Ye Fei's body began to fall. James just jumped up to block the shot.

Ye Fei reproduced the magical operation, grasping the ball with both hands, shaking it from left to right, and at the same time, leaning back greatly to prolong the time in the air.

James' body fell, Ye Fei was still in the air, and the ball was still missed.

Seeing that James was unable to block the shot, Ye Fei could barely throw the ball out. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Tristan Thompson jumping up to block the block. Ye Fei made a high arc, and the ball flew past Tristan Thompson's fingertips before his body touched the ground. .

The ball hits the backboard, bounces into the basket, hits the backboard.

There was an uproar at the scene.

Ye Fei's goal is really good, even better than the five-best dunk just now. With one against five, all kinds of fancy operations, the physical potential is pushed to the limit before making a shot, and still throwing the ball in.


So beautiful!

It turns out that Ye Fei's operation can be so good, the fans are completely dumbfounded.

"My God! I still don't understand how Ye Fei 1v5 and even made the ball!"

"Convinced, three consecutive waves of people took off to block the shot, but I couldn't block Ye Fei's shot. The ability to stay in the air is not too good. James took off behind, but still couldn't block Ye Fei's shot. It's really terrifying`

"I've seen Lili Zhan before, Ye Fei wanted to tell us to call it Liliye, but Liliye is too tough, I'm convinced!"

"It's crazy, one-on-five, live a clean life, fancy dodge in the air, handsome!"

"No matter how hard I try, I feel that I may not be able to play such a good operation. Ye Fei is flying so well, I am dumbfounded!"

"God Ye, please accept my knee this year!"

"A super gorgeous goal, the time in the air is suffocating, the sand dodging in the air is desperate, and the difficult shot is trembling."

"Do you want to force the strongest Ye Fei with all your strength? I haven't seen Ye Fei play so hard for a long time, and I look forward to him making more difficult goals.

Not to mention the amazement of the fans, even the Cavaliers were too shocked to speak, and James shook his head again and again.

He has seen terrifying and monstrous players, but he has never seen such terrifying and monstrous players, playing with the entire defense line of the Cavaliers alone, and the Cavaliers players have nothing to do with him.

Decided to start the full James mode, James must have no reservations.

When it was the Cavaliers' turn to attack, James took the initiative to play singles, and the Lakers retreated defensively. James' offensive skills are not the most comprehensive, but they are the most domineering, pushing Ingram hard.

Going to the penalty area, resisting the defense of Ingram and Speights, he evaded the defense and shot again, causing Speights to make a foul, and put the ball into the basket, another 2+1.

Seeing this scene, TNT TV commentator Chris Webber said: "LeBron plays more reasonably, so he passes more, but once he starts the full-strength James mode, few people can stop him.

"I do not deny."

Barkley continued: "But didn't you see Ye Gang's goal? And if you really want to face Ye, LeBron may not be able to score the ball. The full-force Zhan mode must be cruel, but you didn't realize that Ye is more serious Is it scary? The opponent's five players still can't guard him!"

"That's right."

Kenny Smith remained neutral, but what Barkley said was the truth: "The game is getting more and more interesting. Is James trying to force Leaf? Let's see who is stronger!"

The game continues.

The Lakers launched an offense, Ye Fei withdrew to get the ball outside the three-point line, and then defended against James, Ye Fei faced the basket, suddenly accelerated and started to attack the penalty area. James didn't even have time to react, and Ye Fei got close to the free throw line in an instant. Irving and JR Smith joined forces to defend, but they still couldn't stop the raging Ye Fei.

Instantly tearing apart the line of defense, facing Love and Tristan Thompson who came back to defend, Ye Fei exploded in the collision zone reasonably, facing the defense of the two, and slammed the ball hard at the basket pen.

Under the dunk of death, there were no survivors. Ye Fei pressed the two of them and pushed the ball into the basket.

It was another wave of 1V5 operations, which was more explosive and more beautiful than the previous goal.

Fans are thoroughly watching hi.

After chasing and defending with all his strength, James still couldn't block Ye Fei's dunk. James felt that he had to return one on the offensive end.

Ingram singles with the ball in the left high position, the weight advantage is too great, pushing Ingram James and turning to the penalty area.

It was no longer Speights who greeted him at the basket, but Ye Fei.

James chose to go up by himself, relying on Ye Fei to find a physical confrontation, and Ye Fei came up immediately as he wished.

James took advantage of the opportunity to take a step back and jump shot, with a slightly backward shot, deliberately setting the arc high, deliberately avoiding Ye Fei's block.

At the moment the ball was released, Ye Fei leaped high, the Grim Reaper reappeared, and grabbed the basketball thrown by James with both hands.

James' continuous scoring momentum was interrupted, and Ye Fei's block made James extremely desperate.

No matter how strong Zhan is, he still can't escape, and the sanction of Fen with all his strength.

(Qian Zhao's) Full Force Zhan and Full Force Ye, which one is stronger and weaker, you can see it immediately.

What made the Cavaliers players even more desperate was that Ye Fei forced an attack to the limit of his body for two consecutive rounds, activating the ZONE state.

Ye Fei, who successfully grabbed the cap, dribbled forward with the ball and ran all the way, as fast as lightning.

The Cavaliers rushed up one after another, but Ye Fei relied on his speed to get past the pass, leaving all the defense behind, and went straight to Huanglong, slammed to the basket, and dunked violently.

James barely kept up with Ye Fei's footsteps, and at the moment he took off, he jumped high, trying to give Ye Fei a big hat.

Knowing that someone was chasing to block the shot, Ye Fei smashed the ball towards the basket.

The two confronted in the air, and the final result was Ye Fei's furious dunk, and it didn't count that he pushed the ball into the basket. James, who was fighting against Ye Fei, staggered and almost fell when he landed under the impact of Ye Fei's huge force. fell to the ground. .

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