sports supervillain

727. No Solution Dry Pulling

"Dry pull."

Ye Fei said calmly, and the reporters present were instantly stirred up in their hearts.

Dry pulling is not Ye Fei's usual trick. In the previous games, it was not performed many times. In the impression of fans, Ye Fei is not a master of dry pulling. Not to mention that it is comparable to the most ecstasy of the dry-drawing master McGrady, Ye Fei's dry-drawing may not even be comparable to Kobe.

They never expected that Ye Fei would score 50 points with a dry pull in the Christmas game.

The dry pull can be an advanced jump shot, and it can be regarded as the most difficult shooting technique among all jump shots. Ganba relies on the strength of the waist to forcefully take off, and suddenly exerts force with one foot to drive the other foot and the whole body. It requires extremely strong waist and abdomen strength, as well as arm strength.

For Ye Fei, it is not a difficult task, but it is not an easy thing to truly achieve the integration of human and ball, elegant and natural dry drawing, and the integration of human and ball.

McGrady, who is known as the most elegant and unrestrained dry pull, is extremely talented, and after a lot of practice, he has practiced an incomprehensible dry pull jumper.

Ye Fei has been in the league for less than two years. In the previous games, Ye Fei's ability to show off was not elegant and natural.

But in the Christmas game, Ye Fei would use this method to score 50+, they really couldn't believe it.

A reporter came to his senses and hurriedly asked, "Ye, are you serious?"

"When did I joke, waiting to see my performance tonight, bye.

Ye Fei left gracefully, leaving behind a bunch of reporters who were still dazed.

It is even more difficult for Ye Fei to get 50+ with a dry pull than to get 50+ with a dunk. After all, as long as Ye Fei hits the penalty area, no one can stop him from dunking

But playing dry draw is different, especially when encountering the opponent's crazy double-team or close-fitting press, if you are not careful, you will play off.

The reporters don't know where Ye Fei's self-confidence comes from, but Ye Fei looks confident.

There is no other reason.

In the last game against the Magic, Ye Fei got a temporary task overfulfilled, and finally got a chance to get a super lucky spinner.

Ye Fei turned on the lucky wheel and successfully drew an SSS-level skill.

[Unsolvable Dry Pull] (SSS level skill): After equipped, the dry pull ability is increased to full value, the shot ignores the block, the posture is ecstasy, and the speed is extremely fast.

There are not many words in the skill introduction, just the word Wujie in the skill name is enough to prove the strength of this SSS level skill.

Ye Fei is equipped with unsolvable pulling skills, coupled with unparalleled physical talent, let alone a short-armed man like Griffin, let him have Leonard's big hands, and he can't do anything about Ye Fei.

No bragging.

Two of them like that are still no match for Ye Fei.

But in the locker room preparing for the game, I learned from the assistant that Ye Fei was going to score 50 points on his own head, and he didn't take himself seriously at all.

Griffin ran away in an instant.

In the big city of Los Angeles, Griffin performed well and had a lot of exposure. He can be regarded as a well-known player in the league.

Griffin, who is romantic by nature, has many mistresses, even a famous model girlfriend.

Griffin has been coveting Kendall Jenner for a long time, and asked Parsons to help him connect. There was already some progress, but Ye Fei was born, and Griffin's bamboo basket fetched water in vain.

He already held a grudge.

After Kobe retired, Paul suffered from injuries and found it difficult to return to his peak form. Griffin, who has developed the ability to shoot in the mid-to-long range, has become better and better.

Ye Fei is in the limelight in the new season. Ye Fei, who led the Lakers to the league's first record, fans even forgot that Shakeout has a team, let alone Griffin.

Scored 50+ in five consecutive games, and even used a dunk in the last game to score 50+.

In the Christmas game tonight, Ye Fei actually wanted to use a dry pull to score 50+ in front of himself, which would be too disrespectful to their alliance's strongest inside combination.

For defense alone, the combination of Griffin and Jordan is indeed the top combination in the league.

After developing the long-distance shot, Griffin's flying dunks have decreased a lot, which does not mean that his excellent physical talent is not as good as before.

If Ye Fei dares to show off in front of him all the time, he will make Ye Fei regret what he did today.

"Brothers, that kid actually wants to use Ganba to deal with us, do you think you should give him some color!"

Brandon Bass responded excitedly: "Must, hit him hard!"

Once a former Lakers player, the team traded Ye Fei away in order to strengthen Ye Fei, and Braden Bass has always had a bad breath in his heart.

Little Jordan patted Griffin on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, leave the insider to me, and you can deal with him with peace of mind."

The rest of the players did not dare to speak. Although Griffin is the player with the highest scoring average per game in the Clippers and one of the veritable Big Three, the leader of this team is still Chris Paul.

"DeAndre can just defend the inside. Since he is going to play a dry pull, he will definitely not be too close to the basket. Blake, you stick close to him, just resist him, and I will come to help defend. Everyone else stands on his side Come here, look for an opportunity to double-team, don't let him shoot easily, OK?!"

Griffin was not feeling well, and his teammates responded in unison: "OK!"

He still wants to nod, serving 510 from team boss Chris Paul's arrangement.

"We have to win this game!"

Paul roared to cheer up his teammates, and the Clippers players instantly became emotional and shouted excitedly: "Take it!"

In fact, in this game, both Paul and Griffin were injured. They insisted on playing just to win the Lakers.

Coach Doc Rivers gave Ye Fei enough respect and sent the strongest starting lineup.

Starting point guard Chris Paul, shooting guard Redick, small forward Luke Richard Mbah a Moute, power forward Blake Griffin, center DeAndre Jordan.

Wharton's formations are very random. He has dispatched a lot of starting lineups. Except for Ye Fei's solid starting lineup, the players in the other positions have been changed again and again.

In this game, Ye Fei was going to play a dry pull, and he cooperated very well with Larry Nance, allowing him to fight for rebounds inside.

However, on the first attack of the game, Ye Fei told him that he didn't need anyone to help him rebound, because there was no basket at all.

Pulling the ball near the top of the arc on the left, Ye Fei faced Griffin to defend, and didn't even bother to make fake moves.

Suddenly pulled up the shot, Griffin didn't react at all, and watched Ye Fei steadily throw the ball into the basket.

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