sports supervillain

735. Pull Out If You Want

The Jazz changed their defensive strategy, Ye Fei has already shot high, and he is still defending one-on-one, which will not pose too much threat to Ye Fei at all.

The Jazz players who are determined to double-team are extremely active in defense, and Hayward and Hood are still the main defense.

Ye Fei is like a bug in the fourth position. Without small forwards or players on the back line, he can't keep up with his footsteps at all.

The Jazz double-teamed the defense in the first round. After Ye Fei got the ball, Hayward and Hood blocked the defense immediately. They stood one on the left and one on the right. On both sides, seal ~ cover Ye Fei's shot.

It is easier to block shots from the side than from the front, and in the first quarter of the game, the Jazz players have already understood that blocking Ye Fei's shots from the front is tantamount to nonsense. Covering Ye Fei from the front, maybe even his hands can't touch it.

After Ye Fei got the ball, facing two double-teams, he didn't have any desire to break through.

Stretch your right foot forward, get a little bit out of the shooting space, and pull up your hand in an instant, and it's another dry three-pointer.

Hayward and Hood, one left and one right, took off almost at the same time to block the shot. The completely stretched body still couldn't touch the ball thrown by Ye Fei, so they could only watch Ye Fei and throw the ball into the basket steadily again. .

After finishing the precise strike and landing, Ye Fei looked at the core of the Jazz striker and smiled jokingly: "You want to double-team me? It's useless. I can pull if I want to. It's useless if you come here."


Hood roared, and Hayward was speechless.

The game continues.

The Jazz insisted on double-teaming Ye Fei and did not easily give the opportunity to catch the ball. However, after double-teaming, the Lakers defenders they missed could easily tear apart the defense and had a great impact on the Jazz's inside. Ye Fei couldn't solve the three-pointer, and finally calmed down, but the Lakers firmly controlled the situation on the court.

Seeing that the defense line collapsed, the Jazz players must retreat, and Ye Fei immediately responded with a three-pointer.

The Jazz players were driven crazy by Ye Fei, Hayward, Hood and other players looked at each other and decided to be tough to the end, crazily double-teaming Ye Fei.

But as long as the ball falls into Ye Fei's hands, they still have no way to resist. Ye Fei tells them that he is not bragging.

No matter how many of them came over, Ye Fei would pull out whenever he wanted, and the Jazz players couldn't guard against it at all.

As the game progressed, at 5 minutes and 22 seconds into the second quarter, Ye Fei received a pass from Rondo at the top of the arc, and three players, Hayward, Hood, and Favors, immediately posted up.

But only Ye Fei sneered.

Facing the defense of the three, grab the ball and pull it up, pull it up with a slight back, avoid the block, and throw the ball to the basket.

The Jazz's three defensive players tried their best to block the shot, but they could only watch as Ye Fei put the ball firmly into the basket.

Ye Fei can still make a three-pointer.

Ye Fei's performance was too crazy.

The Lakers fans on the sidelines were completely boiling, and a deep despair enveloped the hearts of the Jazz players. Ye Fei's incomprehensible performance continued.

Perhaps it was Ye Fei who had no solution and completely irritated the fighting spirit of the Jazz players. They took out a more crazy defensive posture than at home.

He spared no effort in physical fitness, frequently switched positions to supplement the defense, and looked for opportunities to double-team Ye Fei all the time.

Facing the Jazz's high-intensity defense, the Lakers made more mistakes.

At 7 minutes and 53 seconds into the second quarter, the Lakers' offense suddenly stagnated. Seeing that time was running out, Ingram made a mistake in throwing the ball, and the ball was intercepted by Hood. Seeing that the opponent was about to steal the ball, at the critical moment, Ye Fei stepped forward and grabbed the ball from the crowd.

With less than 3 seconds left in the attack time, one step away from the three-point line, Ye Fei saw that there was no basket, turned around and pulled out a shot.

In the scramble just now, the players from both sides were in a mess, and the Jazz had four players beside Ye Fei.

Seeing that he was going to make another three-pointer, the Jazz players rushed forward.

"Hat him!"

Hu De is determined to win, and the Jazz players feel the same way. Facing the defense of the four, Ye Fei dodges in the air, jumps to the highest point with all his strength, and throws the ball steadily above their heads.

The Jazz players blocked the shots confidently, but they were all lonely, and don't look at Ye Fei, whether he threw the ball into the basket.

The moment it hit the ground, the Jazz players looked at each other in blank dismay. The four defensive players couldn't prevent Ye Fei from shooting.


Is Ye Fei cheating?

The fans on the sidelines reacted similarly to the Jazz players, all staring at the big screen, waiting for the video playback. Just when the Jazz were about to pause, the big screen reproduced the video of Ye Fei, under the four-man defense, making a three-pointer and throwing the ball into the basket.

...asking for flowers...

The moment the replay was broadcast, the audience immediately erupted, and the fans couldn't restrain their admiration for Ye Fei.

"God God, can anyone tell me, who can stop God Ye from Gan Balan?!"

"Inhuman operations, Kobe at his peak, never made such a crazy move at the moment of all-or-nothing, is Ye Fei still human?"

"Oh my god, two teams, Ye Fei made a three-pointer. Three people double-teamed, Ye Fei scored a three-pointer and four-teamed, Ye Fei made a three-pointer and scored a damn! Is this scientific? May I ask how many people need to double-team, Ye Fei can only make a three-pointer so that he can't make it, five together, okay?!"


"Now I finally understand why Ye Fei said three-pointers are too boring before the game. In my opinion, he feels boring even making three-pointers. I feel that the Jazz's defense does not have any threat.

"The last game of dry pulling was exciting enough. I didn't expect this game. Ye Fei made us more exciting. This game is really enjoyable to watch, Ye Shen V587!"

"The floor tiles I added are about to be pierced by my knees, Ye Shen, please let me go, let me stand and watch the game?"

"Let me ask the players all over the world, who is in charge of the ups and downs? As soon as Ye Shen comes out, the whole world kneels and pays homage to him!"

After Ye Fei returned to the sidelines, there were fans who worshiped in his direction, but Ye Fei accepted it frankly. Seeing this scene, the Jazz players were completely desperate. Ye Fei's performance is really worthy of the fans' worship, it is too crazy.

Facing Ye Fei's unsolvable three-pointer, the Jazz players had no choice.

As he said, as long as Ye Fei wants to make a three-pointer, they can't stop it at all. It doesn't matter if it's one person or four people, even they feel that if five people fight together, it may not be able to prevent Ye Fei's three-pointer.

But Ye Fei will not be merciful. Seeing that the Jazz players are resigned to their fate, they will let go of a good opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

Ye Fei thinks that he needs to play some more enjoyable games. Ye Fei, who is completely high-spirited, doesn't care about the feelings of the Jazz players. .

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