sports supervillain

774. Reaper's Cover

The answer is obvious.

In the subsequent games, Ye Fei made the Blazers understand that even if the two teamed up, it would not work. Ye Fei firmly held the two of them down and didn't give them a chance to easily score points. Maybe it would be very difficult for others to defend against two, which didn't exist here in Ye Fei.

The offensive end retains strength, and most of the physical energy consumption is used on defense. The Blazers have two guns in the backcourt to appreciate what despair is.

Except for the first three rounds of offense in the second half, which were lucky to score two, there were almost no good opportunities later.

Facing Ye Fei's defense, if he chooses to make a forced shot, he will either serve with a big hat, or avoid Ye Fei's block, hit the iron frantically, and miss the goal.

The game was completely out of the control of the two, but fortunately, they were not iron-headed boys. The two-gun tactics were targeted by the Lakers' defense. After Ye Fei was pressed to death, they sought the cooperation of their teammates and finally gradually stabilized the situation on the court. The difference is widened.

At the end of the third quarter, the two sides gradually replaced substitute players. The Lakers started with four substitutes, while the Trail Blazers played with three substitutes, Lillard and Aminu.

The Blazers' bench lineup has always been recognized as the bottom of the league.

On the other hand, 567 of the Lakers' substitute players were like chicken blood, especially Lu Wei, the best sixth man in the past, who came up with a one-shot attack, made sudden shots and added free throws, scored 8 points, and beat the Blazers all by himself The whole bench line.

Lillard tried to lead the team to counterattack, but he couldn't match Ye Fei's double punch with four hands. Now it is one-on-one, let alone Ye Fei's opponent. It is difficult to do anything under Ye Fei's high-pressure defense.

The Lakers players played with momentum, and amidst the cheers of the home team fans, they launched wave after wave of offensive.

The Blazers coach Stotts was forced to quickly replace CJ McCallum, trying to regain the disadvantage with the combination of two guns.

Double shots in the backcourt at the critical moment is the Blazers' killer feature. Lillard scored in the final quarter, but he ranks among the top three players among guards.


Their tried and tested tactic didn't work today.

Ye Fei held down the Blazers' backcourt guns tightly and didn't give them a chance to run wild. Even though the two tried their best to come back, they still allowed the game to enter garbage time more than three minutes earlier.

In the end, the Lakers easily defeated the Blazers at home 109 to 96.

The Blazers had two shots in the backcourt and left the arena depressed. Although CJ McCallum scored a team-high 18 points, his shooting percentage was a bit touching. He made 6 of 19 shots and more than 30% of his field goals. Lillard didn't fare much better, scoring the team's second-highest 17 points and taking 22 shots.

The performance of the two fell short, and the number of mistakes each made was not less than 5 times. They were severely punished by Ye Fei.

After returning to the locker room, the two refused all media interviews and returned to Portland with their backpacks.

Ye Fei still performed brilliantly.

Although he only scored 18 points, half of the season average, Ye Fei grabbed 28 rebounds, gave opponents 14 blocks, 9 successful steals, and 11 assists, a beautiful quasi-five-double data.

Ye Fei's contribution to the team cannot be shown by the data.

The team's highest plus-minus efficiency value of plus 22 still fails to fully highlight Ye Fei's role on the field. Fans who have watched the game know how terrifying his defense is.

"CJ McCallum and Lillard are a backcourt combination that is not inferior to the Splash Brothers in the West, but Ye Fei is holding them down."

"One man defends the two core players on the opposite side. Ye Fei's defense should not be too explosive. Especially in the third quarter, the Blazers' double-gun connection in the backcourt increased, and Ye Fei still pressed the two to death. The defense was too much. fear."

"What else is there to say? Defense can't win the ball? Funny."

"Do you still want to continue to question Ye Fei? I beg some experts, can you watch the game well, don't be blind there B(cdcc)B, won't Ye Fei hurt your face?"

"Relying on personal supplementary defense, I am stunned to defend the Blazers with two guns in the backcourt to such an extent. I don't know what kind of performance you want Ye Fei to give."

"Just ask who else is not convinced? An All-Star guard with a shooting percentage of close to 50% this season, he defended until his shooting percentage was less than 30%. Ye Fei's defense is not sharp?!"

Facing the fans' praise and media reporters' boasting, Ye Fei was extremely calm.

Basic exercises, don't be six, sit down.

Is Ye Fei satisfied with his defensive performance in this game?

the answer is negative.

He felt that he could do better, and Ye Fei even wanted to score the two of them below 10 points, Ye Fei thought he could do it.

After finishing the post-match interview perfunctorily, Ye Fei returned to the locker room, and when he was recovering in the physiotherapy room, he turned on the system immediately.

At the end of the game, the system announced that Ye Fei's task was completed, and the lucky wheel opportunity was available. Ye Fei couldn't wait to shake the lucky wheel.

"Come on! Give me an SSS level skill!"

The system doesn't seem to give much face.

It didn't let Ye Fei shake to SSS level skill, but gave Ye Fei an SS level skill. It seems that the quality of today's task completion is quite high.

[Reaper's Blocking] (SS-level skill): After equipped, it will greatly improve the blocking ability, and the 2X2 defensive area around the body will form a Reaper's blocking space. When the skill is activated, it can quickly rush to the designated area and block the opponent 100%. shoot.

It seems that there are some weak skills, but they can greatly make up for their own shortcomings. Ye Fei's current blocking ability is definitely the best in the league.

However, in today's game against the Trail Blazers, CJ-McCallum and Lillard were almost played monkeys.

On several occasions, the two almost threw the ball into the basket under the defense of Ye Fei, but Ye Fei's block did not work, but fortunately, the two did not seize the opportunity.

Now that Ye Fei has the block-blocking ability of Death God, Ye Fei's block-blocking ability has been greatly improved. If they encounter a situation like today, they must be taught a good lesson.

The system is deeply loved by Ye Fei. Knowing that he wants to rely on defense to win at present, it is not too exciting to give Ye Fei a shot-blocking skill.

And knowing that Ye Fei is going to defend, maybe some people, trying to avoid a bit of a block.

But after equipped with Reaper's blocking skill, as long as you shoot in Ye Fei's defensive area, none of you can avoid it.

It's time for a wave of blocking skills. The season's average blocks are not in double figures. Is it worthy of the expectations of the motherland and the people?

Obviously sorry.

So, Ye Fei’s opponents, be careful, now I announce—————————————— Shot Blocking Maniac is officially launched, you guys, tremble!.

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