Scott is not worried at all. Now that Buss Jr. is gradually taking the initiative, as long as he is still with the Lakers, then his position as head coach will definitely be secure.

The voices of the fans may not be heard by the team management, and they may not be ignored.

But there is a stronger voice shouting, that is to let Ye Fei start.

Scott turned a blind eye to this, and simply didn't bother to pay attention to it.

In the second back-to-back game, the Lakers challenged the Orlando Magic away. The Lakers' starting lineup remained the same as the previous game.

When Kobe was absent from the game, it was definitely an extremely wise choice to mention Ye Fei to the starting lineup, but Scott just didn't do it, and Ye Fei was still on the bench.

Ye Fei became increasingly dissatisfied with his playing time as his physical fitness rose to full value.

At present, he can play a game for 30 minutes, and he is still full of firepower. If it's a bit more leisurely, back-to-back consecutively, for more than 35 minutes, he can hold it.

But Scott is holding back his playing time, which makes Ye Fei very unhappy.

After the start of the game, the Lakers' outside performance was terrible, but the inside combination, today 370 finally felt proud for a while.

After all, Magic's starting center, Diamond, is the same role as Hibbert, or even worse.

But in the Magic, after replacing the substitute insiders Vucevic and Gordon, the Lakers' inside combination was hit again.

The biggest characteristic of Scott's coaching is stubbornness, he likes to follow the steps, and he will not actively seek changes.

Seeing the stalemate score, after the opponent came off the bench, it gradually widened.

He was still unmoved, and seeing that the time was almost up, he replaced Ye Fei. But for Ye Fei, dug a 10-point hole there.

Let Ye Fei play, no matter how big the hole is, he will fill it in. But digging pits for Ye Fei every time is really annoying.

Ye Fei, who was in a bad mood, was challenged by Aaron Gordon as soon as he appeared on the stage.

"Rookie boy, I heard that you are very good at dunking. If you practice a few more times, you Chinese players can still be dunkers? You can still call it the best dunker in NBA Players, it's a disgrace to our dunker."

Maybe what you said is true, but you blackmailed me, the Chinese nation, in front of me, is it due?

I didn't have a chance to repair Whiteside in the last game, and Ye Fei didn't get the villain value, so I was a little bit worried. Since his kid took the initiative to send him to the door, Ye Fei didn't intend to let him go, let alone humiliate me. It's just trying to die.

"I never said that I am the player who can dunk the most, but I am definitely better than you. One more point, how many Chinese players have you seen? What qualifications do you have to say about them? You can say that I can't dunk, but please don't to my country. You may curse me, but not my country.

Aaron Gordon said disdainfully: "Stop talking nonsense, dare you fight me!"

"Why don't you dare, open your dog eyes wide and see what is the mysterious power from the east, watch the trick!"

Frankly speaking, when it comes to dunking, Ye Fei has never been afraid of anyone. Even if he is the All-Star Slam Dunk Champion, he is not inferior in front of Ye Fei.

The two skills of fancy dunk and death dunk are not just decorations.

The basic attributes raised to full value are enough to support Ye Fei to complete various difficult dunks.

But in games, Ye Fei seldom shows off. He needs to save energy, and he dunks too much, which is prone to mistakes. But today Aaron Gordon took the initiative to provoke, and he didn't mind teaching him a lesson.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the temporary task [Slam Dunk PK].

Quickly open the task list and take a look——

[Task Content]: In the game, use a dunk to convince Aaron Gordon (task time: end of the game) (cdfg)

[Task Reward]: Lucky Wheel once (designated reward)

【Task penalty】: Short 10CM

Japan is a skin kayak.

Is the system having trouble with my lower body, or what?

It has finally grown to such a big size, and if there is a disagreement, half of it will be cut off. Can you be more ruthless?

"It's okay to be more ruthless, anyway, you don't need it, just cut it off, maybe you can realize the shocking unique knowledge similar to the evil sword manual, I feel like you can experiment with ten waves"

Ye Fei couldn't help but tighten her chrysanthemum, and quickly covered her crotch.

"You don't fight for yourself, you have to fight for the country. How can you lose this time? It's me. I have to beat the opponent with all my life. You are winning the opponent for the honor of the country!

It made sense, and Ye Fei's blood boiled instantly.

After all, he is a man with a system, so why can't he deal with a general with a simple mind and well-developed limbs?

"What are the specific criteria for winning the opponent?"

The system replied: "I know it in my heart. I said you will finish it when you finish it. What do you care about so much? If you don't deduct it, it's over!"

That's right.

There is nothing to say, no matter what happens, just dunk when you have the ball, and just dunk until the opponent doubts life.

Seeing Ye Fei distracted, Aaron Gordon laughed and said: "What's the matter? Are you scared? You still want to admit defeat, beg for mercy obediently, and call Big Brother when we meet in the future, I will let you go."

Think you are physically fit?

Think you're really invincible in dunking?

Do you think you are strong with the fourth pick in the first round?

What Ye Fei wants to say is that your physical fitness is not worth mentioning at all. As for your slam dunk, Ye Fei only wants to describe it in four words, that is, the slam dunk.

Since you want to die, I will satisfy you well.

"It's too young to play, I don't mind having a cheap son, whoever loses will call daddy when they meet, do you dare?"

Aaron Gordon was instantly energetic, and his physical fitness was better than many black players.

Dunking has always been his trump card, so he is afraid that Ye Fei will fail?

"Okay, I admire your courage to not be afraid of death, I promise you, wait to be a son!"

Ye Fei smiled lightly: "How do you compare?"

"Under the opponent's defense, use all your skills, dunk as many times as possible, and dunk as beautifully as possible, no problem?"

Simple and rude.

Ye Fei's favorite way.

"No problem, since that's the case, let's get started."

The bet has been made, and there are still tasks in hand, Ye Fei has no intention of saving any face for Aaron Gordon.

Today, he not only wants to win the bet, get the task reward, but also take away the villain value.

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