sports supervillain

800. The Alliance Does Not Agree

At the beginning, the league management considered allowing Ye Fei to participate in the five events, and most of the media also recognized their decision. However, as Ye Fei's fans became louder and louder, the voice of opposition became more and more obvious.

Especially the celebrities headed by the owner of the Charlotte Hornets, Mr. Joe.

Mr. Qiao's words were very euphemistic, but the meaning was obvious.

Even an NBA star as strong as him has never won the honor of participating in five events at the same time. Ye Fei has a good chance to win five trophies at the same time, and it is a pinnacle they have never reached.

What's more, Ye Fei is only a second-year rookie. If he has reached such a peak height now, what kind of treatment will be given to Ye Fei in the future?

Mr. Qiao said bluntly: "I don't doubt Ye's ability. He is capable of participating in all five competitions, but there is no need to participate in five competitions at the same time in one All-Star Game. It can be divided into two or three sessions. There are precedents, there will be similar players in the future, how should the league deal with it, and don’t forget the rules of the All-Stars.”

As long as Ye Fei thinks, he can win the championship in all five events, and if he doesn't win the championship, he will be sorry for the fans who have always supported him.

Once Ye Fei takes away all the trophies of the five competitions, next year's All-Stars, except for the Rookie Challenge, Ye Fei will definitely have a place in the rest of the competitions, and even in the next few years, as long as Ye Fei wants, he can appear in the competition .

If the defending champion doesn't come to participate, what kind of ball is it?

Mr. Joe's words have won the support of many team managements.

Mavericks boss Cuban said on the social platform: "In addition to the All-Star Game and the Rookie Challenge, a player can only participate in two more events at most. Otherwise, he will waste his position. Will the rest of the players have a chance to perform? How about putting Give up the chance, please vote for Dirk, let him participate in the three-point shooting contest may be his last appearance in the All-Star blind."

Nuggets coach Mike Malone backed his favorite student.

"That's right, the slam dunk contest has a match between Gordon and Zach, which is exciting enough. I think Will can participate in the slam dunk contest. His dunk is very exciting. I hope you will vote for him more. Ye, you can give up the position ( cdeg) come and give the rest of the players a chance."

"There is no need for a player to participate in all games. Forcing him to be the focus of attention will not do much good for the All-Star Game."

Morey, general manager of the Rockets, said: "James' three-point shooting ability is beyond doubt, and he should appear in the three-point shooting competition."

The league needs to consider the ideas of the management of each team, and some of their theories make some sense.

If Ye Fei really participates in five competitions at the same time, who else is more popular than him in this All-Star Game?

New Orleans is the territory of the Pelicans, and "Big Eyebrows" Davis should be the focus of this All-Star Game. The purpose of their holding the All-Star is to bring more attention to the Pelicans. The limelight has been taken away by Ye Fei. Do you think the Pelicans management will be happy?

First there are NBA celebrities who stand up to oppose it, and then there are opinions from the management of each team. The NBA really needs to weigh it carefully.

Ye Fei will definitely appear on the stage of the All-Star Game and the Rookie Challenge. The defending champion cannot be missed in the Slam Dunk Contest.

Participation in the other two events does not seem to have much impact on Ye Fei.

It's nothing more than three trophies, or five trophies.

After some consideration, the NBA management decided not to invite Ye Fei to participate in five competitions at the same time, but to let him participate in the All-Star Game, Rookie Challenge and Slam Dunk Contest

Ye Fei was indifferent.

It doesn't matter if he is invited to participate in five events or three events. In fact, it is better to participate in three events. Ye Fei can spend more time with his women and taste more delicious food in New Orleans.

Ye Fei didn't care.

Fans of Ye Fei really care.

Generally speaking, the list of players participating in the NBA All-Star Skills Challenge, Dunk Contest and Three-Point Contest will be announced about half a month in advance.

However, upon hearing news that Ye Fei may not be able to participate in five events at the same time, Ye Fei's fans and related media frequently put pressure on the league, trying to get accurate and reliable news.

Under pressure, NBA president Mr. Xiao Hua said in an interview: "After careful consideration, we feel that more players should be involved. Ye is indeed an excellent player and can participate in five events, but we Maybe only three or four of them."

Receiving an affirmative answer from the league, Ye Fei fans were completely blown away.

The hateful NBA league doesn't give Ye Fei the opportunity to participate in five events at the same time. Where do you put Ye Fei's fans face?

Xiao Hua's words instantly attracted criticism, crusade, and abuse from netizens.

"Why? I, Ye Shen, am not qualified. Why can't I participate in five competitions at the same time? Please give me an explanation."

"Because Ye Shen is only a second-year rookie, because he is better than some NBA legends, and because some team managements are dissatisfied, have you considered the feelings of our fans?"

"My tickets to the All-Star Game were bought for nothing? On the second day of the game, Ye Fei only participated in one event. He saw the hammer!"

"No, without Ye Fei participating in the All-Star Game in five events at the same time, I wouldn't watch any of them."

"I don't care, I just want to see Ye Shen, participate in all five competitions, don't give me any reason, it's useless."

"Ye Shen didn't participate in the All-Star Pentathlon at the same time, what do I need this ticket for, I want a refund!"

"Refund +10086! Even the TV broadcast, I won't watch it, rubbish alliance!"

"Protest, we refuse to accept! We must let Kanda fight!"

"Combining together and expressing our hearts to the league, it is imperative that Ye Fei compete in five events at the same time.

Ye Fei has fans all over the world, as long as someone takes the lead, the repercussions will definitely be great.

This year's All-Star Game ticket price hit a record high in NBA history. For some positions in the front row, the price is even higher than the price of some front row tickets for the finals.

For games with Ye Fei, it is normal to find tickets hard to get, but large-scale ticket refunds will make the league management lose their composure.

In particular, the ticket price remained high, and the diving-like drop happened, which instantly made the league management feel at a loss. .

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