sports supervillain

805. The President

The All-Star Slam Dunk Contest is weak, okay?!

Ye Fei can dunk all the dunks. Those dunks that became famous in the slam dunk contest will be dunked together, and he can settle them all by himself.

What kind of dunk Ye Fei can't play, and it's still on the court.

In the All-Star Slam Dunk Contest, without any confrontation, no matter how handsome the dunk is, it is still not as exciting as the dunk contributed by Ye Fei to the fans on the court.

Especially in the last few games, Ye Fei's dunks in the game are more explosive than the last one.

What about the All-Star Slam Dunk Contest?

wind up.

It doesn't matter if Ye Fei participates or not, as long as you pay close attention to Ye Fei's games, wonderful dunks can make you doubt your life.

But the NBA management saw Ye Fei's performance, the more they couldn't calm down, Ye Fei didn't even bother to participate in the dunk contest, let alone the three-point contest and skill challenge.

It must be done.

In Washington, the capital of the American Empire, Ye Fei was about to spend the night with Zhang Manyuan, but received a call from Jenny Buss, asking him to do business.

Arriving at the appointed place, Ye Fei saw NBA President Silver sitting next to Jenny Buss, and probably guessed their intentions.

Before the Wizards game was over, President Xiao Hua took his assistants to Washington for 760 meals. The second back-to-back game of the Lakers is still an away game and will go to Boston, so the Lakers will definitely not return to Los Angeles. They will go directly to Boston from Washington.

Ye Fei sat down carelessly, without giving Xiao Hua too much face at all, and made a slight eye contact as a greeting.

"Ye, I put you..."

Jenny Buss wanted to explain something, but was interrupted by Xiao Hua. He said straight to the point: "Ye, you should understand my reason for coming. First of all, I would like to express my deepest apologies to you for the stupid decision before. We should not question We should give you the strongest support for your ability, you are the best basketball player on this planet, you should be respected enough."

Ye Fei didn't answer the call.

President Xiao Hua continued: "I am here today, besides apologizing to you, I still need your help. As a member of the NBA, we have an obligation to build a better league. Fans want to see you in the All-Star Game Now, we will participate in five competitions, and we also look forward to your performance, so we would like to invite you to participate in five competitions at the same time."

invite me?

Shouldn't it be a plea?

"Sorry, I have already expressed my attitude, I am not fully prepared, and I will not play in five events at the same time.

Ye Fei replied decisively.

In Xiao Hua's heart, 10,000 mud horses are galloping past. With your current strength, if you go up and show your hand casually, you can get a trophy back.

Even if he lowered his posture like this, Ye Fei didn't even give him face. And Jenny Bass on the side gave Ye Fei a look, but Ye Fei ignored it completely and ignored it at all.

"Ye, your participation in five events is a good thing for both the league and you. Don't you want the fans who support you to witness your brilliance of winning five trophies in the All-Star Game?"

Xiao Hua is ready to be persuasive.

Ye Fei sneered: "I know exactly what you're planning. Don't say what's available. If I want to participate, I will participate. If I don't want to participate, I won't participate. Don't push me into a hurry, otherwise it will be difficult for both parties to step down." , I came to see you today to save Jenny's face, don't be ignorant, and I will leave if you talk nonsense."


Xiao Hua was at a loss for words for a while, he has been in the league for so long, he has seen rebellious players, but he has never seen such arrogant and domineering players, the NBA super villain is well-deserved.

"If you don't agree to participate, in fact, for us, the loss is not that big. But in the future when you are in the league, there are still some things that need us to come forward. If you can agree, everything will be easy to discuss in the future.

Can't be soft, come hard, I'm afraid you haven't woken up yet.

Play this (cddd) set with Ye Fei, you are still a little tender.

Ye Fei jumped up from his seat.

"Just make moves, think about the plummeting tickets, and the anger of the fans. If you think about yourself, how bad the threat is. I won't participate in the game, don't you feel sorry for the green dollar bills?! Joke, no Before you think it through, don’t bother me, get out!”

Ye Fei is like a stone in a latrine-it is smelly and hard, and the villain's true colors are undoubtedly revealed. No matter who you are, the president of the NBA league, Ye Fei doesn't want to participate, so he won't participate. He really deserves his reputation as a super villain.

Seeing Ye Fei slamming the door, Xiao Hua was furious, but he didn't dare to stop Ye Fei.

Although Jenny Buss tried to persuade him to calm down, she was obviously on Ye Fei's side.

Before going out, Ye Fei also shouted at Xiao Hua: "Don't bother me if you have nothing to do in the future, get rid of our boss, and come talk to me again!"

Originally thought that Xiao Hua would lower his profile and beg Ye Fei a little.

Ye Fei pushed the boat along the way, and at the same time as the task was completed, he had a step to go down. Xiao Hua put on such a high profile, he will definitely not give him face.

The list of the NBA All-Star Slam Dunk Contest has been announced, and the next list will definitely be announced next.

They can put Ye Fei's name on the list, but they can't be sure whether Ye Fei will play, they dare not take the risk.

If Ye Fei does not come, the NBA will be criticized by thousands of people, and it is the most unwise choice to deceive fans.

Xiao Hua left angrily.

The management of the NBA league, knowing what happened, scolded Ye Fei one after another.

"The guy who doesn't know what is good or bad, really takes himself seriously, without our NBA league, he is nothing!"

"Damn it, I've never seen a player who doesn't take us so seriously. Do you really think we're easy to talk about?!"

"The league's number one super villain, it really wasn't his fault. With his temper, who can stand it? But he's a bit too much. Don't we have anything to do with him?"

"It's better if you don't participate, and you can invite two more people to participate. If he doesn't come, our competition will not go on. Damn guy, give him a few more Ts, I want him to be suspended!"

"If you don't even give President Xiao Hua face, who do you think can convince him? He must be severely punished!"

The yelling is quite fierce, but do you really dare to punish Ye Fei severely?

Players have the freedom to participate in the All-Star Game. It is Ye Fei's personal choice whether to come or not, but whether he comes or not will be two completely different results. Even President Xiao Hua dare not accept it lightly.

Even though he returned to the office angrily, what he thought about in his mind was how to persuade Ye Fei to compete.

Otherwise, you will lose hundreds of millions, who can withstand it?!.

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