sports supervillain

80. Tianxiu One Buckle

When it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei didn't ask for the ball inside, but pulled out to cover.

Singles at the basket can also show dunks, but they don't rush, the visual impact is not good, and the explosive power is not ferocious. Rolling down the pick-and-roll, there was enough time and space for Ye Fei to show off his dunk.

Ye Fei's prepared dunk also took off from near the free throw line.

Blocking, dismantling, cutting to the basket, Aaron Gordon waited inside the free throw line, he knew that Ye Fei couldn't shoot, and there was a bet, he would definitely go to the basket and dunk.

He was right.

Ye Fei just stepped to the free throw line, and Clarkson put the ball in his hands.

Taking the ball and striding forward to the basket, Aaron Gordon has been waiting inside, but he didn't jump over, he wanted to wait inside, and directly gave Ye Fei a big cap.

He thought beautifully.

But Ye Fei didn't give him any chance, he was more than one meter away from the free throw line, and he flew into the air.

At the beginning, it was a big windmill.

The audience at the scene were stunned!

There is still one meter away from the basket, is Ye Fei going to dunk Aaron Gordon with a big windmill?

Is he crazy?

This is too crazy.

With such a long distance, it is difficult to dunk even if it is separated from others, and it is unbelievable to add a big windmill.

But judging by Ye Fei's posture, it was the intent to kill.

Flying towards Aaron Gordon, it was obvious that he wanted to complete a dunk.

Even if there is no bet, Aaron Gordon will not let Ye Fei dunk easily.

"You still want to block me, let's see how I can hold you to the ground.

Ye Fei took off from a high jump height, but Aaron Gordon was not short either, and he took a step back, wanting to wait for Ye Fei to fall, so that he could easily block the shot.

Using the death dunk skill, Ye Fei will definitely be able to dunk him.

But Ye Fei didn't.

What is Ye Fei going to do?

Why doesn't he have a buckle?

Oh My God!

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Ye Fei turned around, avoided Aaron Gordon's block, and turned from the side of A's body.

It's not over yet.

After turning around, Ye Fei, with his back to the basket, first tightened his abdomen, and then stretched it with all his strength.

Ye Fei flew to the side of the basket, and under Aaron Gordon's astonished eyes, he completed a dunk dunk and pushed the ball into the basket.

The fans at the scene were stunned!

Can you still dunk like this?!

It was unbelievable, the fans on the sidelines shook their heads again and again, this dunk was too shocking, no one believed that Ye Fei could complete such a cool dunk.

It's just a show.

Some people haven't seen it clearly, and only know how difficult Ye Fei's buckle is through slow motion playback.

Da Fengche's dodge after the attack was calculated very accurately, barely avoiding the opponent's defense.

After evading the defense, Ye Fei was already in a falling state, but he was still able to complete the belly button.

This ball is too difficult!

However, Ye Fei's series of movements are smooth and flowing, perfectly combining speed, strength, bounce, and body, showing a super-difficult and beautiful dunk, which instantly detonated the passion of the fans.

"It's a stunning dunk, I really didn't expect Ye Fei to complete such a dunk.

"It's too difficult! Didn't you see Aaron Gordon in despair? It's too beautiful!"

"The keyboard was smashed by my knees, and Ye Fei's dunk was a super show."

"This speed, this strength, this bounce, this body control ability, really no one else! It's very enjoyable to watch. Is Ye Fei participating in the dunk contest?"

"The big windmill turned around 540 degrees and stretched the back button. It's difficult, it's too difficult! It's so beautiful!"

"I can't believe my eyes. Ye Fei's dunk is even harder than Carter's 720-degree turn dunk. It's so amazing, is there any reason?"

"Is Ye Fei in a game? He plays the game as a slam dunk contest, right? The slam dunk contest is not as good as he is, an unbelievable dunk, and the show flies.

This dunk is summed up in the words of the fans, that is Tianxiu's dunk.

It's really too beautiful.

Aaron Gordon, who was clamoring for dunking with Ye Fei before, was dumbfounded.

Dunk still play like this?

He asked himself that there was no way to complete such a dunk.

But he won't, just throw in the towel.

"Do you want to continue the competition? Can you complete such a dunk?"

Hearing Ye Fei's question, Aaron Gordon's first reaction was silence, after all, he really couldn't do it.

But he still has to hold on.

I have never been afraid of anyone compared to slam dunks. If you can play with high difficulty, I agree. Now that you beg for mercy, I can let you go, otherwise you will have no chance. "

...asking for flowers O......

You still talk hard with me, I want to see how much you weigh.

"Okay, please start your performance."

There's nothing one slap can't bring you to your knees, and if anything, another slap.

Ye Fei wasn't worried at all, Aaron Gordon couldn't be subdued.

Wait for another buckle.

Aaron Gordon came back aggressively into his own half, taking the ball from beyond the three-point line.

Ye Fei didn't let it out, he waited inside.

He dared to let himself go, it was like dying, Aaron Gordon was full of confidence, dribbled the ball one step, also started from the free throw line, took three big strides, and rushed towards Ye Fei.

Without too many fancy movements, Aaron Gordon straightened his body completely, like a drawn bow, holding the ball high above his head, and was about to smash it down in front of Ye Fei.

He wanted to humiliate Ye Fei with a heavy dunk, and get back the situation just now.

But in front of Ye Fei's defense, he was extremely desperate.

Ye Fei jumped up high, holding the basketball in Aaron Gordon's hands tightly with both hands, and Ye Fei, who was dominant in strength, roared and pressed hard.

Aaron Gordon, who was flying in the air, was unstable and fell to the ground with the ball.

A ruthless blood cap made his powerful dunks become a joke.

"It's impossible to dunk me head-on. In this league, no one can do it. Of course you can't. Stand up and meet my desperate dunk."

Both offensive and defensive ends were completely blown away. Ye Fei's words made Aaron Gordon very angry. He really thought he was easy to bully, didn't he?

"If you can still complete a slam dunk in front of me, then I will lose, but I will not give you a chance."

Ye Fei said coldly: "You didn't give me the opportunity, but I won it myself."

Throwing away his footsteps and going straight to the frontcourt, Ye Fei started from the middle and reached out to his teammates for the ball.

After receiving the ball, Ye Fei accelerated his pace again and headed towards the basket for a strong kill.

Vucevic came to help defend immediately, and Aaron Gordon behind him also rushed towards Ye Fei.

"Don't try to dunk, impossible eight!".

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