sports supervillain

823. Come Up Twice Again

"Who doesn't know how to brag, but please remember to write a draft. If you still want to eliminate me, go ahead and dream! I will definitely win back the champion I lost last year!"

Thomas hugged the basketball and roared.


Ye Fei smiled and said: "Sorry, you were the runner-up last year, and you are still the runner-up this year. You can come and try next year, because I don't plan to participate."

Thomas replied excitedly: "That's a lot of bullshit, let's start!"

"Okay, obediently follow me and eat farts. If you are afraid of not being able to catch up, you can ask me to wait for you. It's okay. It doesn't affect you at all. I win anyway.

Ye Fei replied lazily.

Thomas spat out two words: "Arrogance."

Seeing that Thomas didn't want to talk to him anymore, Ye Fei didn't waste his words, and the game was about to start, he wanted to shift his attention to the game, and the abuse convinced Thomas.

All the way through, Thomas found confidence and wanted to beat Ye Fei to win the final championship.


The whistle sounded, and Thomas rushed up, thinking he was fast enough.

However, in an instant, a figure flew away from him, and Ye Fei surpassed him in an instant.

23. Ye Fei, who is tall and has long legs, strode forward. Thomas finally found out that his legs were short. He tried his best to catch up, but he still couldn't keep up with Ye Fei.

He was praying for Ye Fei to make a mistake.

It didn't work as expected, the ball in Ye Fei's hand seemed to be stuck in his hand, and he followed him all the way. In the previous games, Ye Fei had reservations. In the final, Ye Fei showed his true skills and let the fans see what is called the perfect combination of speed and passion.

"It's too fierce! In the first level, Thomas was pulled away by more than one step, it was a ruthless slap!"

"It's not over yet, Thomas tried his best to catch up, but the distance is still widening, it's too strong!"

"I really don't know what courage they have to let Ye Fei take off his training clothes to fight, have you seen Ye Fei's true strength?"

"Whoever wins the championship wins the championship. Ye Shen never jokes. He was just throwing water at the front. Now I ask you, do you still dare to question Ye Fei?!"

"It's terrifying, faster than the top point guards in the league, is Ye an inside player?!"

"Dribbling like a dog, passing the ball superbly, shooting fast and accurate, man-ball combination is perfect, god-like player.

"I beg you to be a human being. If you want to abuse, please abuse me lightly. How about giving me 175 face points for the strongest on the surface?!"

"Champion, champion, Ye Shen V587!"

The game has lost suspense from the moment it started.

Ye Fei chopped melons and vegetables all the way, passed all the levels very easily, and reached the last level in the blink of an eye. Thomas, who was trying his best to catch up, made mistakes and made mistakes again and again. Ye Fei was about to shoot a three-pointer. He managed to put the ball into the basket, took the ball and turned to chase Ye Fei.

Thomas, who thought he was going to give up, saw Ye Fei standing there, and didn't make a move immediately.

"Hurry up, I've been waiting for you for a few seconds, do you want to give you a fair chance to fight, if you don't come, I will fight."

Hearing Ye Fei's shout, Thomas believed it, and ran all the way across the half court. When he adjusted slightly and was about to shoot, Ye Fei had already thrown the ball.

"I'm lying to you, I will really wait for you, even though I know you won't make the shot, I still don't want to wait for you.

Not disappointing Ye Fei, Thomas hit the rim with a bang for the first time and bounced off the basket. Still wanting to turn defeat into victory, he quickly picked up the ball and scored a main point.

Unfortunately the game is over.

Ye Fei hit with one hit, leaving him no suspense. Thomas hit the second shot, but it still couldn't wash away his reputation as the second child in a thousand years.


Thomas angrily smashed the ball on the floor to vent his inner resentment, and looked at Ye Fei even more fiercely and murderously.

Ye Fei is so hateful!

Tormenting myself all the way is not counted, give myself a glimmer of hope at the last moment, and then personally erase the last trace of my thoughts.

Thinking that he was no match for Ye Fei, Thomas gradually loosened his clenched fist, gritted his teeth and said, "Congratulations!"

Thomas angrily returned to the sidelines to rest.

Seeing Ye Fei's super performance in the final, the trace of resentment in Porzingis's heart instantly dissipated, and he rushed over to give Ye Fei a big hug.


Ye Fei responded with a smile, and Porzingis continued: "Thank you, too."

Although Ye Fei told him before the game that he would not let the water go, as long as he is not stupid, after seeing Ye Fei's performance in the final, he will understand how polite he is to himself.

An angry Thomas is the last example.

The host "Big Eyebrow Brother" Anthony Davis took the initiative to congratulate Ye Fei, but he didn't think Ye Fei disrespected him.

Ye Fei also wanted to keep a low profile, but his strength didn't allow him, and he allowed himself to lose decently.

Accept the opponent's congratulations with peace of mind.

The champion has been determined at the end of the game, and the award ceremony has to start, and Ye Fei just takes the trophy away.

Ye Fei and the contestants - hugging and high-five.

Competitive sports, friendship first, competition second, we must respect our opponents.

As Ye Fei's opponent, I just want to ask: Have you ever respected us?

I am sorry.

The strength is too strong, if you are not careful, you will be abused too badly.

I really 957 didn't mean it.

Ye Fei's teammates and friends came to congratulate Ye Fei one after another. Seeing this scene, many fans wondered, Ye Fei abused you so badly on the field, why are you still willing to be friends with Ye Fei?

The reason is very simple.

Ye Fei subdued them all, whether it was fighting or playing ball, they were not Ye Fei's opponents, and they still didn't take the initiative to please Ye Fei. Would Ye Fei have to target him infinitely before he would give in?

The women sitting in the auditorium couldn't wait a long time ago. When they saw Ye Fei approaching, they sent their passionate kisses and hugs one after another.

"I now announce that the winner of the 2019 All-Star Weekend Skills Challenge is Ye Fei, let us congratulate him!"

Xiao Hua took the stage again to present the award to Ye Fei.

Happily handing the championship trophy to Ye Fei.

It is a wise decision to ask Ye Fei to participate in the five competitions.

This year's Skills Challenge is the most exciting matchup in the history of the NBA, and Ye Fei has given life to the Skills Challenge again.

Just thinking about Ye Fei's acceptance speech made Xiao Hua feel a little overwhelmed. He is definitely the most hated player in the league.

"There is nothing to say, I will come up twice later, and thank you together then."

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