sports supervillain

830. If You Are Too Disheveled, Go On Your Own

The audience's eyes lit up.

The judges cheered up.

The stars watching from the sidelines were also delighted.

The young man is really good, he has the opportunity to challenge Ye Fei's dominance, he thought he was a bronze player, but he was instantly killed when he came up, but he was a hidden king.

In this way, the remaining four participating players can all pose a threat to Ye Fei.

I thought Ye Fei would be nervous, but unexpectedly he stood up and applauded Glenn Robinson: "You are beautiful, the young man is excellent, at least he must have this level to be qualified to fight with me, I am too bad Let's go, otherwise there will be no pleasure in abuse."

A row of question marks floated across everyone's heads.

Appropriate point.

When others button up beautifully, you still have to stand up and pretend to be aggressive. Do you feel uncomfortable if you don’t pretend to be aggressive?

Ye Fei showed off his amazing skills again. Some fans really couldn't stand it, and cheered for the rest of the players participating in the slam dunk contest.

Too bad it didn't work.

Strength does not allow them to be high-profile.

Jordan, who was the second to appear on the stage, probably wanted to show too much. The dunk he chose at the beginning was extremely difficult, so he asked his good friend Paul to come up to help.

In the first dunk attempt, Paul passed the ball very well, but Jordan dunked and hit the basket and bounced. 287 At the second attempt, Jordan grabbed the ball and dropped it, not even finishing the dunk.

In the last chance to try, Jordan finally dunked the ball into the basket, but the degree of difficulty was too low, and the dunk was not entertaining at all. Even if the judges wanted to raise their hands, there was no chance. In the end, Jordan got 38 consolation points. Basically declared no fate.

The third one is Aaron Gordon, a powerful dunk. Seeing him walk on the court, the audience burst into applause, expecting him to bring impact to Ye Fei. His two dunks last year deeply affected the fans.

Addicted to playing scooters, Aaron Gordon called the team mascot again, stepped on the scooter, circling in circles, waiting for Aaron Gordon's leaping dunk.

Try to leap over the mascot, catch a pass from a teammate, and make a wonderful reverse split dunk.

Creative and extremely difficult.

Aaron Gordon's first attempt was unsuccessful. The pass given by his teammate Payton Jr. did not keep up with his rhythm. Aaron Gordon, who wasted ten opportunities, was ready to make a comeback.

In the eyes of everyone's anticipation, Aaron Gordon tried for the second time.

Still a little bit worse.

The ball was not dunked.

(cdfc) Ye Fei booed directly from the sidelines: "Hey, it's really good. It can't even compare to a first-year rookie. You still want to go on!"

Perhaps stimulated by Ye Fei's taunt, Aaron Gordon finally smashed the ball into the basket in the third dunk attempt.

9 points! 9 points! 10 points! 9 points! 9 points!

Aaron Gordon finally scored 46 points and had a chance to reach the finals, but his score was even more fake than Jordan's.

Although he dunked the ball into the basket in his last attempt, the difficulty was reduced, and the viewing was still a bit worse, and he used up three attempts to score 45 points.

The judges obviously want to make it more difficult for Ye Fei to win the championship.

Aaron Gordon directly showed off last year's famous work.

Not to be outdone, Zach LaVine.

Take the ball and withdraw near the middle circle, and start a run-up from there. It is obviously another dunk that takes off near the free throw line.

The fans watching the game couldn't sit still and stood up to cheer for LaVine.

Run up, start, step on the free throw line and jump high, complete the change of hands in the air, coupled with a small lever, Zach LaVine gliding and dunking, smashing the ball into the basket.

"Beautiful! Nice dunk! Great shot!"

"A perfect dunk, it must be a perfect dunk! Zach, good job!"

"None of the shooting guards selected with the 13th pick are mediocre. Jordan performed the first classic at the free throw line, and Zach LaVine performed the dunk from the free throw line to the extreme.

"10 points! 10 points! 10 points! Must give 10 points."

"It's cool, the dunk is really hot, Zach, come on, dunk Ye Fei!"

"Brilliant dunk, elegant dunk, great dunk, cheating, K LaVine!"

Fans have sent their own praises to Zach LaVine.

As the opponent, Ye Fei also stood up and applauded Zach LaVine. His dunk was really beautiful.

Without the slightest hesitation, the judges raised their scoring cards one after another.

10 points! 10 points! 10 points! 10 points! 10 points!

The first full-score dunk in this year's slam dunk contest was born.

A dunk with a perfect score in the first round, and another dunk with 48 points, the pressure on Ye Fei can be imagined.

Ye Fei, who was the last to appear on the stage, looked very relaxed when he walked on stage, and there was no pressure at all.

Fans are looking forward to what kind of performance Ye Fei will bring.

I saw that he didn't go to the center of the stadium immediately, but walked to the auditorium behind him, and stretched out his hand to invite Taylor Swift: "Beautiful lady, can I ask you for a favor?"

Mildew looked bewildered.

Ye Fei didn't say hello in advance, she didn't know what she was going to do, seeing Ye Fei's sincere eyes and warm invitation.

Taylor Swift still came out and held Ye Fei's hand.

I saw Ye Fei lead her near the basket, and then whispered something in her ear.

Taylor Swift shook her head repeatedly and exclaimed: "Ye, no, it's really not good, I will pass it on badly.

"It's okay, just throw it into the sky as much as you can, I can catch it.

Taylor Swift was still shaking her head.

The host on the sidelines saw this scene.


There is also a temporary call for help, is it an impromptu performance?

Among the previous players who participated in the competition, none of them had practiced for a long time before they dared to show off on the stage of the slam dunk show.

Ye Fei is really good.

You don't even need rehearsals, just pull someone up, how much do you look down on your opponents, and they have already scored 48 points and 50 points.

"Too pretentious, isn't it? Ye, you are really, really too much."

"Taylor likes to watch basketball, but do you dare to catch the pass she gives you?"

"The slam dunk contest is a joke, Ye, do you still want to win the championship?"

"Stuntling, Ye, you won't succeed."

"If Taylor Swift throws the ball and Ye Fei successfully dunks, I'll cut my dick live!"

"I live broadcast Chixiang, and I believe in your evil, can you really be so beautiful?"

"Ye must have deliberately angered Kevin Durant. Didn't you see KD's murderous eyes? They couldn't even drink the bath water, and they were so close."

"Don't care about what's there or what's not, Tufei Cliff is going to dunk and fail!"

No one thought that the cooperation between Ye Fei and Taylor could be successful, even Taylor didn't believe it. .

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