"you are excellent.

From the beginning of the competition to now, Ye Fei, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke. He pointed at Chris Webber, and then clapped his hands: "Then target me, I don't care if you are a judge or not, I don't care, otherwise I don't mind." Let me talk to you."

"You can score as you like. When the time comes, I will dunk and dunk. No one will stop me. Either you give the two the same score, or you get out. Don't ask for trouble. You can't bear the consequences of my anger." rise."

Ye Fei pointed at Chris Webber and roared.

The audience on the sidelines immediately supported it.

"Well done, Ye Fei, give him a hard time!"

"Tiger doesn't go crazy, you think Ye Fei is Hello Kitty, the super villain of the alliance is playing with you, and has endured you for a long time, without any compulsion in your heart?"

"A super villain turned into a warm man, you think he is no longer a villain, it's funny, let's see how Ye Fei treats you!"

"Get off, get off quickly, don't dirty my eyes on it, and affect me watching such a slam dunk contest, you really make me sick to my stomach."

"How dare you sit there with a serious face? I didn't see how far away your partners are from you. I wish they would come down by themselves. You have the nerve to be a judge."

"Support Ye Fei, either you treat the same 847 as equals, or get out and watch the game, don't come out to show your lower limit."

The furious fans became more and more excited, President Xiao Hua next to him couldn't sit still, and walked to the center of the court to control the scene.

Afterwards, he asked his assistant to discuss with Chris Weber, saying that it was a negotiation, but it was actually an ultimatum. Chris Webber dared to come out to disgust Ye Fei, but he didn't dare to defy the will of the alliance. Once banned by the alliance, let alone being a judge on stage, it is estimated that even the TV station will not ask him to explain again.

It would be shameless to step down, so Chris Webber decided to endure the humiliation and pretend to agree on the surface.

Xiao Hua came over to apologize to Ye Fei and promised that Chris Webber would not make trouble.

Although Ye Fei still didn't believe it.

But the face of the NBA president still has to be given.

The game will continue.

Besides, he was targeted and won the final slam dunk contest, wouldn't he be more pretentious?

So Ye Fei decided to continue the game.

LaVine is fine.

Lavin got full marks for the first deduction, so Ye Fei came first for the second deduction.

Whether you are convinced by Chris Webber or not, Ye Fei will convince the opponent, all the audience and the rest of the judges.

Ye Fei didn't ask for help.

LaVine wants to compete near the free throw line, and Ye Fei must satisfy him.

Take the ball and retreat to the middle circle.

Without finding the rhythm and footsteps, Ye Fei grabbed the ball and accelerated, rushed straight to the free throw line, and jumped up on the free throw line. Ye Fei held the ball high above his head and spun his body.


It's not over yet.

One more lap.

The audience on the sidelines all stood up and covered their mouths, watching the unbelievable scene.

Turning 720 degrees in the air, Ye Fei is like in a cartoon, a spinning rocket, approaching the basket, and when the body falls, Ye Fei pulls the ball and performs a small windmill dunk, smashing the ball into the basket hard.

The action is done in one go.

A perfect combination of strength, speed, and explosive power, it is very enjoyable to watch, and it is a slam dunk with a burst of difficulty.

It was a dunk dunk like a fairy.

The fans couldn't hold back the madness and excitement in their hearts.

"Blast dunk! God-like dunk!"

"Carter's 720-degree dunk is already shocking, but Ye Fei's dunk now, I don't know how to describe it."

"Half-man, half-god Carter, God-man Ye Fei, one dunk has established the status of the dunk world's venerable, if anyone refuses to accept, let's start with a 720-degree rocket dunk from the free throw line.

"Kneeling down to watch the ball is not enough, Ye Fei wants you to worship and surrender, such crazy dunks, I can hardly believe my eyes."

"Slam dunks in reality can no longer satisfy Ye Fei's desire for performance. If there is any dunk in the dimensional world that you want to see, hurry up and leave a message under (cdef) on Ye Fei's Twitter"

"Hey, Chris Webber is kind, you give another 9 points!"

"Full marks, must be full marks, LaVine, give up, you have already lost."

"It's better than nothing, just declare that the champion is Ye Fei's, thanks to Chris Webber, that idiot, for allowing us to appreciate such a wonderful dunk.

Witness Ye Fei's incredible dunk.

LaVine felt that there was no need to compare.

The judges on the sidelines raised their scoring cards one after another.

10 points!

10 points!

10 points!


The first four are all 10 points, and the last scoreboard actually shows 9 points.

You don't even need to look.

Just knew it was Chris Webber.


A roar of abuse sounded, and then a stinky shoe flew straight towards Ping Zhi.

Although it didn't hit anyone, it scared all the judges into a cold sweat, and Chris Webb immediately hid under the judge's table.

David Robinson was so angry that he shouted: "If you want to die, don't drag us down. If you are mentally ill, please go to the hospital. If you don't have any money, I will pay for it for you. Please get out!"

The rest of the judges also cursed angrily.

Chris Webb would rather be a shrinking turtle and hide in it than come out.

Many fans holding shoes, did not get a chance to vent.

The first fan who smashed his shoes was invited out by the on-site security.

President Xiao Hua burst into anger.

The fans on the sidelines clamored for refunds and wanted compensation, and were about to leave the field, so he hurried out to stabilize the scene.

Ye Fei was even more angry.

He still said to the fans: "Everyone calm down first, don't cause trouble, let's see what kind of explanation he gives.

There are two options given to Chris Webber.

Hearing Ye Fei's words, Chris Webber quickly said: "I give 9 points!"

The fans didn't buy it.

Even Xiao Hua and the top executives of the NBA league didn't buy it, so you just scored 9 points. Do you want you to be a judge and make trouble?

What a perfect day.

Originally, Ye Fei won the championship, and with such an exciting slam dunk contest, they won't have to make a lot of money, will they bring more attention to tomorrow's main game?

They really regret it.

Bring in Chris Webb as a judge.

The scene is under control, and the fans also want to watch. Seeing Ye Fei's crazy dunk, what kind of response will LaVine give?

LaVine, who unfortunately lost to Ye Fei in the final last year, can get revenge?

Can LaVine win a title with no-brainer help from Chris Webber?

They still have expectations.

In the eyes of everyone's attention, LaVine dribbled the ball to the center of the court, and was about to stage the second dunk of the final. .

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