sports supervillain

857. Than The Demon

Three big lies in Texas: The Spurs are old, the Rockets are strong, and the Mavericks are weak.

This season is finally no longer a lie.

The Rockets' record ranks fourth in the Western Conference. Built by D'Antoni, the leader of the bombardment era, and led by James Harden, who left Kardashian and turned into Jordan, the Rockets' strength should not be underestimated.

The Mavericks are weak and there is nothing wrong with them. They are hopeless in the playoffs. The team's core "German Chariot" Dirk Nowitzki is reimbursed for the season. They are already preparing for next season, and are even considering tearing down and rebuilding.

It is an indisputable fact that the Spurs are old.

Duncan, one of the "GDP" three veterans, left the team, and the average age of Spurs players remained high.

But the Spurs' defense and offense are still at the top level in the league.

The Lakers will use the Spurs to test the team's offensive level in this game.

Ye Fei pursues a gorgeous offense. The "987" Suns led by Nash back then, with a mercury-like attack, was the goal Ye Fei was chasing.

But what Ye Fei wants is not only the gorgeousness on the offensive end, but also the toughness on the defensive end.

Facing the starting lineup of the Spurs, Ye Fei made his first attack and showed his attitude.

Mentioning that Ye Fei was holding the ball from the three-point line, facing Aldridge, who was defending from the top, he made a fake shot and feinted a shot, pretending to shoot a three-pointer, tricking Aldridge to move his center of gravity forward, and Ye Fei accelerated the ball. , Aldridge wanted to go back, but it was too late.

Holding the ball to the penalty area, ignoring Diamond who was helping to defend him, facing the defense and dunking, Ye Fei smashed the ball into the basket hard.

Simple and brutal.

It was the Spurs' turn to attack.

"Defend, bite up!"

Ye Fei directs his teammates to defend their positions.

"French sports car" Tony Parker and "Demon Blade" Manu Ginobili are still there, and the tactical system preserved by the Spurs in the "GDP era" can still be carried out.

It's just that the effect is not very satisfactory. As he grows older, Parker, who has lost the speed of his signature weapon, can't run at all.

Without the speed advantage, the spinning top cannot spin.

The outside ball was interfered by Clarkson, Parker couldn't get rid of it, and gave the ball to Aldridge inside. Following Popovich's advice, Aldridge lost his spirituality after gaining weight

More choices of low post singles, but in the face of Ye Fei's defense, Aldridge has no good way.

The ball shifted to Leonard, the Spurs' leading offensive scorer, who met Ingram's defense.

Although Ingram's offense has not improved much, on the defensive end, with his height and long arms, he still puts a lot of pressure on opponents.

Leonard missed a mid-range jumper.

Ye Fei received the rebound.


The Lakers turned from defense to offense, and their athletic talent showed up. They played more in the frontcourt and played less. Ye Fei's wonderful pass assisted Stephenson with an alley-oop dunk.

4 to 0.

The Lakers firmly control the field advantage.

The Spurs are the team in the league that is best at relying on defense to catch opponents' mistakes and fight back. But in this game, they encountered the Lakers who also wanted to catch their mistakes and fight back. The game was extremely difficult.

The game went on for three minutes. Popovich, who has always been calm and composed, stood up and guided the players on the sidelines.

He couldn't sit still.

Three minutes before the game, the Spurs only relied on Danny Green to score a three-pointer.

The Lakers frequently seized the Spurs' offensive mistakes and played a 13-3 offensive climax, opening the point difference to more than double digits in one fell swoop.

Before the first official timeout of the first quarter, Popovich made a big move, removed three starters and replaced them with Ginobili, Patty Mills and Kyle Ander

Although the age is increasing year by year and the data is declining year by year, Manu Ginobili is, as always, Popovich's greatest player.

On the first attack of the game, Ginobili's signature snake-shaped breakthrough successfully played Stephenson, hit a layup, and got the chance to add a penalty.

The league's No. 1 demon sword is truly well-deserved.

It's just out of the sheath, and the blood will seal the throat as soon as it is out of the sheath.

In the next round, the Lakers failed to attack, Ingram missed a three-pointer, the rebound was poorly placed, and Leonard grabbed the rebound.

The Spurs tried to counterattack, but the Lakers retreated very quickly and fell into position early.

Ginobili walked slowly through half court.

Received a pass from Mills, raised the ball over his head, did not take the first shot, feinted a shot, as if passing the ball, but twisted his buttocks, shot a three-pointer, Clarkson was caught off guard, and watched the basketball stabilize Fall into the nest.

The Lakers home fans gave their applause for Ginobili's wonderful performance...

Than a demon?

Ye Fei likes it.

Ginobili is known as the league's No. 1 monster sword, and Ye Fei thinks his title is not bad.

While Ginobili was still able to play, Ye Fei decided to fight for the title of the league's No. 1 Demon Sword.

"Hey, Manu, I want your title as the number one demon sword in the alliance!"

Ginobili's face was as heavy as water, but Ginobili didn't have any emotional fluctuations, his sleepy eyes burst out with fierce fighting intent in an instant.

"You come."

Ginobili has no fear.

When it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei mentioned getting the ball from the three-point line and facing the defense of "Human Creepy Elf" Kyle Anderson.

Ye Fei followed the gourd to draw a ladle, playing Ginobili's signature European step.

Kyle Anderson, who was defending Ye Fei, was almost knocked to the ground by Ye Fei's fake move. After a stagger, he lost his defensive position and watched Ye Fei violently dunk the ball into the basket.

Back on the defensive end, Ye Fei's ghostly interception cut off Mills' pass to the post.

Give it to Clarkson to advance.

Following up to the position where Ginobili soared for a three-pointer, Ye Fei reached out to take the ball, slapped Kyle Anderson's defense, leaned on him, threw the ball at will, made a three-pointer and added a penalty.

Ye Fei scored 3+1.

The fans are no longer calm.

"Two consecutive goals to pay tribute to Manu, but what to do?"

"You can flirt with you, and you can be a demon at 3.3. If I want to be a demon, no one will let me flirt. If Ye Shen is a demon, who can stop him?"

"Even the old man won't let you go? Ye Fei, can you be a human being? Do you want to grab the title of Ginobili's No. 1 Demon Sword too?"

"Is Ye Fei going to flirt with Ginobili?"

"The demon sword is against the evildoer, who is more demonic, let us wait and see!"

"Manu, show off your unique move, let Ye see the true strength of the alliance's number one demon sword."

"It's starting to play, it's interesting, Manu, please make a move!"

The matchup between the Spurs and the Lakers has a lot to watch, but after the game started, the Lakers firmly took the initiative on the court, and the fans felt that the game was a bit boring.

It's just that they didn't expect that Ye Fei and Ginobili would actually compete with each other, and after Ye Fei's two combo attacks, Ginobili responded immediately. .

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