sports supervillain

86. Thousands Of People Called Scott Out Of Class

This game was Ye Fei's most embarrassing game after joining the Lakers.

A total of 7 shots and 6 goals were hit, 3 of which were fought by his own body, and the other two were picked up by Russell, and then Clarkson and Lu Wei, each with an assist.

In the end, Ye Fei scored 12 points, 6 blocks, 5 rebounds and 5 fouls.

He may not care about the data, but he cares about the experience of the game. Disgusting Scott, let Ye Fei play with those four players most of the time, and under his instruction, Russell, who controls most of the players, will never give the ball to Ye Fei, no matter Ye Fei What a position to be in.

Therefore, Ye Fei was very angry, which is why he would rather be a gunman than to step down Scottra.

On November 15th, one day for the Lakers, Ye "May 27" called some of the Lakers' players together.

He said straight to the point: "I called you guys here today, just to express my dissatisfaction with the head coach. I believe there are some players among you who are dissatisfied with him. I just want him to attend class. Sign it."

After Ye Fei finished speaking, he took out a letter of request.

Kobe immediately continued: "I understand Ye's experience very well. He shouldn't be treated so unfairly. I like his professional attitude and basketball talent very much. I don't want such a talent to be treated by everyone." Buried by a stupid trainer, Yeh, I support you!"

After a few strokes, Kobe took the lead in signing the request, and Clarkson immediately followed.

"No matter what you think, I'm upset anyway, I don't have the ball in my hands, and let me play the offense, what do I use to play? I'm good at scoring, not playmaking, I'm fed up with this damn coach. Yeh is an excellent player, if we let him play a more important role, we will win more games, my goal is not to be poor

I also want to win a championship. "

What Clarkson said was impassioned, and the remaining players were stunned when they heard it, and their hearts fluctuated endlessly.

Artest didn't say anything, and signed his name. He is a veteran and has no desires, but he still has to give Kobe Bryant's face, and Ye makes him very comfortable.

Nick Yang showed his white teeth and smiled, "Count me in."

Playing under Scott, he was very unhappy. He came to the Lakers to be Kobe's backup, not to be a defensive blue-collar.

Thackeray, Black and Lu Wei also signed their famous ministers on the petition.

Afterwards, Kobe and Ye Fei handed over the request to Jenny Buss, and she will handle the rest.

Scott didn't know all this, the last game against Ye Fei made him finally vent his anger.

But this time, he planned to repeat the same trick, using the same method to limit Ye Fei's performance.

But the development of things was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Ended the 5-game streak, returned to Los Angeles, sat at the Staples Center, and faced the Detroit Pistons.

It was supposed to be a situation where the enemy was fighting against each other all the time, but an extremely dramatic scene happened.

After the entrance ceremony, when the camera was aimed at Scott, a sentence suddenly came from the sidelines.

"Scott dismissal!"

Soon at the Lakers' home court, the cry became louder and louder.

"Scott dismissal!"

"Fuck off, Scott!"

"Coach rubbish, get out of Los Angeles!"

"Coach Trash, please leave get out of class!"

The sound became louder and louder, and finally became a sound, and Scott's face was as ugly as a pig's liver.

Among these people, I don't know if there are people arranged by Jenny Buss, but it is definitely not a minority who want Scott to dismiss the get out of class.

After all, since the start, the Lakers' record has not been ideal.

Before Kobe was injured, he finally ushered in a wave of three consecutive victories, but followed by a three-game losing streak.

The head coach has an unshirkable responsibility for losing even a big team like the Magic, but Scott frequently throws the blame away, either because Kobe does not play, or the players are not in good condition due to consecutive away games. Anyway, he searched for all kinds of reasons, but he didn't find problems in himself.

But everyone knows that he ruined the good games in a row, and he left a stable and outstanding player like Ye Fei unused, and hid him at the last moment.

In the last game, Ye Fei left the field angrily...

Coupled with the guidance of the social fishing boat, the Lakers still want Ye Fei's Kobe, and they hate Scott deeply.

Therefore, when they heard someone calling Scott to dismiss get out of class, they followed suit without any hesitation, and finally ten thousand people called Scott to dismiss get out of class.

This kind of treatment is the first time in the NBA.

Whenever the camera was aimed at coach Scott, there was another booing and the sound of dismissing him.

Scott's face was gloomy and terrifying, looking at Ye Fei who was sitting on the bench leisurely, he was even more angry.

Thought there was nothing wrong with you, didn't you?

Later I want you to look ugly.

Not long after the first quarter of the game, Scott took the initiative to replace most of the main players, and put on yesterday's lineup.

Russell is on the same front as Scott [of course he won't give the ball to Ye Fei.

After coming up, Ye Fei really didn't have much chance, but he was not in a hurry.

He starts on defense.

Ye Fei's top defense is Drummond, the NBA rebounding champion known as the "Zhuang Shen".

Drummond is 211cm tall and weighs 127kg. Like Howard when he was young, he relies on his explosive physical fitness to play, forcefully eats the basket, and abuses the board crazily.

There's not much technology to speak of.

Just now he was quite a lot. He played wild inside the Lakers. He is tall, long-armed, strong, and strong against him. The average inside player is 1.3. There is really no way to limit him.

But as soon as Ye Fei came up, he immediately taught him how to behave.

Pushing Ye Fei away from the basket with his body, the unconvinced Zhuang Shen hit Ye Fei with his back, but found that he couldn't stand it at all.

Like Howard, he has three tricks to attack, and he can only do a small hook without moving his back.

He wanted to use his height to overpower Ye Fei, but Ye Fei stood still and seized the right moment.

A big cap directly slapped his shot away.

In an instant, the fans at the scene cheered: "Ye Fei, well done!"

After applauding Ye Fei for a round, thousands of people called Scott to dismiss get out of class.

There is no harm without comparison.

Scott's coffin face was becoming more and more ugly, and he wished he could swallow Fei in one gulp.

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