sports supervillain

882. Stand Firm, Drop The Expensive One

Ye Fei had some reservations on the court, and the Los Angeles Clippers, led by captain Chris Paul, were in full swing and firmly suppressed the Lakers. And in the first half of the game, the Clippers players' three-pointers felt hot. Chris Paul made 2 of 4 three-pointers and contributed 10 points, 5 assists and 1 rebound in the half.

The Clippers started as the shooting guard, Redick, a well-known three-point shooter in the league, made all three three-pointers and scored 13 points.

The guard who came off the bench, Jamal Crawford, the best sixth man in the league, made 2 of 3 three-pointers, scored 8 points and 2 rebounds.

With the superb performance of the shooters, the Los Angeles Clippers scored 65 points at halftime, temporarily leading the Lakers by 9 points.

Griffin seized several misplaced opportunities. At the end of the half, he scored 8 points, 3 rebounds and 1 assist. His performance was not bad.

Leading the score, Griffin, who was not knocked down by "060" by Ye Fei, felt very comfortable.

"I said you are sending me money, but you still don't believe me, so you still want to knock me down? Do you think it's possible? Don't let it go!"

Griffin is full of confidence, thinking that he has the chance to win.

Ye Fei replied flatly: "It's only hundreds of thousands of dollars, I don't care at all, I don't think you can rest assured, or we hire two notaries, what?"

"Makes sense."

Griffin fell into the trap set by Ye Fei step by step, and pulled Jordan aside: "Hey, DeAndre, you come to be our notary. I'm going to bet him that as long as he doesn't have any problems in the game, Knock me down, give me $500,000. If I lose, give him $500,000."

"What?! Are you crazy?!"

Little Jordan shouted in shock and surprise: "You want to bet with him? He is a well-known villain in the league, can you win the bet? I advise you not to play with him, otherwise you will suffer

"you do not believe me?!"

Griffin was a little angry: "He is sending me money, can I refuse? What do you mean, you think I will lose? Are you looking down on me?"

"What's the matter?"

Seeing that the two teammates wanted to fight, Chris Paul intervened in time to calm the anger of the two, and Xiao Jordan learned the whole story from the sky.

"Blake, do you really want to bet him?"

Paul asked.

Griffin replied categorically: "He gave me money, don't I want it? Bet, you have to bet with him.


Paul continued: "Then I will be your notary, what do you think?"

Although I have always been unhappy with Paul's status as the boss of the team, Chris Paul still has a high reputation, and for Paul who has won many big contracts, he really doesn't care about a million dollars inside.

"I'm sure I'm fine."

Griffin believed in Chris Paul, and Ye Fei did not reject it: "Yes, I believe that the dignified Captain Chris will be fair and just. I have no objections to you coming to be a witness. If that's the case, the bet is reached?"

"Okay, I'll transfer the money to Chris's account now, and wait for you to give me the 500,000.

Ye Fei showed a slight smile: "Don't worry, the game is not over yet, Rajan, you help me keep 500,000 US dollars, are you interested in being a notary for this bet?"

"It's an honor, and I'm looking forward to it."

Rondo agreed, and Chris Paul and Griffin had no opinion, plus teammate Paul Pierce guaranteed.

The bet is officially concluded.

"I want you to pay for your stupid behavior, take away my woman, and pay for it.

Griffin yelled.

Ye Fei replied flatly: "Can you blame me for your skill in picking up girls? I think you are good at picking up girls, but I didn't expect you to be better at playing. In the second half of the game, remember to stand firm, a fall is very expensive."


Griffin seemed to be stepped on his tail, and instantly jumped into a rage: "Boy, don't be crazy, you want to knock me down, it is absolutely impossible, I will make you regret today's decision. I want to win my money and be your shit Sweet dreams go!"

"I don't know if it's a dream, but you're bound to lose."

Griffin had already jumped into the pit, and Ye Fei would definitely not let him go, and he had to kill him severely. Griffin, who was getting emotionally out of control, chattered away under Paul's persuasion. Talking trash to Ye Fei, playing war of words with him, Griffin is undoubtedly looking for abuse...

Unexpectedly, with a few casual ridicules, Griffin couldn't control his emotions.

Only by controlling yourself can you control others, and you can't even control your own emotions. No wonder Griffin, who is still talented, is still only the second head of the team after so many years.

Back at halftime.

The Clippers launched the first attack in the second half of the game. Griffin was not in a hurry to get the ball, and his mood seemed to have stabilized, with a smug smile on his face.

In singles with the ball behind his back, even if it is difficult to move, Griffin received a dark punch and said: "It's useless, don't try to provoke me, I won't be fooled, I will take your $500,000. "

The offensive end did not find an opportunity, Griffin returned the ball to Chris Paul and continued to organize.

· Redick is still feeling the three-pointer, using the screen to get rid of the defense, soaring three-pointer.

"10 points, wait for us to end your winning streak, I will not only win your money, but also beat you."

Ye Fei was not provoked, but just said lightly: "Really? Are you that sure?"

"Wait and see."

Griffin turned around to defend with full confidence, and let Ye Fei show fancy fake moves in front of him, Griffin was unmoved.

He even suffered a fancy dribble from Ye Fei, passed the ball through the crotch, and Jordan, who was riding a supplementary defense, slammed the ball hard into the basket with super gravity.

Griffin just glanced lightly, ignoring 4.7 Ye Fei.

I can bear it.

When the Clippers' offense converged, Ye Fei seized the opportunity and singled out Stephenson for a misplaced single, pushed away Griffin who was trying to double-dunk the defender, and knocked the ball to the ground together.

Griffin was still not angry.

The defensive end still maintained a trace of calmness, allowing Ye Fei to make various fake moves and cooperate with coquettish dribbling and humiliation, but Griffin remained unmoved.

It's quite bearable.

Ye Fei's runaway mode was on, and the offensive end was rampant, making Griffin doubt his life. The defensive end is everywhere, and the Clippers players are extremely uncomfortable. Even the fiery shooters are gradually disappearing outside the three-point line.

Cooperate with all kinds of trash talk and ridicule on the BB machine on the court.

Griffin's calm expression disappeared, and his emotions gradually lost control.

Finally fell into the ultimate trap set by Ye Fei. .

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