sports supervillain

886. Mina's Little Request

"What request.

Mina showed a soft smile: "I want to treat you to a meal, thank you for cooperating with me in the interview today, and by the way, thank you, the two beautiful seniors who helped me connect, I don't know if you can show me your face?"

"Beauty invites you to dinner, I'm sure I'd be more than happy, Los Angeles is my territory, let me do my honor as a landlord."

Mina replied: "How dare you?"

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You guys have decided on a time. I'll pick you up when the time comes. If you still have something to do, you can ask my assistant to help with it. I have to go to the arena to train for a while. See you later-"

Mina said goodbye happily: "Okay, see you later.

After sending Mina away, Ye Fei came to the training ground to improve his dribbling skills in a targeted manner.

Knowing that Ye Fei wanted to improve, Lakers team president Jenny Buss called the former Lakers meritorious player "Magic" Irving John, and he personally instructed Ye Fei to improve his dribbling skills.

A magician with a height of 206cm and a weight of 98KG, he has a gorgeous style of play, stable ball control, and very comprehensive skills.

After John Hsun emerged in the NBA and became the new darling of the media, when people asked him what position he played, he said: "I play center, sometimes forward, and a little guard. I want to give my position a name, maybe 'Central and Front Wanderers' is a good name."

Similar to Ye Fei's current role in the team, although Ye Fei does not appear in the guard position very often, he will often take on the tasks of point guard and shooting guard. It can be regarded as a middle-to-back homeless.

In the first official NBA game, "Magic" John Xun was able to get a triple-double, and his career was glorious. Had it not been for HIV infection, perhaps his achievements would have been even more brilliant.

Ye Fei benefited a lot from "Magician" Erwin John.

More confidence to complete the tasks issued by the system.

In the next game against the Minnesota Timberwolves, Ye Fei could not help but observe a three-second silence for Towns.

Poor child, why is it you again?

Ye Fei's training is not over yet.

Mina, Zhang Manyuan and Coral are already waiting on the sidelines.

After returning to the locker room to wash off, Ye Fei changed his clothes, went to the parking lot and started his car, and drove the three of Mina to Chengdu-Taste, a famous local Chinese restaurant in Los Angeles.

The long-lost hometown taste, the four of them ate quite comfortably, and the taste was very comfortable.

It's just that during the meal, there are always fans around Ye Fei asking for group photos and autographs. Now Ye Fei is like a hero in Los Angeles.

Fans of Ye Fei can be seen in almost any corner of Los Angeles. Wherever he appears, there will be fans flocking there.

Ye Fei did not refuse their request, took a group photo with them, and patiently signed autographs for fans. There is no Ye Fei's super villain attitude on the field, which makes fans love and praise him even more.

"Whoever said that Ye is a vicious player, he is obviously very amiable. I asked him to take a photo, and he probably kept his body short. Our photo is very beautiful, I like it very much!"

"Go all out on the court, never show mercy to the enemy, and don't put on airs when you meet your own fans. He is really a rare good player."

"I love my fans so much, and I'm still playing so well. What's the point of being aggressive on the court? I'm playing better than others, so I'm not allowed to bully them?"

"Ye's humility off the court is similar to Dayao's. If Dayao had the vigor of Ye on the court back then, he might have a chance to win the championship. He must not be kind to his opponents."

"Ye Fei, I want to fall in love with you, I want to give birth to a monkey for you! I am really super handsome, super handsome!"

"Don't think about it. Didn't you see him sitting next to three beautiful and beautiful reporters from China? You have no chance. Ye Fei, why don't you think about me?"

Ye Fei, who has long been used to confessing from female fans, silently stuffed food into her mouth, telling her that her stomach was important.

Otherwise, I will have no strength to go back and deal with the two jealous little peppers.

There were people watching all the time, maybe the three of them made the eating atmosphere not so pleasant.

Fortunately, they are also public figures, and they can still accept that Ye Fei is sought after by so many fans.

He is handsome, he plays well, and he is young and rich. How can fans not like Ye Fei?

Meina is the younger sister of Zhang Manyuan and Coral. They have the opportunity to be alone in a foreign country. After the dinner, they must go shopping in the streets of Los Angeles.


Especially with Ye Fei, an excellent bodyguard boyfriend by their side, Zhang Manyuan and Coral boldly took Mina to play around.

Ye Fei just wanted to say one thing at this time: Baby feels bitter.

The biggest joy of shopping for girls is shopping.

Therefore, he is a mobile hanging bag service station, with large and small shopping bags hanging on his body. Although Ye Fei is all-powerful in the NBA, his physical strength and endurance crush all players, but the hours-long shopping trip, Ye Fei can't help it. Some can't bear it.

In the future, you must bring your assistant or bodyguard to help carry things.

Tired dog.

Fortunately, they thought about what happened the next day, and finally chose to go home.

Zhang Manyuan and Coral lived in Ye Fei's villa, and Meina lived in a hotel a little further away. After sending Zhang Manyuan and Coral home, Ye Fei sent Meina back to her hotel.

Before leaving, Zhang Manyuan said in Ye Fei's ear: "I allow you to stay there for a few hours, but don't spend the night there, Coal and I will wait for you at home for nothing."


Ye Fei was speechless.

Is he like that?

In the hotel where Meina lives, Ye Fei's villa is less than 15 minutes away. Meina, who talks and laughs with Ye Fei from time to time on the road, chooses to keep silent until Ye Fei sends her to the hotel, and Meina speaks again.

"Thank you brother Ye Fei, thank you for cooperating with us in filming the program today, our leaders like it very much. Thank you for taking me to taste such delicious hometown food in a foreign country. I am more willing to spend time shopping with us, I Super super happy, I am your fan, I have always liked you very much, thank you for spending such an unforgettable and happy day with you."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Ye Fei's mouth: "Just as long as you are happy, next time I have a chance, I will play with you again.

"Then it's settled."

A sly smile appeared on Meina's face: "That's right, brother Ye Fei, I have a small request, I wonder if you can promise me?"

Ye Fei replied calmly: "You said it was a loss.".

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