sports supervillain

93. Please Get Out Of Here Immediately

Miracles didn't happen.

In 1.2 seconds, only one shot can be made from outside the three-point line. The Magic sent the ball to Pope. He pulled it up and threw it. The ball hit the basket and went out.

The final whistle.

With Ye Fei's brave performance and two magical dunks at the last moment, the Lakers struggled to win the game.

Coach Scott, who had nothing to do with the victory, pretended to shake hands with the opposing coach.

Amidst the boos, he still pretended to be aggressive, as if this match was won under his command.

Although not so, but in the press conference, he will definitely take the credit.

Losing is the best result, winning also has nothing to lose.

Scott has already figured out how to make himself stand out at the press conference.

As soon as he walked into the player tunnel, Jenny Buss walked up to him with a group of people and gave him a slap in the face.

"Please get out of here immediately!"

Scott looked confused, and he asked inexplicably, "What do you mean?"

Jenny Buss said very seriously: "If you don't understand, then I will tell you that from this moment on, you have been fired by the team and you are free. Please pack your things and get out of here immediately!"

"Why? You can't do it, Jim, and won't promise you to."

Jenny Buss sneered.

"Why? You still mean to ask me why? You can force half of the players in the team to send you a joint letter to dismiss you. You, the coach, have done a very good job. And what kind of game are you commanding, and the game that should be won, hand it over to you Others, today is not Ye, the game is over long ago, and you still suppress him, do you think you should get out?"

Jenny Buss ignored him, but said to Brown beside him: "Mike, you take Ye and the others to the press conference. If a reporter asks, you just say that Byron is unwell. You go first." .”

Mike Brown turned and left, keeping Scott, who hadn't recovered.

Ye Fei, Ye Fei again, damn Ye Fei!

Looking at the name on the request letter, Scott hated his teeth, but he didn't intend to compromise like this.

"Because of a player, you treat me like this. You can't represent the board of directors. I will ask Jim to find out."

Jenny replied with a straight face: "I'm here to inform you on behalf of the board of directors. Don't expect Jim to help you. Now he can hardly keep himself, and he wants to join Phil to deal with me. You guys are really big. Give you an hour Time to deal with everything, don't blame me for throwing you out."

Watching Jenny Buss leave, Scott immediately dialed Buss Jr.'s phone.

But there was only busy tone on the other end of the phone, and little Buss didn't answer the phone at all.

Scott knew that this time, he was really finished.

It's cold.

It's really cold.

I was actually like this, and was forced to leave from the Lakers by an undrafted rookie.

He is not reconciled.

Before his ambition to dominate the industry even started, he was already dead.

Scott didn't even know how he walked back to the office. Looking at everything in front of him, Scott collapsed on his chair.

how so?

I have prepared so hard for so long, why did I end up with such a result?

It's all Ye Fei.

Damn Ye Fei, make yourself unemployed, let yourself lose this job, I will not let you go.

Scott has no chance to trouble Ye Fei at all, he will be bored to death in no time.

And in this game, Ye Fei, who played extremely well, is already an existence he can't afford to mess with.

Ye Fei, who played 26 minutes, made 16 of 17 shots, scored 34 points, 8 blocks and 6 rebounds, is undoubtedly the biggest contributor to the victory of this game.

When interviewed after the game, almost all the media turned their microphones on Ye Fei.

He is undoubtedly the biggest focus of the scene.

Mike Brown, who attended the press conference instead of Scott, is very smart. Scott's dismissal is a foregone conclusion, and he has a good chance to take over.

Ye Fei can drive Scott away, but he can also lift himself up.

Therefore, he put all the credit for this game on Ye Fei's head, and said nothing about Scott.

"This game is very difficult. To win the opponent, Ye's outstanding performance is the key. He, like Bryant, is a player who can change the game. It is our happiest thing for the team to have such two players. He should get more playing time, he can play a bigger role, he played great.

Ye Fei's younger brother, Clarkson, who also performed very well today, is also not stingy with his compliments.

"Ye's performance made people crazy. He completed the impossible task. His debut allowed us to turn the tables and win the final victory when we were 20 points behind. His performance was too perfect. The last two times Dunk, people have to worship, he is too strong!"

The same is true for Lu Wei and Nick Young. Of course they understand the reason why Scott didn't come.

The intention of the team management is obvious, that is to support Ye Fei and to praise him.

They must be raving about Ye Fei.

If it is said that their praise is a bit false, but as the opponent of the Lakers in this game, the head coach of the Pistons, in the interview after the game, also unabashedly expressed his praise and love for Ye Fei .

々This is Ye's game alone. We have done almost everything we can. But still failed to guard him, at the last moment, he dunked twice unbelievably, completely killing the game. His performance is shocking. I like a player like him very much. He is very talented and plays very smartly. "I am looking forward to coaching such a player."

If you can make your opponent praise you, it means that you are really good (Wang Nuohao).

Ye Fei did it.

Therefore, at the press conference, when reporters asked him questions, Ye Fei began to act aggressively.

"Mr. Ye, when you were 20 points behind in the game, you were replaced. Do you think your team can win the game?"

Ye Fei said calmly: "As long as the game is not over, there will definitely be opportunities. Regardless of whether there are opportunities, as long as I play, then I will definitely go all out to help the team win the game. I don't like The feeling of losing, I want to win, I have the determination to win.

Regarding the game, the reporter is not so concerned.

They want to know something about Scott and the conflict between the two from Ye Fei.

After all, in the Staples Center, everyone saw the sight of thousands of people shouting for Scott to dismiss get out of class.

(Let's update 9! I can't stand it anymore, I'll make it up tomorrow, I'm so tired. Delete).

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