sports supervillain

96. Debuted In The First Game, Broke The Boxing Champion After Jumping The Ball

Ye Fei is an incomparably powerful talent that is shown to people. But for this reason, the head coach Scott was laid off. Is Ye Fei really worthy of the Lakers' cultivation?

Fans also want to know what confidence Ye Fei has to drive Scott away.

Does he really have what it takes to be the Lakers' future hope?

Or is he just a flash in the pan.

This game is the Lakers' first game after the coaching change. What kind of performance Ye Fei will have is worth looking forward to.

Since his debut, Ye Fei has been a controversial player, and his attention has never been low.

But the grievances and grievances between Ye Fei and Scott attracted more people's attention to Ye Fei.

Some people support Ye Fei, some people support Scott.

As the "boxing champion" Tyson Chandler who once played for Scott in the New Orleans Hornets, he must be on Scott's side. Therefore, before the start of the game

When interviewed, he was outspoken.

"Byron is a good coach. It is a kind of enjoyment to play under him. I will tell Ye with actions in the game what it means to respect teachers. A player who does not even respect the head coach, did not I will teach him a good lesson about the need to survive in the league."

In the face of Tyson Chandler's provocation, Ye Fei's response can be described as sharp.

"If it comes to the understanding of respecting teachers, maybe he knows too little about Tyson. I have five thousand years of cultural heritage in China, and my understanding is much deeper than his. It is not a teacher, but it deserves our respect. He thinks Give me a lesson, and I want to teach him how to be a center in a new era, which is not his era."

The verbal battle between the two made the game more interesting, and it also made this game, which had no grievances, full of gunpowder.

It was Mike Brown's first game, and he looked more nervous than Ye Fei, who was starting for the first time.

Ye Fei comforted him: "Coach, don't worry, it's okay, we can win, just give me the ball at the critical moment."

Mike Brown nodded.

Looking at the charming smile on Ye Fei's face, the tension can't help but ease a bit.

Bryant missed due to injury, the Lakers to make adjustments to the starting lineup.

Starting point guard Clarkson, shooting guard Artest, small forward Brandon Bass, power forward Randle and center Ye Fei.

Coach Mike Brown studied under Coach Popovich before. He didn't learn Popovich's offensive tactics and concepts, but on the defensive end, he learned the essence and is a defensive expert recognized by the league. He led the Cavaliers to a record of 66 wins and 16 losses and won the best coach in the 2008-2009 season, which is also an affirmation of him.

Therefore, he advocates defense first, and the offensive end can only be played by superstars.

That's why he sent such a lineup.

Despite Artest's advanced age, his defensive ability is still quite good.

Brandon Bass is also a defensive champion, plus Ye Fei and Randall, this is a complete defensive lineup. On the offensive end, we can only rely on Ye Fei and Clarkson to play.

The starting five of the Suns are: Brandon Knight, Bledsoe, PJ Tucker, Jon Leuer and Tyson Chandler.

Ye Fei and Tyson Chandler faced off right from the start.

With a height of 216cm, he has an absolute height advantage when facing Ye Fei.

When the two sides stood still in the middle circle and were about to jump the ball, Tyson Chandler took the lead in mocking Ye Fei.

"Little boy, you still want to jump the ball with me, just admit defeat obediently, even if I stand, I can touch the ball before you."

Ye Fei fought back.

"You mean, you're sure to win the jump ball this time?"

Tyson Chandler plausibly said: "Nonsense, do you have any chance of winning?"

"Then keep your dog's eyes open. From this moment on, I will teach you a lesson and let you know what it means to have a sky beyond the sky, and people beyond people."

Tyson Chandler sneered, he had never lost a jump ball.

Even against Yao Ming at his peak, with his height of 226cm, he still has the strength to fight, let alone Ye Fei who is only 206cm, torturing him is not a piece of cake

The referee tosses the ball high.

Ye Fei jumped first, and Tyson Chandler showed a smile.

If you are young, you are still too impulsive.

The jump ball is not something you can get if you jump early.

Jumping the ball also requires technique.

You have to have good timing, the ball starts to fall, you jump up, so you can jump to the ball.

Tyson Chandler is brimming with confidence.

But he was soon dumbfounded.

How could he jump so high?

It's just unbelievable.

Tyson Chandler put away his contemptuous attitude and stared at the basketball in the air solemnly. He went all out and ran for the basketball.

He fully extended his arms, wanting to pass the basketball to his teammates before Ye Fei.

His late-serve first-come strategy was fine, but he ignored Ye Fei's terrifying bounce.

Ye Fei, who was soaring in the air, did not fall quickly, but faced the falling basketball, took off for the second time, and jumped up for another section.

Tyson Chandler didn't even touch the basketball leather.

He could only watch Ye Fei helplessly as he passed the basketball to his teammates.

I actually jumped the ball and lost to a short center with 206 cm?

An unbelievable thing just happened.

Ye Fei, who landed on the ground, cast a look at Tyson Chandler, the meaning was very obvious.

You are weak!

What's the use of being tall? You're such a stupid big guy who can't even win a jump ball. What's the use of you? No wonder you support Byron Scott. After all, only he can appreciate your stupidity. (Zhao's Zhao) Big guy, if you really are a master, you can bring out what kind of apprentices.

The jump ball crushing Tyson Chandler was just the beginning.

Since he dared to ridicule himself openly, Ye Fei must respond.

His villain value will be taken away by Ye Fei.

The current Ye Fei knows that by competing with the opponent as much as possible, and then defeating the opponent, the disgust value can be quickly increased.

So after the jump ball was crushed, Ye Fei was going to teach him a good lesson when he met Tyson Chandler who had a temper.

Losing the jump ball to Ye Fei, Tyson Chandler definitely refused to accept and chased after him immediately.

"Boy, the jump ball was successful, but it's just luck, the next is a duel of strength, and you will know what real defense is.

Ye Fei smiled slightly: "Your defense is as good as paper, and your jump ball skills are as good. Next, I will tell you how to block the opponent's pool inside."

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