The next day, Qin Yan and his group of five returned to Japan. On this trip to the United States, Qin Yan and the three benefited a lot. The growth of strength is secondary, and the most important thing is the growth of the vision of the three of them. Especially the final battle with the three superstars made them clearly understand the strength of American basketball.

Although Qin Yan was in the NBA year, after all, he was on the court, and he did not really face these superstars. Now after a dozen, I know how one-sided my previous understanding is.

Liuchuan Feng can be said to be the person who gained the most from this trip to the United States. Even if everyone said that there was still a huge gap between him and the American players, deep down, he was still a little unconvinced. But after this time, Liuchuan Feng not only saw his own shortcomings, but also knew where his shortcomings were. When he returned to Japan, he had a clear way forward.

The five returned to Japan, and Qin Yan did not accompany Haruko well because of this trip to the United States, so he took Haruko to Tokyo for two days. Let Qin Ziyun take Sakuragi Hanamichi and Rukawa Kaede to go back first.

Qin Yan, who had had fun in the past two days, returned to the team and found that everyone’s training anger was even higher. When I asked, I knew that this training match, Xiangbei was a failure.

But that’s to be expected. Shonobi took three main players, relying on Akagi and Mitsui alone, it is impossible to be the opponent of the national team. However, this training match was a rare experience for the substitutes in Xiangbei. Not only let them see their own shortcomings, but also let them know the direction of their efforts.

Coach Anzai also arranged this training match with such intentions. Now that the team has improved, he himself is very relieved.

But no matter how great everyone’s improvement was, there was no shock that Rukawa Kaede and Sakuragi brought to everyone.

After Sakuragi came back this time, it gave people the feeling of four words, reborn.

SAKURAGI HAS GROWN THREE CENTIMETERS TALLER AND IS NOW 193CM. AND HIS ARM SPAN ACTUALLY REACHED A TERRIFYING 211CM. Now Sakuragi has a normal jump shot, and Akagi can’t touch a single point even if he blocks it with all his strength.

What is even more terrifying is the power of Sakuragi, and now Akagi is completely unable to withstand Sakuragi. Sakuragi relies on the explosive power of the skyrocketing power to directly top Akagi and then dunk. Akagi admits that now Sakuragi’s dominance under the basket has surpassed his own.

Before Rukawa Kaede went to the United States, the duel with Mitsui was six or four, but now Mitsui faces Rukawa Kaede, but he has a feeling that it is difficult to parry.

The breakthrough is more concise and sharp, and the offensive means are more crisp and neat. The previous Rukawa Kaede was like a sharp sword, although dangerous, but not enough to hurt people. But now Liuchuan Feng has converged his edge, just waiting for the prey to take the bait, he will give him a fatal blow.

Akagi, Mitsui and the others were surprised by their performance, and at the same time, a yearning for the United States appeared in their hearts. Sakuragi Hanamichi and Rukawa Kaede only went to the United States for seven days, can they have such a drastic change? Is basketball really that strong there? With such a mood, the training passion of everyone in Xiangbei was even higher.

Of course, Qin Yan was happy to see this situation. The more the overall strength of Xiangbei improves, the more stable the road to the national competition will be. Although Qin Yan’s goal is only to win the championship, he does not want Xiangbei to rely only on their five main forces. After all, the more people play basketball, the happier they will be.

And the day before Shonobi was going to participate in the national competition, Fujima brought Hasegawa, together with Hikoichi from Lingnan, to practice for Shonbei.

If Qin Yan remembered correctly, just today, Lingnan and Xiangyang formed an all-star team and had a fierce battle with Xiangbei. Although he is now replacing the city by himself, Qin Yan is still interested in this game. At the same time, you can also test how much improvement has been made in northern Xiangbei during this time.

The job of finding someone was given to Hikoichi, and after a while, a terrifying team was formed.

Point guard Shin Fuji, shooting guard Sendo, power forward Hanagata, small forward Fukuda, center Usumi. In terms of the quality of the players alone, only Xiangbei can be compared with this team.

“If Xiangbei also has a way to win in the face of such a team, then in the national competition, Xiangbei will definitely have an unexpected performance.”

As a senior reporter for “Weekly Basketball”, Yayoi Aita has been very concerned about the dark horse of Xiangbei. When she heard her younger brother Yanyi say that there was such an interesting game, she immediately rushed to the Xiangbei basketball hall.

When she saw the two teams in the field, she gasped first. Strong, too strong on both sides. Looking at the teams on both sides, she didn’t find a single flaw in it. Such two teams, even if they are pulled to the final of the national competition, it must be a wonderful game.

And if Xiangbei can still win in the face of such a team, then Xiangbei may really make history this year.

The basketball is thrown and the game begins. Akagi and Usumi’s jumping balls are still Akagi’s skills. Rukawa Kaede, who received the ball, waved his long arm, and Sakuragi jumped up directly, and with a roar, Sakuragi kicked off the game with an aerial relay.

“So fast! Less than a month after the last tryout, the Sakuragi guy jumped higher and faster. And what kind of power is that! It actually bent the basket to that extent. What did he do this month? ”

Looking at the basket that was still shaking, Usumi’s eyes were full of shock, Sakuragi’s current energy was simply incomparable to that of the tryouts. This terrifying growth rate has to be shocking.

But the real shock is yet to come. In the combination team, the strength of their team members is generally stronger than that of Xiangbei. But after really contacting, I found that Xiangbei was like eating hormones this month, and the growth of strength was a little strange.

The first to notice something wrong was Fujima. When Fuji Zhen fought with Qin Yan, Qin Yan was still the player who needed to use the ‘Eye of the Heavenly Emperor’ to suppress him. But now Qin Yan can easily keep up with his rhythm. Moreover, the sophistication of Qin Yan’s technique made Fuji Zhen feel that he didn’t know where to start.

“This guy, what happened this month? That’s a big change! ”

Fuji Zhen did not shake Qin Yan away from three consecutive changes of direction, but was forced into a corner by Qin Yan. If it weren’t for Hua Guo’s timely arrival to support, his ball would have almost been sealed by Qin Yan.

However, the flower shape of the catch is not good. Although he plays power forward, he is a center forward. Can be his center body, but can not hold up to Sakuragi. Seeing that time was running out, Hanagata was forced to reluctantly turn around and make a jump shot.

The shot was too hasty and the chances of scoring were extremely low. But even so, there are people who don’t want it to have the possibility of scoring.

In Hanagata’s eyes, Sakuragi simply flew. With his superior height and arm span, he ate a large hot pot from Sakuragi alive. Hanagata was both shocked and humiliated.

Qin Yan ran wildly with the ball, even in the face of Immortal Dao and Fuji Zhen, he did not slow down. The right shoulder shook, the right hand pulled the ball outward, and a large bow turned around so that Qin Yan’s body was almost close to the ground. But also relying on this turn, Qin Yan moved out of the defensive range of the two. The foot exerts force, the body instantly moves back a step, and the three points are shot.

This set of movements Qin Yan learned from Aiferson, and he was shaken at that time. After coming back, after a period of hard practice, I have learned eight or nine points. Although Qin Yan’s speed was not as fast as Efuson’s, he believed that the pace of his completion was absolutely fine.

Sure enough, under Qin Yan’s perfect rhythm, the ball fell steadily into the basket.

No one expected that even in the face of such a strong team, Xiangbei could still take a five-point lead in the opening game. The strength of Xiangbei has once again refreshed everyone’s understanding of this team. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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