“It’s a little skillful, Xiangbei.” Mike saw Sakuragi’s dunk and a defiant smile appeared on his face.

Since he went to the United States for further study, he has not paid attention to basketball in Japan. In his opinion, Japanese basketball players who have not experienced American basketball are just frogs at the bottom of the well. That inexplicable sense of complacency made him not see clearly the gap between himself and Sakuragi.

Green Wind organized the attack, Hai Lao Ming dribbled through the game, he was the most calm-headed person on the field. Although he was not afraid of Xiangbei, he did not dare to underestimate Xiangbei. He has fought in the national competition and knows very well the strength of the mountain king industry, so he pays enough attention to Xiangbei that can defeat the mountain king.

Hai Laoming tried to break through Qin Yan, but was directly knocked away by Qin Yan, if not for his quick reaction, this ball would have been directly cut off by the other party.

“It’s pretty fast.”

Qin Yan also glanced at Hai Laoming in surprise, he just tried to break the ball just now, so after it was broken, he couldn’t catch up in the first time. But after all, it was Qin Yan who took the lead, and he should have a better advantage than Hai Lao Ming. But he didn’t expect that Hai Lao Ming reacted quickly, and his own speed was not slow, and he actually grabbed the ball before himself.

However, Qin Yan didn’t care too much, just now it was just a trial, and he had roughly figured out the strength of Hai Lao Ming. Hai Lao Ming is a good point guard, but it is not enough for Qin Yan to use the ‘Eye of the Heavenly Emperor’. It should be said that there are very few cases where Qin Yan can use the ‘Eye of the Heavenly Emperor’ again.

Hai Laoming did not dare to try to single Qin Yan again, and decisively passed the ball to his own ace Mike.

Mike looked at Liuchuan Kaede, who was guarding himself, and a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He had seen the video and knew that although the opponent attacked well, he was not outstanding defensively. In Mike’s view, Xiangbei letting Liuchuan Feng guard him is a manifestation of a mistake.

But Qin Ziyun had already watched Green Wind’s competition and had a general understanding of their strength. If Liuchuan Feng really couldn’t restrain Mike, then Qin Ziyun wouldn’t let Liuchuan Feng defend him. After all, Liuchuan Feng’s defense is indeed not top-notch in northern Xiangbei.

Mike didn’t look at Liuchuan Feng, and his offensive moves were naturally much bolder. After dribbling the ball with a low waist and changing directions, Mike actually did not accelerate the breakthrough, but chose to retreat and pull back, and then reverse the change to break through.

But how could Liuchuan Feng be so teased by the other party, even Zebei did not dare to do this in the face of Liuchuan Feng, and a Mike was even more self-sufficient.

Just as Mike was retreating, Rukawa Kaede took a step forward, his right hand stretched out like lightning, and directly copied Mike’s ball away.

After grabbing the ball, Rukawa Kaede quickly went down alone, although Mike turned around and chased with all his strength, but Rukawa Feng’s speed was not slower than him, and the distance he could close by accelerating without the ball was very small.

Now in the face of this undefended attack, the people of Xiangbei play some flower work. Rukawa Kaede jumped up, made a crotch change of hands, and scored with one arm.

“Ah!!! Flowing River Maple, Flowing River Maple. Our idol Kaede Rukawa. LOVE, LOVE, Kaede Rukawa! ”

The Liuchuan people on the stage danced a special dance and cheered loudly for Rukawa Kaede. And the rest of the audience also praised and applauded Liuchuan Feng’s wonderful performance. Xiangbei opened with two slam dunks, which not only enhanced his momentum, but also completely ignited the passion of the audience.

Mike looked at Liuchuan Feng, and his eyes finally became serious. Through the quick attack just now and the crotch dunk, Mike has seen that Liuchuan Feng’s physical fitness must not be inferior to himself. And technically, also between himself and his own uncle. He was too light on the enemy before, and this guy is definitely one of his fierce enemies.

Mike, who became serious, was also a fierce rival for Liuchuan Feng. The strength of Rukawa Kaede is that his own technique combines with the advantages of his body, and he defeats enemies with gorgeous skills. But Mike is not, he has received an orthodox American basketball education, and he knows how to play to his physical advantages.

Mike started a breakthrough, although this first step was also amazingly fast, but it could not shake off Ruchuan Kaede’s defense. This lets Mike know that his speed is weaker than the opposite. Next, Mike directly used his body to press Liuchuan Feng, and found that Liuchuan Feng’s defense was somewhat deformed by his own pressure. This made Mike judge that Ruchuan Kaede’s strength was not good.

So Mike decisively used his power to suppress Liuchuan Feng, and the dribbling hand was far outstretched, not allowing Liuchuan Kaede to have a chance to break the ball. After that, he used his body to push him all the way into the restricted area.

When it came to the offensive area he was good at, Mike no longer concealed it, and after pressing Ryukawa Kaede hard, Mike decisively stepped back and shot out.

After Mike shot this ball, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. After a long practice, he knew that the ball felt excellent and there was no reason not to score. But immediately his smile froze on his face, because on the rising line of the basketball, a big hand was quietly waiting for the basketball to arrive.


Sakuragi gave Mike a sturdy hat, and the basketball turned into a volleyball at this moment, and was slapped directly by Sakuragi to a position close to the middle line. If Qin Yan hadn’t seen that Sakuragi could block this ball in the morning, and started a quick attack early, this ball would have been slapped by Sakuragi to the opposite bottom line.

This time it was Qin Yan’s turn to perform, jumping up and down the free throw line, shaking a big windmill with the ball in both hands, and the feeling of sadistic baskets made Qin Yan feel so hot no matter how many times he did it.

Looking at Qin Yan’s big windmill, and then looking at Rukawa Kaede who high-fived Sakuragi, Mike felt a little unreal. When did Japan have such strong high school students? Although I knew that the red-haired one was very capable of jumping, I didn’t expect that he could jump so high! And the breakthrough line that I felt good just now was obviously designed by the other party long ago. Otherwise, it would not be so coincidental, as soon as he stepped back to shoot, the other party rushed to block, saying that no one believed it if it was not an ambush.

Green Wind called a pause, less than three minutes into the opening game, Xiangbei had already beaten Green Wind a little brainless, the rhythm of the game was completely held by Xiangbei, and the audience was unanimous to cheer for Xiangbei, which made Green Wind’s morale fall to the trough. The players looked at each other a little blankly, obviously not yet reacting from the defeat just now.

It can be said that as soon as it opened, Xiangbei completely suppressed the green wind. The trump card that depended on survival lost its effect, causing Green Wind’s offensive rhythm to deviate dramatically. If the next green wind cannot be adjusted in time, then the next game is likely to be taken away directly by Xiangbei.

PS: Bob didn’t ask for anything, but he has to go several times next month, so if everyone can give some tips, Bob is really grateful. _

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