Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 993: Mingtiao

Three days later, on the outskirts of Anyi.

The south wind in early summer blew from the Hedong Plain and passed through the mulberry forest outside the city of Anyi, causing the green branches of the fingers to be swayed by the wind, making a clattering sound.

It's for "singing bar".

"Yi Yin Xiang Tang attacked Jie and ascended from Xie, then fought with Jie in the field of Mingtiao, and wrote "Tang Oath"."

Zhao Wuxi sighed a lot as he rode his horse on the field of Mingtiao.

Hedong area has a long history. It is the main birthplace of China and the cradle of this civilization. The ancient capitals of Yao, Shun and Yu were all in Hedong. I don’t know how many ancient relics are buried under the loess. weight of history.

Among them, the Anyi area is the Xia Ruins, also known as Yucheng, and there are still remnants of the city walls from a thousand years ago. Therefore, in the Spring and Autumn Period, the Xia Dynasty was a true history of the eight classics, which is unquestionable, and there is no need to do any Xia, Shang and Zhou dating projects to prove it. The Linzhang Academy is deciphering some inscriptions and oracle bones left by the Xia Dynasty. These few words must be well preserved and passed down to future generations.

One of them is that Xia’s fortune-teller asked the heaven for the good and bad luck of the battle of Mingtiao. In the end, he did not write down the results of the divination, probably because the dust had settled on the battlefield, or perhaps the fortune-teller himself was involved in the war. .

And the rise of the Ying surname Zhao is also closely related to Mingtiao.

Legend has it that the first ancestor of the Ying surname, Bo Yi, had two sons: the eldest son was Dalian, who founded the Niaosu clan; the second son was Ruomu, who established the Fei clan. Their tribes were either in China or in the Yidi, and those in China must obey the The reign of the late summer. Ruomu did not know how many generations later, when it was passed on to his great-great-grandson Feichang, it was the last monarch of Xia, Xia Jie, who was both civil and military, but he was reckless and tyrannical, so many tribes betrayed him.

Fei Chang also went to Xia to return to Shang, relying on his family's expertise in riding horses, as Shang Tang's charioteer, he helped Shang Tang defeat Xia Jie in the decisive battle of Ming Tiao. To one person, to be punished by heaven, and to give him the promise of "Dalai Ru", Fei Chang was rewarded for his meritorious deeds. Since then, Ying's surname has been greatly favored as an important minister and even a prince of Yin and Shang for generations.

It's a pity that no matter the **** has been annihilated, the order of Zongzhou is also fragmented, and the Central Plains has entered the era of feudal lords competing for power and annexation ahead of schedule. And the two descendants of the surname Ying, the Zhao clan and the Qin country, actually fought against each other in the same room in Hedong, where their ancestors fought.

"History is such a joke." Zhao Wuxi shook his head, ignoring the flattery that some retainers and aides used Shang Tang Fajie to compare his counterattack against the Qin and Wei coalition forces, and turned his attention to the city of Anyi, which was a few miles away.

The smoke was billowing, and the burnt stench in the air could still be smelled for miles away. The fire in Anyi City had been burning for a day and a night.

Wei Ju and Zihu had already made the decision not to entangle with the Zhao army and just retreated, so they resolutely retreated, but they left behind the dead soldiers in the process of tug-of-war with the Zhao army's siege force, whether it was intentional or unintentional, He actually set fire in the city, and the fire got bigger and bigger with the help of the south wind, and finally it became like this.

It wasn't until the morning that the fire was a little weaker, but the ancient city with a long history was reduced to ruins. After Zhao Jun's follow-up troops put out the flames, they couldn't find anything useful from the pile of charred ruins. Only some Anyi people who didn't leave with Wei Jun stared blankly at all this.

Since the plague of locusts ravaged Hedong, Weimanduo disregarded the life and death of the people and suppressed the salt workers who entered the city to fight for food. The people of Weidi and the Wei family had become a little bit estranged, and only the soldiers who ate Wei's rice remained loyal. Now Zhao Wuxi has to thank Anyi for this fire. As long as he advertises to the local people that it was set by the Wei family himself, the Wei family's virtuous policies over the past 100 years will be completely burned.

Xia, Shang, Zhou, Jin and Wei, everything has become a cloud of smoke, and Hedong will usher in the era of Zhao's rule.

The raging fire burning the city did not stop Zhao Jun for too long. Although Zhao Wuxi had just moved here from Quwo, his vanguard had already chased after Yanchi.

But what Wu Xie miscalculated was that Qin and Wei Jun did not go to Puban to cross the river as he hoped, and then crashed into his own trap. According to the news from the scouts, the allied army of Qin and Wei suddenly turned south, bypassing Zhongtiao Mountain, and went to Wei Yi, the original fief of the Wei family, where it joined the remnants of the Zheng army.

They didn't go to Puban Ferry, their target was Fengling Ferry to the south of Weiyi!


"From Hedong to Qin, there are three major ferry crossings, Longmen, Puban, and Fenglingdu. Among them, Longmen has been controlled by the Xinzhigou Department of Dai County, and Shaoliang is also in danger under the attack of the Shangjun infantry. The siege of Mu Xia's army is just around the corner, but this Fenglingdu..."

That night, when Zhao Wuxi was escorted by the Yulin Army to the Zhao Army's camp near Yanchi, the generals of Hanoi, Dongyang and other counties were discussing the battle situation inside.

However, Yang Hu, who had been hidden in the snow for many years and looked a little old, analyzed: "Not far to the north of Fenglingdu is Zhimayi, which is still under the control of the Wei clan. On the south bank is Taolinsai, where people from the Qin Dynasty live. The Hangu Pass was built here, and the Han and Wei forces did not capture this dangerous pass a few years ago, and the Qin army entered Hewai through here in the spring of this year.”

"Although Fenglingdu is not as good as Puban, it is enough for Qin and Wei to cross the river. If they flee to Taolinsai before our army arrives, and then retreat to Weinan, it will be difficult to do..." This is the Hanoi Army's Song Ren Qi Wan is talking, this battle is related to whether Zhao's encirclement can be perfectly realized.

"General Liuxia is attacking Taolin with the Han clan. If they can't bite the enemy's tail, they have to occupy the south bank first."

After Zhao Wuxi listened to their analysis, he opened the tent and stepped inside, and the generals hurriedly bowed down.

"There is no need to salute when the armor is on your body." Zhao Wuxi asked everyone to avoid salute, and glanced at the generals, his eyes stayed on Yang Hu.

Compared to the laziness he was training in Dongyang before, Yang Hu's spirits were much better this time. Perhaps it was because he was back in battle, and he was excited to compete with Qin Wei and Zheng Qi. Give him the desire to climb further and become a hero of the founding of the country.

"Yang Sima's worries are not unreasonable. Fenglingdu is indeed the only outlet for this net in Hedong."

He turned to ask: "How is the situation in Hexi now? Is there any new news?"

"The news came half an hour ago that all the troops in Hexi of the Qin Kingdom have been wiped out, and there is no enemy in Hexi. The Qin people only have 5,000 troops left in Weinan, and there are also 5,000 troops in Taolinsai. If the Qin army in Hedong is also wiped out. , then most of Qin's soldiers will no longer exist. After the victory of Puban, the cavalry of Daijun and Shangjun were divided into several groups to cruise the west of the river, preparing to attack the city..."

Wu Xie said: "Hexi is already in my pocket, there is no need to hurry, let Yu Xi and Youcheng send at least 5,000 cavalry to cross the Weishui and outflank Fenglingdu and Taolinsai. In addition, let Mu Xia also End the battle in Puban as soon as possible. If the enemy's resistance is stubborn, ignore it and directly lead the army to attack Jima... In addition, on the other side of the river, we should also urge Han Shi and Liu Xiazhi to step up their attack on Taolinsai, and the three armies are encircled. If you avoid Puban, the decisive battle can only be fought at Fenglingdu!"

The generals commanded their orders in awe: "Wei!"

As soon as the voice fell, new information came from outside the door.

Young Wu Lin opened the tent and walked in, whispered a few words in Zhao Wuxie's ear, Wu Xie nodded and asked him to bring in the black clothes outside the camp.

The dusty black-clothed guard bowed to his head and handed Zhao Wuxi an urgent report.

The emergency newspaper was loaded into the bamboo tube, and the tattoo on it was the highest priority of "One Hundred Thousand Fire Urgent". After opening it, Zhao Wuxi took a cursory look, frowned, and then turned back to read it carefully, and then rolled it up.

The generals in the camp were all looking at him, waiting for the Lord to announce the news. Seeing his calm appearance, it shouldn't be bad news.

However, Zhao Wuxi held up this note from Hewai and said, "The state of Chu has sent aid to the Qin army, and the army has reached Yiluo and is approaching Luhun City."



Immediately, there were voices with different meanings in the tent, but the same thing was that everyone was surprised, because to be honest, the appearance of the State of Chu was not what they expected. very small.

Now, the Chu State has indeed sent troops, and it is not a petty fight with a side division.

Only Sun Wu was right, this old man was truly invincible.

The generals looked at Zhao Wuxi again, wanting to hear his opinion and whether the established strategy needs to be changed.

Wu Xie did look very calm, but there was a trace of turbulence and turbulence in his heart, just like the faint sound of the south wind blowing over the earth in the east of the river, causing the branches and leaves of the mulberry forest in the suburbs to gently sway...

"Two or three sons, this means that we have one more powerful enemy!" Zhao Wuxi emphasized: "Because this time, it is the King of Chu who is driving the expedition in person!"

(To be continued.)

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