Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 925: "Use Room"

PS: To write a paper, there is only one chapter today...

"The man with bamboo sticks and manshoes, speaking with a foreign accent, and carrying a long sword around his waist, looks very tired. He wanted to live in a pavilion without leading the way. According to the newly promulgated law of the state of Lu, pavilion The official must verify the identity of the lodger or the guide before he can accept it, if he does not check, he will be held accountable, and the official sees that his behavior is really suspicious, so he will report it to the government..."

Tantai Mie Ming has always been stable, so he was highly recommended by Yan Yan and became the magistrate of Ren County. I don't know if it's his bad luck or chance. Just two months after taking office, he met Lu Guofa Zhu, and more than 10,000 troops were stationed in his area. So Tantai destroyed the Ming Dynasty, collected food and grass, searched for the station, and recruited the people. They were very busy. Just after finishing the arrangement, they thought they could take a breath, and the county said that they had found a spy!

"The man seemed to be alert. When the county officials took someone to arrest him, he knocked down several people with a scabbard. The county Sima and I urgently called the soldiers from Tingzu Township to surround the pavilion. Only the power of man can restrain him..."

Tantai Mieming felt scared after thinking about it, that person should be a master of swordsmanship, but it was strange that he had no intention of killing, because if he had drawn his sword at that time, it would not have been impossible to leave a **** path. In that case, Tantai Mieming would have The guilt is greater.

"I don't want Xiao Renxian to even sneak in such a person..." Zhao Wuxi was also a little surprised, how could a country have such a powerful spy? The dying state of Zhu is definitely impossible, or is it Qi? Wu? Zheng?

Fortunately, Zhao Wuxi had already anticipated this kind of thing and had already taken insurance: the State of Lu, like the seven counties of the Zhao clan, implemented a strict household registration management system. ID card, which is a sign of Zhao's rule going deep into the grassroots level.

In addition, in general, the villages in the counties live a life of old and dead friends, and they only occasionally go to the market to exchange for the necessities of life. or foreign ambassadors. Therefore, Zhao's rule: For those who are far away from the place where they live, they need to be issued a kind of official document such as a letter of introduction, a pass, etc., from the place of their household registration, which is called "luyin". , is to be arrested in accordance with the law.

This is to prevent the enemy's spies from entering and leaving without hindrance, and the second is to prevent the people from going abroad. Such a strict management system is based on the Shiwu household registration system. Except for the seven counties of the Zhao clan and Lu outside, the other princes have no such awareness and means at all. Any movement state without adding more.

So there are quite a few foreign spies who have been arrested because they couldn't get the Luyin and Sang cards, such as today's unlucky guy, but the matter can be handled by the military officials below, so why report it to Zhao Wuxi?

Turns out, there was something odd about it.

Tantai Mieming explained: "After we captured him, we searched our luggage and found that he used pen, ink and paper to describe the danger of Kang's father, and also recorded the layout of the Zhao army camp... This minister believes that this person must be an enemy spy, and the stakes are very important. , then brought him to the main camp, and asked Shang Qing to send him. In addition to these things..."

He wiped his sweat and handed over a stack of densely written papers.

Although paper has been popular in the Central Plains for more than ten years, and the price has dropped a lot, people who can afford to use so much paper to record documents are definitely not ordinary spies, and what is written on it makes Tantai even more interested in reading. shock!

Zhao Wuxi didn't know why, so he opened it up and saw that this spy is a talented person, and the map is very well drawn. If the marchers get it, it will be a treasure. The layout of the Zhao army's camp has also marked the key points, which is very convenient for attacking the camp. As for those seal characters that look like letters...

"Soldiers, the major events of the country, the place of life and death, the way of life and death, must be observed..."

Zhao Wuxi was suddenly startled, glanced at it quickly, and continued to the next article.

"In the way of using the army, the whole country is the best, and the breaking of the country is second; the whole army is the best, and the breaking of the army is second... Therefore, it is not a good person to be victorious in a hundred battles. !"

What the hell!

Zhao Wuxi almost blurted out.

He may not be able to recite these words that every Chinese person is familiar with, but he only needs to look at them to know which great book it is in.

In order to confirm that it was correct, Zhao Wuxi quickly read the entire chapter, involuntarily clenched his fists, slammed the case a few times, and then slammed it again, the first time was shock, the second time was joy.

"Where is that person being held now?"

Tantai Mieming had never seen Zhao Wuxi, who was calm, be so rude, and quickly said: "The five flowers are **** and held outside the tent..."

"Not good!" Zhao Wuxi got up quickly, he didn't even have time to put on his shoes, and a pair of feet in full clothes ran out in small steps.

He opened the tent, and saw a group of armored soldiers, fully armed, surrounded by an old man with gray buns, eagle eyebrows, and a pair of sagittal beards under his chin. Although he was **** with five flowers, he was in good spirits. Zheng Xiao looked at Zhao Ying's arrangement with interest, and then looked at the equipment of the soldiers, and nodded slightly.

"But Sun Wuzi?" Zhao Wuxi asked loudly across the distance.

The old man looked at Zhao Wuxi and admitted frankly, "It's the old man."

Zhao Wuxi didn't care about the muddy ground, so he quickly stepped up and bowed his hands.

"Grandson is a great talent, and he has been fascinated for a long time. He sent envoys to hire him several times with gifts, but he was rejected by him. But he didn't expect that grandson would come to the door by himself. Quickly untie!"

Sun Wu sighed helplessly and said with a wry smile: "I never thought that the old man would meet Zhao Qing in this way..."


"Mingjun and virtuous generals, the important reason why they win a hundred battles and win a hundred battles is that they know the enemy's situation in advance. To know the enemy's situation in advance, you can't get it by superstitious ghosts, divination, stargazing, etc. You can only rely on spies. Therefore, the matter of the three armies , don’t be intimate, reward generous, and keep secrets…”

After Zhao Wuqi came forward, Sun Wu was quickly released. Zhao Wuqi invited him to bathe and change clothes in his dedicated tent, and then quickly sent people to summon Wu Renyan, who was in charge of the transportation of Zhao Jun's luggage in Dayoze. After confirming that the old man who had not been careful was indeed Sun Wu himself, he prepared a banquet and invited him as a guest.

At the banquet, Sun Wu, who had changed his clothes, was refreshed again. Thinking of this embarrassing experience, he couldn't help feeling emotional and started talking.

"Any enemy army that wants to attack, an enemy city to attack, or an enemy general to be killed, must first send spies to investigate the commander-in-chief, right and left cronies, as well as the names and whereabouts of the attendants, gatekeepers, and Shiren. Only then can you take advantage of its weakness and win, and that's the benefit of spies."

"This is the "Using Room" in Mr. Art of War? It's really incisive. After reading it, Wu Xie's heart breaks." Zhao Wu Xie smiled and was very enthusiastic about Sun Wu. Celebrity, the real immortal, he just wrote half of "Sun Tzu's Art of War", and it fell into the hands of Zhao Wuxi. He read it overnight like a treasure. Thinking that the young self in the previous life was also fascinated by it, and seeing the real person today, can't help but sigh.

"Ashamed." Sun Wu said helplessly: "If I had been to Zhao Qing's territory beforehand, this article would not have been written so simply..."

It turns out that since Sun Wu and Wu Zixu failed in their plan to assassinate Goujian, the king of Yue, he took the initiative to blame his old friend and left Wucheng in disguise. He went north all the way. The local organization of Wu State was originally backward. In many places, even Qimin could not do it, so the interrogation along the way was very loose. Sun Wu easily left Wujing and entered Song State.

Song folk religions are prevalent, people who believe in the way of heaven can be seen everywhere, and there are Wu Zhu preaching to Sun Wu from time to time, but because of this, the flow of believers from various places is also very frequent. For example, they often go to Shangqiu to listen to Nanzi's teaching When preaching, Sun Wu was dressed in black and mixed in, but he didn't show any flaws.

Next, he arrived in Wei State, which coincided with the chaos in Emperor Qiu, Zhao Jun entered Wei State, and there were panic refugees everywhere in Wei State, and even in the chaos, no one came to take care of Sun Wu.

Perhaps it was the easy journey that made Sun Wu's guard slack, or perhaps it was because he was old that he could no longer travel long distances for a few months and still be in good spirits like when he was young. After sneaking across the border and running to Father Kang to observe Zhao's camp, Sun Wu was a little tired, and he couldn't bear to sleep in the open again. .com~ I will watch Zhao's battle with full spirit again...

Unexpectedly, this giant ship that rides the wind and waves on the river, turned over in a small gutter. Sun Wu was interrogated by the county officials because he had no way to guide him.

After listening to Zhao Wuxi's introduction to the household registration and road guidance system of the state of Lu, Sun Wu praised it and concluded that if the spies of other countries were not well prepared, it would be difficult for them to enter Zhao's territory to conduct espionage activities...

Zhao Wuxi was also embarrassed to specialize in beauty, because this was actually the system of the Qin State during the Warring States Period, and the practitioner Shang Yang even killed himself.

At the time when the wine was in full swing, Sun Wu politely refused Zhao Wuxi's persuasion to drink, and stared at him meaningfully and said: "Zhao Qing not only does a good job of guarding the room, but also is very good in the use of the room..."

"Oh, what do you mean by that, sir?"

"There are five uses: there are reasons, there is internal, there is anti, there is death, and there is life. The so-called internal refers to bribing the officials of the enemy country to be spies. Qu Ao, the son-in-law of the Dazai of Wu, is probably Zhao Qing. Send it to Wu's inner room!"

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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